Activity in 2002
Niš , 16.09 - 21.09.2002
- (Ilmenau) V. Zerbe, T. Liebezeit
- (Sofia) D. Alexiev, N. Krantov, T. Djamijkov,
- (Skopje) C. Gavrovski, T. Dekov
- (Niš) V. Litovski, M. Sokolovi, D. Stefanovi, B. Anelkovi

A copy of the report in the local daily journal "Narodne Novine", September 20, 2002 .
Program of the Seminar
Wednessday, September 18, 2002 .
I Session, 10 00
- Volker Zerbe - Ilmenau,
Digital System Design with Finite State Machines
- Dimitar S. Alexiev - Sofija,
Computer-based Lab Experiments
- Prof.dr Cvetan Gavrovski - Skoplje,
Alarm Device for Warning Against Dangerous Ionizing Radiation
- Bojan Anelkovi - Niš,
AleC++/VHDL-AMS Mixed-Language Modeling and Simulation
- Nikolaj V. Krantov - Sofija,
Universal Controlling and Processing System for Linear and Matrix Fotoreceivers
II Session, 15 00
- Thomas Liebezeit - Ilmenau,
Modeling of Complex Autonomous Systems
- Todor S. Djamijkov - Sofija,
Development Environment for Researching and Accomplishing Devices
- Prof.dr Tomislav Dekov - Skoplje
Modeling of the Quasisaturation Region of the Power BJTs
- Miljana Sokolovi - Niš,
Design of Printed Circuit Boards for Low-Power Radio transmitters
- Danica Stefanovi - Niš,
An Interactive Knowledge Based Analog Design Approach

A visit to the heritage (The ISSN participant in front of the church built as a memorial to the Russian Coll. Rayevski killed in a battle for liberation of Serbia in the XIX century)
Ohrid and Skopje , 27 .11. - 01.12.2002
This final meeting in Skopje was used to give reports on the past project year. The fact that 2003 is the end of the project gave the opportunity to the responsible persons to discuss the problems which must be solved for a successful end of the project.
- (Ilmenau) Zerbe, V.,
- (Sofia) Alexiev, D.,
- (Skopje) Gavrovski, C.,
- (Niš) Litovski, V.