Activity 2004
The year 2004, a new start of the project.

From left to right
D. Alexiev, T. Djamijkov, P. Petkovi, V. Zerbe, C. Gavrovski and V. Litovski
Niš, 26.10.-31.10.2004
- (Ilmenau) Zerbe, V., Hauguth, M.
- (Sofia) Alexiev, M., Djamikov, T., Marinov, M., Dzhelekarski, P.
- (Skopje) Gavrovski, C., Mii, I, Zdravkovski, D. Andonov, D.
- (Niš) Litovski, V., Savi, M., Anelkovi, B.,
Program of the seminar
- M. Marinov ( Sofia )
Platform for Design and Implementation of intelligent sensor systems
- M. Savic and Bojan Andjelkovic ( Niš)
Parallel mixed mode simulation
- D. Andonov ( Skopje )
IT platform for industrial process monitoring
- P. Dzhelekarski ( Sofia )
Implementation of CAN controller using embedded processor on FPGA
- M. Hauguth (Ilmenau)
Model based dsign of embedded systems
- I. Misic and D. Zdravkovski ( Skopje )
Altera implementation in a pocket electronic warning device
- T. Djamikov
Different Laboratory kits for cpld
Ilmenau, 19.-24.11.2004.
- (Ilmenau) V. Zerbe,
- (Sofia) D. Alexiev,
- (Skopje) C. Gavrovski
- (Niš) V. Litovski
Presentations of the students from Sofia, Skopje and Niš about their work in Ilmenau.
- Z. Kokolanski (Skopje)
Modeling of measurement systems
- B. Jovanovi (Niš)
Hardware in the loop Techniques
- M. Dimitrijevi (Niš)
Simulation in parallel computing systems
- N. Nenov (Sofia)
System for centroid calculation in real time
Roundtable discussion with Prorektor Prof. J. Petzoldt about education, bachelor and master programs.

Presentation "Hardware in the loop Techniques (RS232 Communication
module in MLD)" by B. Jovanovi (Niš)
Part of the participants of the seminar in Ilmenau. From left to right
V. Zerbe, M.Hauguth, M. Dimitrijevi, B. Jovanovi, . Kokolanski