The following activities were undertaken during the last period.
- After acceptance of the SoC curriculum opinion were collected from several integrated-circuit design centers regarding the quality and sustainability of the curriculum. Three texts are to be found here written by
- Srdjan Milenković (Lime Microsystems Ltd.)
- Željko Mrčarica (ST Microelectronics)
- Saša Janković (Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe)
- Association for IT and telecommunication (Udruenje za informatike delatnosti i telekomunikacioni saobraaj) and Coordinative committee for ICT of Regional Chamber of Economy Ni, organizes the 3rd ICT Forum - ICT Forum 2008 from 04. to 06. November 2008 in Regional Chamber of Economy Ni with participation of several LEDA members. The following lecture presented the TEMPUS JEP 41107-2006.
P. Petković System on Chip Design new curriculum at Faculty of Electronics Niš
- The TEMPUS JEP 41107-2006 project activists took part at the TREND symposium held at the Kopaonik Mountain in Serbia. The following presentation were given by our project members within the Joint TEMPUS Projects Workshop JADES DEUKS - SoCD, March 3, 2009
P. Petkovi, V. Litovski Novi program diplomskih akademskih studija kao osnova za doktorske studije na Elektronskom fakultetu u Niu
- The TEMPUS JEP 41107-2006 project activists took part at the ETRAN conference held in Vrnjacka Banja on June 14 to 18 (full program of the conference can be found here). A very successful round table was organized together with the Project JADES.
Opinion of MSc S. Pantić from the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Niš can be seen here.
- Prof. Litovski had a meeting with Her Excellency Mrs. Jela Baović, ambassador of Republic of Serbia in Spain on July 03, 2009. The main subject of the discussion was a report on the TEMPUS JEP 41107-2006 project and possible supportto the futurescientific collaboration between the University of Niš, and the Technical University of Madrid.

On the photo: Mrs. Jaović, Prof. Bojanić, and Prof. Litovski at the Santa Ana square in Madrid.
- At ETAI 2009 conference (Ohrid, Macedonia, 26-29 September) the following paper was presented:
Petković, P., Trajanov, D., Grnarov, A., Litovski, V.: System on Chip Design: New Harmonized Master Studies Curriculum in Macedonia and Serbia
- Presentation of the project results (including start up of the SoC laboratory) to the public
- The faculty of Electronic Engineering (via a presentation in front of 40 people from all departments of the faculty, a short movie filmed at the dissemination event on October 01, 2009 may be found here) and
- The broad serbian public via several media (printed and eletronic)
- Broadcast "City News" at Banker TV - video clip
- Broadcast "Info" at ZonaTV - video clip
- Broadcast "Telepres" at NTV - video clip
- Interview Prof. Litovski; Program "Good morning", Zona TV, Ni, October 6th, 2009. - video clip
- Article (in Serbian) published in the local daily journal Narodne novine -
show picture
Within the Small Systems Simulation Symposium that took place in Nis on 12. 14. February, 2010, at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, a round table devoted to the Tempus JEP 41107 was planned.
It took place on Sunday February 14 with participation of representatives of all parties taking part in the project.
The main topics considered were related to the status of the realization of the project task, discussion of the preparation of the Final Report and preparation for application for the next phase project.
Several members of the faculty teaching staff took part in the discussion. The main interest expressed was how separate parts of the project plan were managed and what are the benefits of the traveling within the projects. It was stressed that stays between two weeks and three months are most convenient for knowledge acquisition and transfer and for preparation and creating forms of long term cooperation.

The participant of the round table: TEMPUS JEP 41107
- TEPUS JEP 41107 on TREND Kopaonik
The following papers were reported at the XVI Conference: Development Trends, that took place at Kopaonik, on March 1-4, 2010.
- Litovski, V., Nieto-Taldriz, O., Zwolinski, M., Trajanov, D., Bojani, S., Petkovi, P., and Grnarov, A., TEMPUS JEP-41107 System on Chip Design, Overview of the realization, Proc. Of the XVI Conf.: Development Trends, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2010, pp. 308-311.
- Trajanov, D., Filipovska, S., and Grnarov, A., Academic staff and student mobility benefits and problems, experiences from TEMPUS SoCD Project, Proc. Of the XVI Conf.: Development Trends, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2010, pp. 287-290.
- Bojani, S., and Nieto-Taladriz, O., TEMPUS Project SoCD: Master Courses, Proc. Of the XVI Conf.: Development Trends, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2010, pp.291-293.