LEDA education


Laboratory is part of Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš. As all members of LEDA are engaged in educational activities, here we have informations for our students. Here we also have a short (2'13'' - 24MB) video presentation of our depratmant - Electronics (Elektronika)


BS studies/Redovne studije


Raspored korišćenja laboratorije 233


MS studies/Magistarske studije



Kratak kurs operativnog sistema Unix*

Laboratorija LEDA je prva na Elekronskom fakultetu u Nišu uvela UNIX. Ovaj kurs je namenjen kako studentima redovnih tako i postdiplomskih studija kao i svim zainteresovanim sadašnjim i budućim korisnicima Unix-a.




Collaboration - handshake image

TEMPUS small logo

Tempus JEP_41107_2006 project

More information about the project can be found here
Tempus CD_JEP-17028-2002 project