LEDA publications database

Database contains 1320 titles published between 1970 and 2024, with 444 full texts or abstracts available on line

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Author: Stevanović, D.
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No. Author(s) Title Publ. in/at/as Date Year pages Classification
1) Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Savić, M. Active power monitoring system for load up to 2kW Proceedings of 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, 978-86-6125-248-828.02-02.03 2022106-110(M33)Internat.conf.(full)


2) Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Litovski, V. Nonlinear Load Characterisation Using Orthogonal Apparent Power Decompositions Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Vol. 27, No. 1, Kaunas University of Technology, Palanga, Lithuania, ISSN 1392-1215, doi:10.5755/j02.eie.25861February 2021pp. 12-22(M23)Internat.journal
3) Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Savić, M. Single-Load Power Monitoring System 15th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - ПЕС2021, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-241-930.08.-01.09. 2021pp. 70-73(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
4) Savić, M., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M. Monitoring system for AC current up to 20A 8th Conference IcEtran, Stanišići, Republika Srpska08.09-10.09 2021ELI1.1(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
5) Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Savić, M. Power monitoring system for current up to 20A (conference reptint) ELECTROTECHNICA & ELECTRONICA, E+E Journal, vol. 56, issue 5-8, ISSN 0861-4717November 2021pp. 55-59(M53)Scientific journal (nat.)
6) Milić, D., Stošović, S., Stevanović, D., Anastasov, J. Evaluacija dometa Lora IOT primopredajnika u urbanom i ruralnom okruženju 65. Konferencija ETRAN, Stanišići, Republika Srpska08.09-10.09 2021TE1.4(M63)National conference


7) Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Application of a Standard Power Meter for Detection Source of Harmonic Pollution and Reducing Economic Losses at Power Grid Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 48, Issue 1-2, Taylor & Francis, UK, ISSN 1532-5008, doi:10.1080/15325008.2020.173187907.04. 2020pp. 42-55(M23)Internat.journal
8) Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Petković, P. Analysis of existing methods for detection of source of harmonic pollution Proceedings of 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-412.02.-14.02. 2020pp. 129-134(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
9) Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M. Improving the system for registration of electric energy consumption 2020 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2020, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina, ISBN 978-1-7281-9863-7, doi:10.1109/INDEL50386.2020.926620704.11.-06.11. 2020pp. 1-5(M33)Internat.conf.(full)


10) Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D. Classification of Nonlinear Loads using Current Spectrum Proceedings of the 6th IcETRAN Conference, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-7466-785-903.06.-06.06. 2019pp. 422-425(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
11) Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M. Mining Ring Diagnosis using Artificial Neural Networks 54th International Scient. Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, Ohrid, Macedonia, ISSN 2603-325927.06.-29.06. 2019pp. 294-297(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
12) Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D. Nonlinear Loads Classification Method Using Alternative Reactive Power Definitions Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-212-926.08.-28.08. 2019P1_14 pp. 1-4(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
13) Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Petković, P. Gubici na EE mreži usled korišćenja opreme za rudarenje kriptovaluta Zbornik radova IV naučno-stručnog simpozijuma ENERGETSKA EFIKASNOST - ENEF, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-39-714.11.-15.11. 2019pp. 49-52(M63)National conference


14) Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M. Real-time System for Nonlinear Load Analysis in 50A Current Range Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-199-312.02.-14.02. 2018pp. 83-88(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
15) Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Petković, P. Utility losses due to cryptocurrency mining Web proceedings of the 10th International Conference ICT Innovations, Ohrid, ISSN 1857-728817.09.-19.09. 2018pp. 27-36(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
16) Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M. Sistem za analizu nelinearnih potrošača nominalne struje do 50A Tehničko rešenje - nova metoda, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/10-002/18-001, Niš18.01. 2018(M85)Technical solution


17) Miona Andrejević Stošović, Marko Dimitrijević, Dejan Stevanović Application of ELM Algorithm in Characterization of Nonlinear Loads Proceedings of the 5th IcETRAN Conference, Kladovo, Serbia, ISBN 978‐86‐7466‐692‐005.06.-08.06. 2017ELI2.6 1-4(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
18) Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D., Dimitrijević, M. Monitoring and Classification of Nonlinear Loads Based on Artificial Neural Networks 13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS), Niš, 978-1-5386-1799-1, doi: 10.1109/TELSKS.2017.824632018.10.-20.10. 2017pp. 443-446(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
19) Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D., Dimitrijević, M. Classification of Nonlinear Loads Based on Artificial Neural Networks IEEE 30th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL), Niš, ISBN 978-1-5386-2561-3, doi:10.1109/MIEL.2017.819010709.10.-11.10. 2017pp. 221-224(M33)Internat.conf.(full)


20) Dejan Stevanović, Marko Dimitrijević, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Predrag Petković Monitoring and Compensation of Harmonics in Smart Grid Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-212.02.-14.02. 2016pp. 99 -103(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
21) Bojanić, S., Djordjević, Sr., Stevanović, D., Dimitrijević, M., Korunović, L. Efficient non-intrusive distinguisher of small non-linear electric loads Proceedings of 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Porto, Portugal, ISBN 978-1-5090-1298-5, doi:10.1109/EEM.2016.752122006.06.-09.06. 2016pp. 1-5(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
22) Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Petronijević, M., Petković, P. Compensation of Harmonics in Smart Grid Using Photovoltaic Energy Source XI International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - INDEL 2016, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-1-5090-2329-5, doi:10.1109/INDEL.2016.779779903.11.-05.11. 2016pp. 1-6(M33)Internat.conf.(full)


23) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. A Single-Point Method for Identification Sources of Harmonic Pollution Applicable to Standard Power Meters Electrical Engineering, Volume 97, Issue 2, ISSN 0948-7921(prn), ISSN 1432-0487(online), doi:10.1007/s00202-014-0324-zJune 2015 2015pp 165-174(M23)Internat.journal
24) Dejan Stevanović, Predrag Petković Utility needs smarter power meters in order to reduce economic losses Facta Universitatis Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 28, No 3, doi:10.2298/FUEE1503407SSeptember 2015 2015pp. 407-421(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
25) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Analiza metoda za detekciju nelinearnih potrošača Zbornik LIX konferencije ETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-68.6.-11.6. 2015EL2.2(M63)National conference
26) Srdjan Djordjević, Slobodan Bojanić, Marko Dimitrijević, Dejan Stevanović Monitoring potrošnje električne energije zasnovan na kontinualnom praćenju aktivne i snage izobličenja Zbornik LIX konferencije ETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-608.06.-11.06. 2015EL2.3(M63)National conference
27) Srdjan Djordjević, Slobodan Bojanić, Dejan Stevanović, Marko Dimitrijević Novi metod za detekciju događaja u neinvazivnom monitoringu potrošnje Naučno-stručni simpozijum - Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2015, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-23-625.09.-26.09. 2015pp. 132-135(M63)National conference
28) Dejan Stevanović, Milutin Petronijević, Predrag Petković Karakterizacija četvorokvadrantnog jednosmernog pogona uz pomoć modifikovane standardne merne grupe Naučno-stručni simpozijum - Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2015, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-23-625.09.-26.09. 2015str. 118-122(M63)National conference
29) Dejan Stevanović Metod za efikasnu identifikaciju harmonijskih izobličenja u elektroenergetskoj mreži primenom modifikovanih elektronskih brojila Elektronski fakultet u Nišu28 dec 2015128(M71)PhD thesis
30) Jovanović, B., Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Damnjanović, M. DSP blok za trofazni integrisani merač potrošnje električne energije, Tehničko rešenje Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/10-034/15-001, Niš30.11. 2015(M85)Technical solution


31) Petković, P., Stevanović, D. Detection of power grid harmonic pollution sources based on upgraded power meters Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 65, No. 3 2014pp. 163-168(M23)Internat.journal
32) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. A single-point method based on distortion power for the detection of harmonic sources in power system Metrology and measurement systems, Vol. XXI(2014), No.1, ISSN 0860-8229, doi:10.2478/mms-2014-0001 2014pp. 3-14(M23)Internat.journal
33) Dejan Stevanović, Predrag Petković, Volker Zerbe Single Phase System for Detection of Harmonic Pollution Sources at Power Grid Proceedings of the 5th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-098-912.02.-14.02. 2014pp. 74-78(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
34) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Monofazni sistem za detekciju potrošača koji predstavljaju izvor harmonijskih izobličenja u elektroenergetskom sistemu Zbornik LVIII konferencije ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-902.06.-05.06. 2014EL1.4(M63)National conference
35) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Monofazni sistem za detekciju izvora harmonijskih izobličenja na mestu priključenja potrošača Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu 2014(M85)Technical solution


36) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. The Losses at Power Grid Caused by Small Nonlinear Loads Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 10, No. 1, Febryary 2013, Čačak, Serbia, ISSN 1451-4869 2013pp. 209-217(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
37) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Harmonics in Power System – Problems and Solutions (in Serbian*) XII međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH®-JAHORINA 2013 , Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-763-1-820. mart - 22. mart 2013pp. 203-208(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
38) Petković, P., Jovanović, B., Stevanović, D. Energetska efikasnost i elektronika Zbornik radova konferencije Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2013, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-18-222.11.-23.11. 2013pp. B3 1-8(M61)Invited lect.in national confer.
39) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Unapređenje sistema za registrovanje potrošnje električne energije Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor03.06.-06.06. 2013EL4.3(M63)National conference


40) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. The Efficient Technique for Harmonic Sources Detection at Power Grid Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, ISSN 0033-2097 2012pp. 196-199(M23)Internat.journal
41) Borisav Jovanović, Milunka Damnjanović, Dejan Stevanović The Decomposition of DSP’s Control Logic Block Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-012.02.-14.02. 2012pp. 119-124(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
42) Dejan Mirković, Dejan Stevanović, Vančo Litovski Efficient Fault Effect Extraction for an Integrated Power Meter’s ΣΔ ADC Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-012.02.-14.02. 2012125-128(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
43) Dejan Stevanović, Borisav Jovanović, Predrag Petković Simulation of Utility Losses Caused by Nonlinear Loads at Power Grid Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-012.02.-14.02. 2012pp. 155-160(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
44) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Measurement of Utility Losses Caused by Nonlinear Loads at Power Grid IX Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2012, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-14-401.11-03.11 2012pp. 247-250(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
45) Nieto-Taladriz, O., Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Mirković, D. Energy Profile of a Personal Computer Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-911.06.-14.06. 2012EL3.3(M63)National conference
46) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Gubici u elektro energetskom sistemu izazvani malim nelinearnim potrošačima Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-911.06.-14.06. 2012EL3.4(M63)National conference
47) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Metod za registrovanje gubitaka izazvanih nelinearnim potrošačima u elektrodistributivnom/elektroenergetskom sistemu zasnovan na merenju snage distorzije TR32004 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip 2012(M85)Technical solution


48) Stevanović, D., Petković, P., Jovanović, B. Modelling and Simulation of Power Consumption at Nonlinear Loads International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science (IJRRCS)-Special Issue April, Science Academy Publisher United Kingdom, ISSN 2079-2557April 2011pp. 27-32(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
49) Stevanović, D., Petković, P. A New Method for Detecting Source of Harmonic Polution at Grid Proceedings of 16th International Symposium POWER ELECTRONICS Ee2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7892-356-226.10.-28.10. 2011T6-2.9 pp. 1-4(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
50) Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P., Litovski, V. Korišćenje snage distorzije za identifikaciju izvora harmonijskog zagađenja na mreži Tehnika - Elektrotehnika, 6/2011, Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, ISSN 0040-2176 2011pp. 975-980(M52)National journal
51) Stevanović, D., Milovanović, D., Petković, P. Indikator temperaturskog opsega u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-206.06.-09.06. 2011EL 3.3(M63)National conference
52) Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P. Blok za merenje snage distorzije TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip 2011(M85)Technical solution
53) Stevanović, D., Mirković, D., Petković, P. Integrisani senzor temperature na čipu TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip 2011(M85)Technical solution


54) Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B. Izračunavanje snage distorzije u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-507.06. – 11.06. 2010EL3.5-1-4(M63)National conference
55) Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P. Identifikacija izvora harmonijskog zagađenja korišćenjem snage distorzije VIII Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2010, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-03-84-6 November 2010pp. 174-178(M63)National conference


56) Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P. Logička verifikacija mikrokontrolera u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije LIII Konferencija ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-64-815.06-18.06. 2009EL 2.2-1-4(M63)National conference


57) Sokolović, M., Stevanović, D., Petković, P. Projektovanje za IDDQ testiranje u SoC Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-108.06-12.06. 2008EL2.3-1-4(M63)National conference
58) Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Sokolović, M., Petković, P. Projektovanje RTC u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-108.06-12.06. 2008EL3.4-1-4(M63)National conference

58 records found in 0.032 sec.

Summary and statistics:

Technical solution (M85)   6 (10.34%)  12.0
PhD thesis (M71)   1 (1.72%)  6.0
National conference (M63)   16 (27.59%)  8.0
Invited lect.in national confer. (M61)   1 (1.72%)  1.5
Scientific journal (nat.) (M53)   1 (1.72%)  2.0
National journal (M52)   1 (1.72%)  2.0
Internat.conf.(full) (M33)   23 (39.66%)  23.0
Internat.journ.promoted by authorities (M24)   3 (5.17%)  9.0
Internat.journal (M23)   6 (10.34%)  18.0

Scientific competence factor* (for Serbian Ministry of Science):


  *Warning! The authomatic scientific competence factor calculation is:
1) based upon current data from LEDA database that can be incorrect
2) running in an experimental mode and uses fourmulas that are not officialy confirmed.