LEDA publications database

Database contains 1338 titles published between 1970 and 2024, with 460 full texts or abstracts available on line

results of searching

Keyword: CILE

sorted by year of publishing descending (grouped)

resulted:                                                                                                     download the result as RTF file (MS Word compatible)


No. Author(s) Title Publ. in/at/as Date Year pages Classification
1) Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. Laboratorija za elektroniku podržana računarskom mrežom Tehnika - Elektrotehnika, Beograd, ISSN 0013-5836July 2006No. 55 Vol. 3 pp. 1-9(M52)National journal


2) Marko Dimitrijević, Vančo Litovski Implementation of the Component Characteristic Curve Tracer using PC-based Acquisition Card Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Niš, ISBN 86-85195-23-328.03.-29.03. 2005pp. 63-66(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
3) Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. Computer Integrated Analogue Electronics Laboratory for Undergraduate Teaching Proceedings of Remote Engineering Virtual Instrumentation Symposium, Brasov, Romania, ISBN 3-89958-137-730.06.-01.07. 2005Proc. on CD, 31.1-31.5(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
4) Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. Specific Linear Electronic Circuits Analysis Using PC-based Acquisition Card Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 Conference, Beograd, Serbia, ISBN 1-4244-0050-3, doi:10.1109/EURCON.2005.21.11.-24.11. 2005pp. 910-913(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
5) Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. Computer Integrated Analogue Electronics Laboratory for Undergraduate Teaching International Journal of Online Engineering, Kassel University Press, ISSN 1861-2121November 2005Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 1-4(M53)Scientific journal (nat.)
6) Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. Implementation of 1MHz Network Analyzer using PC-based Acquisition Card Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran 2005, Budva, ISBN 86-80509-53-105.06.-10.06. 2005Vol. 1 pp. 90-93(M63)National conference
7) Dimitrijević, M. Računarom integrisana laboratorija za elektroniku Magistarska teza, Niš21.12. 200594 pages(M72)MSc thesis


8) Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. Implementation of the Component Characteristic Curve Tracer Using PC-Based Acquisition Card Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843December 2004pp. 35-38(M53)Scientific journal (nat.)
9) Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V., Jovanović, S. Računarski sistem za izvodjenje laboratorijskih vežbi iz Elektronike V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-111.11.-13.11. 2004pp. 156-160(M63)National conference

9 records found in 0.013 sec.

Summary and statistics:

MSc thesis (M72)   1 (11.11%)  3.0
National conference (M63)   2 (22.22%)  1.0
Scientific journal (nat.) (M53)   2 (22.22%)  4.0
National journal (M52)   1 (11.11%)  2.0
Internat.conf.(full) (M33)   3 (33.33%)  3.0

Scientific competence factor* (for Serbian Ministry of Science):


  *Warning! The authomatic scientific competence factor calculation is:
1) based upon current data from LEDA database that can be incorrect
2) running in an experimental mode and uses fourmulas that are not officialy confirmed.