26 Dec
10-11 Dec
2008 |
9-10 Dec
2008 |
1 Dec
2008 |
28 Nov- 01 Dec
2008 |
6-8 Nov
2008 |
1 Nov
2008 |
31 Oct
2008 |
1 Oct
2008 |
11 Sep
2008 |
1 Sep
2008 |
1 Aug
2008 |
1 July
2008 |
9 June
2008 |
Members of LEDA team on the 52. conference of ETRAN (Serbian association ofr electronics, telecommunications, computer science, automation an nuclear technique) participated with 9 articles:
- Dimitrijević, M.: Bezbednost računarskog grida na nivou mreže
- Milojković, J., Litovski, V.: Eko projektovanje računarske opreme u skladu sa direktivom EC 32 2005
- Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V.: Sinteza hijerarhijskog dijagnostičkog sistema za kola sa mešovitim signalima
- Sokolović, M., Stevanović, D., Petković, P.: Projektovanje za IDDQ testiranje u SoC
- Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M.: Digital signal processing in 3-phase integrated power meter IC
- Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Sokolović, M., Petković, P.: Projektovanje RTC u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije
- Mirković, D., Jovanović, B.: Upravljanje EEPROM-om preko serijskog komunikacionog porta u sistemu sa integrisanim meračem potrošnje električne energije
- Jevtić, M., Đošić, S., Jovanović, B. B.: Programabilni sistem za energetski efikasno upravljanje sistemom individualnog grejanja u domaćinstvima
- Nikolić, P., Milić, Z., Sokolović, M.: Primer primene GSM komunikacije za potrebe SCADA sistema

Prof. Litovski presenting his and Andrejević Stošović's article
2 June
2008 |
26 May
2008 |
15 May
2008 |
9 May
2008 |
8 May
2008 |
8 May
2008 |
At MIEL 2008 conference (11-14 May 2008, Niš) LEDA members will participate with three papers:
- New Concepts of Worst-Case Delay Evaluation in Asynchronous VLSI SoC by Sokolović, M., Zwolinski, M., Litovski, V. - invited paper
- Design for Testability for SoC Based on IDDQ Scanning by Sokolović, M., Petković, P., Litovski, V.
- Hierarchical Approach to Diagnosis using ANNs by Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V.
Dr Volker Zerbe, Head of the ISSNB project as participant of the conference, will be our guest. |
1 May
2008 |
24 April
2008 |
The annual report of the project relating to production of IMPEG2 chip for power meter has been applied to Serbian ministry of Science. |
1 April
2008 |
In March LEDA site (only HOME page counting) was accessed:
from any IP address: |
753 (268 different IP addresses) |
outside serbian academic network: |
563 (249 different IP addresses) |
1 April
2008 |
At Infotech Symposium (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) article Koncepti učenja na daljinu primjenjeni na nastavu iz elektronike (Concepts of distance learning applied to education in electronics) by Popović, B. and Litovski, V. has been published. |
1 March
2008 |
In February LEDA site (only HOME page counting) was accessed:
from any IP address: |
724 (285 different IP addresses) |
outside serbian academic network: |
552 (270 different IP addresses) |
25 February 2008 |
Annual summary of LEDA site visitors counter
From February 24th 2007 to February 24th 2008 LEDA site (only HOME page counting) was accessed:
from any IP address: |
8517 (1912 different IP addresses)
average 709 per month |
outside serbian academic network: |
6182 (1861 different IP addresses)
average 515 per month |
24 January 2008 |
Prof. Litovski will take part at the BIODEVICES conference taking place at Funchal Madeira. He will present the paper entitled:
1 February 2008 |
In January LEDA site (only HOME page counting) was accessed:
from any IP address: |
854 (303 different IP addresses) |
outside serbian academic network: |
606 (286 different IP addresses) |
1 Januar 2008 |
In December LEDA site (only HOME page counting) was accessed:
from any IP address: |
811 (272 different IP addresses) |
outside serbian academic network: |
587 (251 different IP addresses) |