December 09 -18 2009 |
1 December
2009 |
11 November 2009 |
1 November
2009 |
October 22
2009 |
October 22nd
2009 |
October 20th
2009 |
9/23- 10/2
2009 |
1 October
2009 |
Within the TEMPUS JEP 41107 the book “Modeling the components of electronic circuits and systems” (in Serbian - "Modelovanje komponenata elektronskih kola i sistema") was published. |
1 October
2009 |
1 October
2009 |
26-29 September
2009 |
At ETAI 2009, IX National Conference with International Participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, LEDA members participated with papers:
- Milojković, J., Litovski, V., Short-Term Forecasting Of The Electricity Load At Suburban Level
Petković, P., Trajanov, D., Grnarov, A., Litovski, V., System On Chip Design: New Harmonized Master Studies Curriculum In Macedonia And Serbia

Jelena Milojković presenting paper |
1 September
2009 |
6 August
2009 |

Within the TEMPUS JEP 41107 as part of the SoCD laboratory a supercomputer based on Beowulf cluster technology was purchased. Its formal name within the SoCD laboratory is “The simulation Engine”. We see here Ljubisa Jovev from the “Irvas International” company making the final adjustments and putting the system in work. We thank to the TEMPUS foundation and wish luck to all future users. |
1 August
2009 |
3 July
2009 |
1 July
2009 |
15–18 June 2009 |
15–18 June 2009 |
At 53rd ETRAN Conference Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia (June 15-18 2009) LEDA members participated with papers:
- Milojković, J., Litovski, V., One step ahead prediction in electronics based on limited information
- Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. Petković, P., Low-power design of digital signal processing block for integrated power meter
- Stevanović D., Jovanović B., Petković, P., Logička verifikacija mikrokontrolera u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije
- Mirković D., Damnjanović, M., Jevtić, M., Implementacija SPI interfejsa na FPGA čipu
- Petković M., Milenković S., Programabilno kolo za promenu frekvencije uzorkovanja
Prof Litovski and prof Petković were also engaged in steering and organizational activities of Section for Electronics.
Dejan Mirković is receiving the ETRAN award for best paper in the area of Electronics published in the LII conference of ETRAN held last year at Palić, Serbia. The award is delivered by Prof. Srdjan Stanković, President of ETRAN |
6-21 June 2009 |
1 June
2009 |
18 May
2009 |
3 May
2009 |
1 May
2009 |
29 Apr
2009 |
15 Apr
2009 |
1 Apr
2009 |
3 Mar
2009 |
TEMPUS project networking
The TEMPUS JEP 41107-2006 project activists took part at the TREND symposium held at the Kopaonik mountain in Serbia. The following presentations were given by our project members within the Joint TEMPUS Projects Workshop JADES – DEUKS - SoCD, March 3, 2009
- 1. Novi program diplomskih akademskih studija kao osnova za doktorske studije na Elektronskom fakultetu u Nišu, Predrag Petković, V. Litovski, Elektronski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, Republika Srbija
- 2. Tempus Project SoCD – System on Chip Design, Octavio Nieto-Taladriz, S. Bojanić, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
- 3. System on Chip Design: Master Studies Experience and Prospective for PhD Studies in Macedonia, Dimitar Trajanov, S. Filiposka, M. Lazarevska, FEIT, “Ss Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia, A. Grnarov, Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies, SEE University-Tetovo, Macedonia.
Consortium meeting was held reviewing the current activities.
No minutes were published by the grantholder.
Part of the TEMPUS JEP 41107-2006 consortium members |

Prof. Petkovic Presenting his lecture

Prof Dimitar Trajanov is presenting his lecture |

Prof Bojanic is presenting his lecture |

Part of the audience |
1 Mar
2009 |
21 Feb 2009 |
1 Feb
2009 |
20 Jan 2009 |
10 Jan
2009 |
1 Jan
2009 |