LEDA publications database

Database contains 1338 titles published between 1970 and 2024, with 460 full texts or abstracts available on line

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Keyword: Southampton

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No. Author(s) Title Publ. in/at/as Date Year pages Classification
1) Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Zwolinski, M. Analogue Electronic Circuit Diagnosis Based on ANNs Microelectronics Reliability, ISSN:0026-2714August 2006pp. 1382-1391(M22)Eminent internat. journal


2) Mark Zwolinski, Miljana Milić Verification of Digital System Test Patterns using a VHDL Simulator Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-328.03.-29.03. 2005pp. 12-15(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
3) Vančo Litovski, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Mark Zwolinski Acceleration of MEMS Fault Simulation Using ANNs Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-328.03.-29.03. 2005pp. 50-54(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
4) Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Zwolinski, M. Behavioural Modelling, Simulation, Test and Diagnosis of MEMS using ANNs Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, ISBN 0-7803-8835-623.05.-25.05. 2005Vol. 5, pp. 182-185(M33)Internat.conf.(full)


5) Litovski, V., Litovski, I., Zwolinski, M. Concurrent Analogue Fault Simulation, the Equation Formulation Aspect International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, ISSN: 0098-988629.04. 2004pp. 487-507(M22)Eminent internat. journal
6) Litovski, V., Andrejević Stošović, M., Petković, P., Damper, R. ANN Application to Modelling of the D/A and A/D Interface for Mixed-Mode Behavioural Simulation Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Volume 13, Number 1, ISBN 0218-1266February 2004pp. 181-192(M23)Internat.journal
7) Andrejević, M., Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. Black-box Application in Modeling of Micro-electro-mechanical Systems Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci , ISSN 1450-5843Decembar 2004pp. 27-30(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
8) Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Zwolinski, M. Acceleration of MEMS Fault Simulation Using ANNs Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci , ISSN 1450-5843December 2004pp. 49-53(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
9) Sokolović, M., Zwolinski, M. Verification of Digital System Test Patterns Using a VHDL Simulator Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843December 2004pp. 71-74(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
10) Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Zwolinski, M. ANN Based Modeling, Testing and Diagnosis of MEMS Neurel 2004, Beograd, ISBN 0-7803-8547-023.9.-25.9 2004pp. 183-188(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
11) Andrejević, M., Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. ANN Application in Modeling of MEMS V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-111.11.-13.11. 2004pp. 99-102(M63)National conference


12) Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Damper, R. Modeling the D/A Interface for Mixed-Mode Behavioral Simulation EUROCON 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia, ISBN 0-7803-7763Septembar 2003A130-A133(M33)Internat.conf.(full)


13) Ilić, T., Zarković, K., Litovski, V., Damper, R. ANN Application in Modelling of Dynamic Linear Circuits Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2000, Niš, Yugoslavia4-5 September 2000pp. 47-52(M33)Internat.conf.(full)


14) Litovski, I., Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. Large-change-sensitivity computation in linear electronic circuits Proceedins of 18th International Spring Seminar on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, Sozopol, Bulgaria 1996pp. 268-274(M33)Internat.conf.(full)


15) Brown, A., Garagate, C., Kazmierski, T., Mrčarica, Ž., Zwolinski, M. Anatomy of a Simulation Backplane IEE Proceedings - Comput. Digit. Tech., Vol 142, No. 6, November, ISSN: 1350- 2387 1995pp. 377-385(M22)Eminent internat. journal
16) Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. VLSI circuit simulation and optimization Chapman and Hall, bice objavljeno, London 1995-(-)Educat. publication


17) Garagate, C., Kazmierski, T., Mrčarica, Ž., Zwolinski, M. The ALFA Simulation Backplane Research Journal of Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK 1994pp. 114-116(-)Report


18) Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. Hybrid Simulation: The State-Of-The-Art 2nd Serbian Conference on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, MIOPEL '93, (Pozvano uvodno predavanje), Niš, Srbija26-28 Oktobar 1993pp. 375-382(M31)Invited lect. internat conference
19) Kazmierski, T., Mrčarica, Ž., Zwolinski, M. The ALFA Simulation Backplane Workshop on Design Methodologies for Microelectronics and Signal Processing, Krakow, Poland20.-23. Oct. 1993pp. 227-231(M33)Internat.conf.(full)

19 records found in 0.021 sec.

Summary and statistics:

National conference (M63)   1 (5.26%)  0.5
Internat.conf.(full) (M33)   8 (42.11%)  8.0
Invited lect. internat conference (M31)   1 (5.26%)  3.0
Internat.journ.promoted by authorities (M24)   3 (15.79%)  9.0
Internat.journal (M23)   1 (5.26%)  3.0
Eminent internat. journal (M22)   3 (15.79%)  15.0
Educat. publication (-)   1 (5.26%)  0.0
Report (-)   1 (5.26%)  0.0

Scientific competence factor* (for Serbian Ministry of Science):


  *Warning! The authomatic scientific competence factor calculation is:
1) based upon current data from LEDA database that can be incorrect
2) running in an experimental mode and uses fourmulas that are not officialy confirmed.