List of scholarships for stay in Ilmenau
1. Miljana Sokolović, Leonardo program, six month praxis at Melexis in Erfurt .
Scholarships for 3 month stay at TU Ilmenau and project titles:
- V. Sark ( Skopje )
Real time attitude system for unmanned air vehicles
- M. Andrejević (Niš)
Modeling of the energy system
- T. Aleksandrov ( Sofia )
Data logger

Miona Andrejević at research work in the laboratory in Ilmenau
Scholarships for 3 month stay at TU Ilmenau and project titles
- S. Stokic (Skopje)
Kalman Filter modelling and simulation in MLDesigner
- B. Andjelković (Niš)
Design flow for automated programming of FPGA
- P. Dzelekarski (Sofia)
Implementation of CAN Controller using Embedded Processor on FPGA
- 4. S. Brankov two weeks
Scholarships for 3 month stay at TU Ilmenau and project titles
- Ž. Kokolanski ( Skopje )
Modeling of measurement systems
- B. Jovanovi (Niš)
Hardware in the loop Techniques
- M. Dimitrijevi (Niš)
Simulation in parallel computing systems
- N. Nenov ( Sofia )
System for centroid calculation in real time
Scholarships for 3 month stay at TU Ilmenau and project titles
- B. Andjelković (Niš)
A Mission Level Design Language based on AleC++
- D. Sekulic (Banja Luka)
Modeling and Simulation of Communication Protocol for a GPS Module
Scholarships for 7 weeks stay at TU Ilmenau and project titles
- M. Petković (Niš)
"The sinusoidal sensorless control of brushless DC motor"
October - December
- Veselin Stanchev (Sofia)
- Miloš Petković (Niš)
- Mare Srbinovska (Skopje)
- Darko Todorović (Niš)
- Dejan Stevanović (Niš) - 12.10.2008-10.12.2008