2000 |
No. |
Author(s) |
Title |
Publ. in/at/as |
Date |
Year |
pages |
Classification |
1) |
Kader, M., Lenczner, M., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Distributed Control Based on Distributed Electronic Circuits, Application to Vibration Control |
Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2000, Niš, Yugoslavia | 4-5 September |
2000 | pp. 27-34 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1999 |
2) |
Jakovljević, M., Lenczner, M., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž., Risojević, V. |
Integrated Simulator for MEMS Using FEM Implementation in AHDL and Frontal Solver for Large Sparse Systems of Equations |
Design, Test and Microfabrication of MEMS, MOEMS '99, CAD, Design and Test, Paris, France | 30. Mar. - 1. Apr. |
1999 | pp. 306-315 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
3) |
Kader, M., Lenczner, M., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Approximation of distributed control laws using distributed electronic devices for vibration control |
SPIE's 6th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, USA | 1-5 March |
1999 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |