LEDA publications database

Database contains 1338 titles published between 1970 and 2024, with 460 full texts or abstracts available on line

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Keyword: IMPEG

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No. Author(s) Title Publ. in/at/as Date Year pages Classification
1) Sokolović, M., Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Litovski, V., Jevtić, M., Petković, P. Testing and Diagnostics of ADC and Integrated Powermeter Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 1, University of Banja Luka, ISSN 1450-5843Oktobar 2005pp. 25-30(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
2) Milan Savić, Vančo Litovski Bandgap Voltage Reference in CMOS Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-328.03.-29.03. 2005pp. 55-58(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
3) Milunka Damnjanović, Predrag Petković, Borisav Jovanović Integrated Power Meter IC Calibration Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-328.03.-29.03. 2005pp. 59-62(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
4) Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Petković, P. Design and Test Architecture of Integrated-Power-Meter Digital Part Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran 2005, Budva, ISBN 86-80509-53-105.06.-10.06. 2005Vol. 1 pp. 50-53(M63)National conference


5) Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. Square Root on Chip ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, A Publication of the EE Department, University of Montenegro, Vol. 12, YU ISSN 0353-5207May 2004pp. 65-75(M22)Eminent internat. journal
6) Milovanović, D., Savić, M., Nikolić, M. Second-Order Sigma-Delta Modulator In Standard CMOS Technology Serbian Journal of Electrical Engeneering, Technical Faculty, Čačak, Serbia, ISSN 1451-4869November 2004Vol. 1, no 3, pp. 37-44(M22)Eminent internat. journal
7) Marinković, M., Andjelković, B., Petković, P. Compact MAC Architecture of Hilbert Transformer in Solid-State Energy Meter Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843Decembar 2004pp. 21-26(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
8) Damnjanović, M., Petković, P., Jovanović, B. Integrated Power Meter IC Calibration Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843December 2004pp. 45-48(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
9) Savić, M., Litovski, V. Bandgap Voltage Reference in CMOS Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843December 2004pp. 68-70(M24)Internat.journ.promoted by authorities
10) Damnjanović, M., Jovanović, B., Milić, M. Decimation Filters Design Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-115.05.-19.05 2004vol. 2 601-604(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
11) Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M., Dimitrijević, M. I2C Like Communication for the Power Meter IC Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-1, doi:10.1109/ICMEL.2004.115.05.-19.05. 2004Vol. 2 pp. 781-784(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
12) Nikolić, M., Savić, M., Milovanović, D. A Third-Order Sigma-Delta Modulator - Preliminary Results Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-115.05.-19.05 2004vol. 2 605-608(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
13) Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Petković, P. Digital Signal Processing for an Integrated Power Meter Proceedings of 49. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Technische Universirtat Ilmenau, Ilmenau, ISBN 3-8322-2824-127.09-30.09 2004vol. 2 190-195(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
14) Jovanović, B., Sokolović, M., Savić, M., Jevtić, M., Petković, P. Testing set-up for analog part of the power meter IC Electronics ET2004, Sozopol, ISBN 954-438-446-422.09-24.09 2004p. 19(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
15) Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Sokolović, M., Petković, P. Testing set-up for digital part of the power meter IC Electronics ET2004, Sozopol, ISBN 954-438-446-422.09-24.09 2004p. 118(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
16) Petković, P., Sokolović, M. Decimacioni filtri integrisanog meraca potrošnje elektricne energije Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-306.06.-10.06. 2004vol. 1 87-90(M63)National conference
17) Dimitrijević, M. Dokumentacija u projektovanju integrisanog merača potrošnje električne energije - IMPEG Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-306.06.-10.06. 2004Vol. 1 pp. 79-82(M63)National conference
18) Sokolović, M., Petković, P. Razvoj Sistema za Testiranje integrisanog meraca potrošnje elektricne energije Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-306.06.-10.06. 2004vol. 1 33-36(M63)National conference
19) Andjelković, B., Damnjanović, M. Design Of Hilbert Transformer For Solid-State Energy Meter Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-306.06.-10.06. 2004vol. 1 83-86(M63)National conference
20) Andrejević, M., Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Andjelković, B. TOP-LEVEL layout design of solid-state energy meter Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-306.06.-10.06. 2004vol. 1 13-16(M63)National conference
21) Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. Digital System For Power Line Frequency Measurement Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-306.06.-10.06. 2004vol. 1 29-32(M63)National conference
22) Jevtić, M., Jovanović, B., Brankov, S. Upravljacka jedinica sistema na cipu za registrovanje potrošnje elektricne energije Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-306.06.-10.06. 2004vol. 1 75-78(M63)National conference
23) Milovanović, D., Savić, M., Nikolić, M. Second-Order Sigma-Delta Modulator In Standard CMOS Technology Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-306.06.-10.06. 2004vol. 1 17-20(M63)National conference
24) Marinković, M., Andjelković, B., Petković, P. Kompaktna MAC arhitektura Hilbertovog transformatora u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-111.11.-13.11. 2004pp. 114-119(M63)National conference
25) Sokolović, M., Nikolić, M., Andrejević, M., Petković, P. ADC Testing of an Integrated Power Meter V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-111.11.-13.11. 2004pp. 132-137(M63)National conference
26) Jovanović, B., Jevtić, M., Đošić, S., Sokolović, M., Petković, P. Projektovanje BIST logike u DSP bloku integrisanog merača potrošnje električne energije V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-111.11.-13.11. 2004pp. 120-125(M63)National conference
27) Damnjanović, M., Jovanović, B. Energy Calculation in Power Meter IC V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 200411.11.-13.11. 2004pp. 126-131(M63)National conference


28) Sokolović, M., Petković, P. Design for Testability in an Application Specific DSP 7th International Symposium on Microelectronics Technologies and Microsystems, Sofia - Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISBN 954-580-145-XSeptembar 2003pp. 208-213(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
29) Sokolović, M., Petković, P. DSP Chain Testing in an Integrated Power-Meter Proc. of the conference Electronics ET03, book 1, Sozopol, ISBN 954-438-374-324.09.-26.09 2003pp. 37-42(M33)Internat.conf.(full)
30) Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. Digital Systems for Square Root Computation Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-008.06.-13.06. 2003vol. 1 68-71(M63)National conference
31) Savić, M., Milovanović, D. CMOS Bandgap Voltage Reference Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-008.06.-13.06. 2003vol. 1 124-127(M63)National conference
32) Sokolović, M., Petković, P. Projektovanje za testabilnost u DSP kolu specificne namene Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-008.06.-13.06. 2003vol. 1 43-46(M63)National conference

32 records found in 0.015 sec.

Summary and statistics:

National conference (M63)   16 (50%)  8.0
Internat.conf.(full) (M33)   10 (31.25%)  10.0
Internat.journ.promoted by authorities (M24)   4 (12.5%)  12.0
Eminent internat. journal (M22)   2 (6.25%)  10.0

Scientific competence factor* (for Serbian Ministry of Science):


  *Warning! The authomatic scientific competence factor calculation is:
1) based upon current data from LEDA database that can be incorrect
2) running in an experimental mode and uses fourmulas that are not officialy confirmed.