Activity in 2001
Sofia Tuesday, 04.12.- Saturday, 08.12.2001

The participants of the first seminar in front of the REKTORAT of the Technical University of Sofia
- (Ilmenau) Lambeck, S., Zerbe, V.
- (Sofia) Alexiev, D., Djamijkov, T., Marinov, M., and others
- (Skopje) Gavrovski,C., Dekov, T., Nastarski, I. , Trajanov, D.
- (Niš) Litovski, V., Petkovi, P., Andrejevi, M, and orevi, J.
Program of the Seminar
- Steven Lambeck Ilmenau
Research and Education at the Institut for Automation and Systems Engineering
- Volker Zerbe Ilmenau
System design of complex embedded systems
- Vano Litovski Niš
Modelling of nonlinear two terminal dynamic devices using artifical neural networks
- Predrag Petkovi Niš
Symbolic analysis in analogue circuit testing multi frequency fault analysis
- Tomislav Dekov Skopje
Modeling of PIN-Diodes with the Lumped Charge Technique
- Cvetan Gavrovski Skopje
The design of a pocket electronic warning device about dangerous ionising radiation
- Todor Djiamijkov Sofia
Optoelctronic sensors
- Steven Lambeck Ilmenau
Design of discrete Anti windup Controller