Nov 7-8
2014 |
LEDA at INDEL 2014
At the 10th jubilee INDEL symposium which will take place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, B&H, on November 07-08, the following papers from LEDA will be reported:
- Lukač, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Milovanović, D., Litovski, V.: Reference Analysis of the Analogous Models for Photovoltaic Cells by Comparison with the Real Photovoltaic Modules
- Milić, M., Litovski, V.: Python Application for Analyzing Analog Filters' Transfer Function
- Stanojlović Mirković, M., Litovski, V., Petković, P., Milovanović, D.: Faults Simulations in XOR/XNOR Cell Resistant to Side Channel Attacks
- Mirković, D., Petković, P.: Operational Transconductance Amplifier in 350nm CMOS technology
- Jovanović, B., Mirković, D., Damnjanović, M.: The Design of MCU's Communication Interface
- Djordjević, Sr., Bojanić, S., Dimitrijević, M.: Smart Meter Privacy by Suppression of Low Power Frequency Components
- Stojanović, N., Milovanović, D., Stojanović, V., Stamenković, N.: Design of Two-Channel Analysis Part of Hybrid Filter Bank
June 2-5
2014 |
LEDA at ETRAN/IcETRAN conference
At the 58th ETRAN Conference, and 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2014 that takes place in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, on June 2-5, LEDA members participates with the following papers:
IcETRAN 2014
- High accurancy self-configurable dll by frequency range
Vazgen Melikyan, Arthur Sahakyan, Mikayel Piloyan, Armen Sahakyan, Borisav Jovanović
- On the method development for electricity load forecasting
Jelena Milojković, Vančo Litovski
- Experience in using open command environment for analysis in education Dejan Mirković, Predrag Petković
ETRAN 2014
- Monofazni sistem za detekciju potrošača koji predstavljaju izvor harmonijskih izobličenja u elektroenergetskom sistemu Dejan Stevanović, Predrag Petković
- Полином са разломљеним степенима као активациона функција перцептрона, SPICE модел Mиона Андрејевић Стошовић, Марко Димитријевић и Ванчо Литовски
- Анализа преносних функција аналогних филтара употребом програмског језика Python Миљана Милић и Ванчо Литовски
- Testiranje standardne AND ćelije otporne na bočne napade Milena Stanojlović, Vančo Litovski, Predrag Petković
- Logička verifikacija i projektovanje kola za testiranje IP bloka mikrokontrolera Borisav Jovanović, Dejan Mirković, Milunka Damnjanović
April 08
2014 |
New paper by LEDA authors published
The paper "Computer Security Vulnerability as Concerns the Electricity Distribution Grid" by Miona Andrejević Stošović, Marko Dimitrijević & Vančo Litovski was published at Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor & Francis Ltd.
April 1-2
2014 |
M. Dimitrijević took part at the IDTechEx Energy Harvesting & Storage 2014
Dr Marko Dimitrijević took part at the IDTechEx Energy Harvesting & Storage 2014 conference ( , which occurred in Berlin, 1st -2nd April. The poster titled "Quantification of Some Properties of the PV Panel - Converter Interface", authors M. Dimitrijević, M. Andrejević-Stošović and V. Litovski, was presented during conference tradeshow.
February 12-14
2014 |
Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2014
The 5th Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2014 is organized by Innovation Centre of Advanced Technologies and Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš. More about the event can be found at the symposium site.
LEDA members took part with following papers:
- Milić, M., Litovski, V.: Testing Capacitors' Hard Defects in Notch SC Filters Using the Oscillation Method
- Mirković, D., Petković, P., Milovanović, D.: Analog Design Challenges in Advanced CMOS Process Node
- Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V.: SPICE Model of a Linear Variable Capacitance
- Stevanović, D., Petković, P., Zerbe, V.: Single Phase System for Detection of Harmonic Pollution Sources at Power Grid
- Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Nieto-Taladriz, O., Bojanić, S., Litovski, V.: Computer Workstation Vetting by Supply Current Monitoring
- Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M.: Glitch free clock switching techniques in modern microcontrollers
- Stanojlović, M., Litovski, V., Petković, P.: Testing an SCA hardened combinational standard cell - preliminary considerations
2014 |
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