23 Dec 2005 | New article "Some Transport Characteristics in Plasmas in the Mixtures of Xenon, Argon and Ceasium" by Novakovic, N., Stojilkovic, S., Gajic, D. published in Journal of Plasma Physics |
21 Dec 2005 | Marko Dimitrijević's MSc thesis "Racunarom integrisana laboratorija za elektroniku (Computer Integrated Laboratory for Electronics)" and Jelena Milojković's MSc thesis "Optimizacija postupaka sakupljanja i odlaganja računarske opreme na kraju životnog veka (Optimization of procedures of collecting and disposing of computer equipment at the and of its life cycle)" were defended successfully. ![]() ![]() |
16 Dec 2005 | MSc thesis Comission of Electronic Faculty of Niš anonunced report about Sandra Đošić's MSc thesis "Projektovanje sistema za rad u realnom vremenu sa on-line nadzorom procesa i redundansom u vremenu". |
12 Dec 2005 | The meeting of the Council of ISSNB in Banja Luka is over. The program of the meeting and pictures from local press can be found here. |
9 Dec 2005 | Marko Dimitrijević's MSc thesis "Racunarom integrisana laboratorija za elektroniku (Computer Integrated Laboratory for Electronics)" and Jelena Milojković's MSc thesis "Optimizacija postupaka sakupljanja i odlaganja računarske opreme na kraju životnog veka (Optimization of procedures of collecting and disposing of computer equipment at the and of its life cycle)" will be defended on 21st December. |
5 Dec 2005 | Educational laboratory donated by WUS finally is fully operational. Prof. Petković has started lectures since 1st December, Miljana Sokolović started SPICE practical lessons in the laboratory on 5th December.
1 Dec 2005 | Program Committee of MIEL 2006 conference has accepted the following papers: "Fault Diagnosis in Digital Part of Mixed-Mode Circuit" by Miona Andrejević and Vančo Litovski. "A Mission Level Design Language based on AleC++" by Bojan Andjelković, Vančo Litovski, Volker Zerbe "Laboratory ADC tester based on NI-6251 data acquisition card" by Miljan Nikolić, Miljana Sokolović, Predrag Petković
30 Nov 2005 | Sandra Đošić finished her MSc thesis "Projektovanje sistema za rad u realnom vremenu sa on-line nadzorom procesa i redundansom u vremenu"and submitted it to the Electronic Faculty of Niš.
30 Nov 2005 | On December 8-12, 2005 a meeting of the Project Council of ISSNB will take place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka. Preliminary program of the meeting can be found here. |
23 Nov 2005 | Marko Dimitrijević has joined the International Program Committee of the REV2006 symposium (www.online-lab.net/rev). The conference will take place in
21 Nov 2005 | At the EUROCON that will be held in SAVA Centre in Belgrade four papers from LEDA will be reported: Sokolović, M., and Litovski, V., " Using VHDL Simulator to Estimate Logic Path Delays in Combinational and Embedded Sequential Circuits ", IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 conference, Belgrade, November 21-24, 2005, pp. 1683-1686. Dimitrijević,M., and Litovski, V., "Specific analog electronic circuits analysis using PC-based acquisition card", IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 conference, Belgrade, November 21-24, 2005, pp. 910-913. Andjelković, B., Litovski, V., and Zerbe, V., "New aspects in HDL's performance evaluation", IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 conference, Belgrade, November 21-24, 2005, pp. 499-502 Miroslav Marinkovic, Bojan Andelkovic, Predrag Petkovic: Prof. Litovski will chaire the CAD 1. session |
21 Nov 2005 | On December 12, 2005 a meeting of the Project Council of ISSNB will take place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka. |
Prof. Litovski returned from Madrid. Agenda of the meeting can be seen here |
12 November 2005 |
5 November 2005 | The final result of the 1st International Contest HARDWARE & SOFTWARE H&S 2005 held at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad is: The Team "Nišava" from EF Niš (Borisav Jovanović - team leader, Vladimir Petrović, Nebojša Andjelković, Ivan Jovanović, Predrag Pejić) is sharing the first place with the team "Dunav" from Novi Sad.
New paper in international journal published Savic, M., Mrcarica, Z, and Litovski, V., “Ideal Switch Model Speeds Up the Switched Circuits Simulation”, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Issue 11, Vol. 4, November 2005, pp. 1657-1663 ISSN: 1109-2734 |
31 October 2005 | ||||||
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31 October 2005 | Fire at ECS Laboratory in Southampton! ** Fire destroys top research centre ** |
New project approvedThe ministry of Science and environmetal protection of Serbia contracted a new project with LEDA. The title of the project is "A system for measurement and correction of power factor and distortions of electronic equipment". Industrial partner is Pakom Computers from Niš |
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| On October 27, 2005, Milan Savic is participating the 7th WSEAS Int. Conf. on MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (MMACTEE '05), held in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is presenting the paper: Savic, M., Mrcarica, Z, and Litovski, V., "Computationally efficient simulation of nonlinear communication circuits with switches" |
On the The following LEDA papers will be reported there:
Bojan Andjelkovic will be in Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany (ISSN Project) from November, 06 – December, 25. He will work on mission-level simulations, developing of translator of mission level models into AleC++ and their simulation with the simulator Alecsis
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