Dec 19
2010 |
Dec 19
2010 |
Dec 10
2010 |
1 Dec
2010 |
Nov 8
2010 |
ISSBNS Seminar
Within the ISSNBS project a seminar will take place on November 12.2010, in Room 203, at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering.
Following is the PROGRAM of the seminar.
09:30 |
V. Litovski, V. Zerbe, Opening |
09:50 |
Schulz, M., "Modeling in opm and simulation with MLD". |
10:10 |
Marinov,M., Djamiykov, T., Alexiev, D., “Facility Monitoring System with IEEE 1451 Interface” |
10:30 |
Kokolanski, K., Gavrovski, C., “Direct sensor to microcontroller interfacing” |
10:50 |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., „Low Power Microcontroller Design By Using UPF“. |
11:10 |
Todorović D., Božić M., Zerbe V., „Virtual Reality Interface in Matlab-Simulink for Mechatronic Interface“. |
11:30 |
Knežić, M., Ivanovic, Ž., Dokić, B., "Topology Aspects in EtherCAT networks" |
11:50 |
Lubura, S., “Model-Based Systems Design with MATLAB/SIMULINK” |
Coffee |
12:10 |
Djamiykov,T., Alexiev, D. , Iovev, A., “Sun altitude Sensor”, |
12:30 |
Srbinovska, M., Gavrovski, C., “Localization algorithms for wireless networks” |
12:50 |
Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P., „Use of distortion power for side identification of the harmonic polution“ |
13:10 |
Blanuša, B., Matić, P., Dokić, B., "New Hybrid Model for Efficiency Optimization of Induction Motor Drives" |
13:30 |
Stanojlović, M., Petković, P., „Standard cell based criptographic ASIC resistant to side channel attacks“ |
Lunch |
The program is also available as the printable pdf document. |
1 Nov
2010 |
Oct 21
2010 |
On November 04-06, 2010, the INDEL conference will take place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina (more informations can be found here). Here is the list of papers from LEDA that were accepted for this conference and will be presented on it
- Đošić, S., Jevtić, M.: Analiza mogućnosti prevazilaženja prolaznih otkaza kod RTS-a sa redundansom u vremenu
- Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V.: Hyper computing implementation in electronic circuits diagnosis
- Jovanović, B., Jevtić, M.: Implementacija tehnika za povećanje brzine rada kod binarnih delitelja
- Milić, M., Litovski, V.: Primena metoda oscilacija za testiranje aktivnog filtra, nepropusnika opsega frekvencija
- Stanojlović, M., Petković, P.: Otpornost na bočne napade ASIC kripto sistema zasnovanog na standardnim ćelijama
- Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P.: Identifikacija izvora harmonijskog zagađenja korišćenjem snage distorzije
- Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M.: Low Power Microcontroller Design By using UPF
Oct 21
2010 |
LEDA at ICT Forum
The regional Chamber of Commerce (RPK) in Nis is organiying the Fourth ICT Forum that will take place in the premices of RPK on 02-04, November. Prof Litovski is chairing the organizing committee of the ICT Forum.
The following LEDA lecture will be presented (in Serbian):
Litovski, V., and Petković, P., "The Cryptographic Function within the AMI system: why and how". |
1 Oct
2010 |
Sep 20
2010 |
Željko Dimić visiting LEDA
Our former member Željko Dimić (now director of engineering in Tucows) visited our laboratory. With him also was Jill Murray, vice president of Nature conservancy of Canada. |
Sep 15
2010 |
Sep 6-9
2010 |
August 25
2010 |
New hardware equipment in LEDA
5 new brandname PC based workstations delivered to LEDA. The eqipment is produced by DELL - Optiplex 980 MT N-series (Intel Processor Core i7-860) and intended for intensive calculation, simulation and other scientific activities of LEDA staff. |
July 22
2010 |
July 19
2010 |
July 12
2010 |
1 July
2010 |
2010 |
Dr Aleksandar Tasić visiting LEDA
Associate editor of Transactions on Circuits and Systems and Chapter chair of San Diego Circuits and Systems Society Dr Ir Aleksandar Tasić (staff engineer with Qualcomm San Diego) visited our Laboratory. Aleksandar Tasić was member of the Laboratory in nineties. |
2010 |
2010 |
LEDA at 54th ETRAN Conference
At the 54th ETRAN Conference, that takes place in Donji Milanovac, Serbia, from June 7 – 11, LEDA members participates with the following papers:
- Jelena Milojković, Vančo Litovski,"Novi modeli predviđanja potrošnje električne energije zasnovani na VNM"
- Miona Andrejević Stošović, Vančo Litovski, Marko Dimitrijević, "Implementacija paralelne simulacije elektronskih kola u frekvencijskom domenu"
- Marko Dimitrijević, Miona Andrejević Stošović, "SpeedLab – laboratorija za elektroniku nove generacije"
- Srđan Đorđević, "Simbolička analiza elektronskih kola zasnovana na graničnim vrednostima parametara kola"
- Slobodan Bojanić, Srđan Đorđević,"Kriptoanaliza sekvencijalnih kriptografskih algoritama zasnovana na upotrebi binarnog dijagrama odlučivanja"
Milena Stanojlović, Predrag M. Petković, "Projektovanje WDDL ćelija otpornih na bočne napade"
- Dejan Mirković, Predrag M. Petković, "Višekanalni Σ∆ A/D konvertor za integrisani merač potrošnje električne energije"
- Melikyan, V., Mirković, D., Petrosyan, H., Musayelyan, E., Stepanyan, A., Beglaryan, N., "Tuning methods for characterizing complicated functionality circuits"
Miljana Milić, "Napredno modelovanje kašnjenja sekvencijalnih kola za Monte-Carlo analizu"
- Borisav Jovanović, Milunka Damnjanović, "Low power techniques for leakage power minimization"
- Dejan Stevanović, Borisav Jovanović, "Izračunavanje snage distorzije u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije"
- Sandra Đošić, Milun Jevtić,"Analiza i prikaz vremenskog sleda događaja u RTS-u sa RM algoritmom planiranja"
- Bojan Jovanović, Milun Jevtić,"FPGA implementacija hibridnog on-line nadzora procesa za PC-bazirane real-time sisteme"
1 June
2010 |
May 25
2010 |
May 16-19
2010 |
1 May
2010 |
1 April
2010 |
March 1-5
2010 |
TEPUS JEP 41107 on TREND – Kopaonik
The following papers were reported at the XVI Conference: Development Trends, that took place at Kopaonik, on March 1-4, 2010.
- Litovski, V., Nieto-Taldriz, O., Zwolinski, M., Trajanov, D., Bojanić, S., Petković, P., and Grnarov, A., „TEMPUS JEP-41107 – System on Chip Design, Overview of the realization“, Proc. Of the XVI Conf.: Development Trends, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2010, pp. 308-311.
- Trajanov, D., Filipovska, S., and Grnarov, A., „Academic staff and student mobility benefits and problems, experiences from TEMPUS SoCD Project“, Proc. Of the XVI Conf.: Development Trends, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2010, pp. 287-290.
- Bojanić, S., and Nieto-Taladriz, O., „TEMPUS Project SoCD: Master Courses“, Proc. Of the XVI Conf.: Development Trends, Kopaonik, Serbia, March 2010, pp.291-293
1 March
2010 |
February 12-14 2010 |
December -
2009/10 |
1 January
2010 |