2025 |
No. |
Author(s) |
Title |
Publ. in/at/as |
Date |
Year |
pages |
Classification |
1) |
Dimitrijević, M., Petronijević, M., Klimenta, D. |
Evaluation of Photovoltaic Inverters According to Output Current Distortion in a Steady-State and Maximum Power Point Tracking |
Applied Sciences, Section: Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Vol. 15, Issue 3, ISSN: 2076-3417, doi:10.3390/app15031110 | 23.01. |
2025 | pp. 1-16 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
2024 |
2) |
Rajković, D., Stanković, D., Šeat, J., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Skorić, S. |
Spatial Ecology of a Resident Avian Predator During the Non-Breeding Period in Managed Habitats of Southeastern Europe |
Animals 2024, ISSN 2076-2615, doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14223338 | 20 November |
2024 | 14 | (M21a) | Internat.journal of exeptional value |
3) |
Petronijević, M., Radonjić, I., Dimitrijević, M., Pantić, L., Ćelesan, M. |
Performance Evaluation of Single-Stage Photovoltaic Inverters Under Soiling Conditions |
Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Elsevier BV, ISSN 2090-4479, doi:10.1016/j.asej.2023.102353 | January |
2024 | pp. 1-18 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
4) |
Milić, M., Milojković, J., Petrušić, A. |
Extended, Short-Term Neural Prediction Methodology, for European Electricity Production by Type |
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol 21, No 8, doi:10.12700/APH.21.8.2024.8.8 | Januar |
2024 | pp. 147-168 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
5) |
Mirković, D., Stanojlović Mirković, M., Milić, M., Petrović, V. |
A Defects Classification Algorithm for the Hybrid OBT–IDDQ Fault Diagnosis Technique in Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, doi:10.1142/S0218126624501469 | April |
2024 | Vol.33, No.09 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
6) |
Ćosić, A., Jovanović, I., Andrejević Stošović, M., Videnović, G., Mančić, D., Videnović, V. |
Diagnostic potential of the infrared thermal camera in the detection of parotid region tumors |
Serbian Archives of Medicine, Journal of the Serbian Medical Society Vol. 152, Issue 1-2 , doi:10.2298/SARH231003002C | February 2024 |
2024 | 33-38 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
7) |
Stanojlović Mirković, M., Milić, M., Mirković, D. |
Design and Simulations of cryptography block using the custom Library of Cells Resistant to Side Channel Attacks |
11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (IcETRAN), Nis | 3-6 June |
2024 | pp.67-70 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
8) |
Milić, M., Milojković, J., Lukač, D., Petrušić, A. |
ANN Forecasting of European Natural Gas Dynamics: Implications for CO2 Emission, Electricity Production, and Market Trends |
11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (IcETRAN), Nis, doi:10.1109/IcETRAN62308.2024.10645107 | 3-6 June |
2024 | pp. 1-5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
9) |
Milić, M., Jeremić, M., Milojković, J., Stanojlović Mirković, M. |
Prediction of Reference Evapotranspiration
Using Neural Networks |
11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (IcETRAN), Nis, doi: 10.1109/IcETRAN62308.2024.10645161 | 3-6 June |
2024 | pp. 1-4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
10) |
Petronijević, M., Radonjić, I., Veselić, B., Dimitrijević, M., Milosavljević, Č., Pantić, L. |
Experimental Verification of Grid Inverter Operation in Urban Environment |
11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN), Niš, ISBN 979-8-3503-8700-1, doi:10.1109/IcETRAN62308.2024.10645146 | 03.06.-06.06. |
2024 | pp. 1-6 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
11) |
Stošović, S., Stojanović, M., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Design of a Hunting Dog Stimulation System |
3rd International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology | 29 May- 1 June |
2024 | pp. 315-323 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
12) |
Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Artificial Neural Networks as a Tool for Classification of Nonlinear Loads |
11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering, IcEtran, Niš | |
2024 | --- | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
13) |
Djordjević, Sr. |
Analog Circuit Fault Diagnosis Based on Machine Learning Using Frequency Domain Features |
11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN, Niš, doi:10.1109/IcETRAN62308.2024.10645120 | June |
2024 | | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
14) |
Dorić, A., Atanasković, A., Maleš Ilić, N., Stanojlović Mirković, M. |
Dual Band PA Linearization by Combined Techniques DPD Compensation Technique and Digital Second Order Linearization Technique |
2024 59th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST), Sozopol Bulgaria, 79-8-3503-8619-6, doi:10.1109/ICEST62335.2024.10639639 | 01-03 July |
2024 | 1-4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
15) |
Stanojlović Mirković, M., Mirković, D. |
Propagation Time Minimization of the on-Chip Critical Signal Path |
11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN), Niš, 979-8-3503-8699-8, doi:10.1109/IcETRAN62308.2024.10645177 | 03-06, Jun |
2024 | 1-4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
16) |
Stojanović, M., Stevanović, D., Stošović, S. |
System for Analyzing the Behavior and Stimulation of Hunting Dogs |
11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN), Niš, doi:10.1109/IcETRAN62308.2024.10645182 | 03-06, Jun |
2024 | -- | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
17) |
Milić, M., Jeremić, M., Milojković, J., Lukač, D. |
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Prediction of Reference Evapotranspiration |
XVII International Conference SAUM 2024 , Niš | november |
2024 | accepted for publication | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
18) |
Damnjanović, M., Petronijević, M. |
Emulation of Photovoltaic Arrays Under Nonuniform Environmental Conditions |
21st International IGTE Symposium, Gratz, Austria | 15.09.-18.09. |
2024 | Apstract only | (M34) | Internat.conf.(part. |
19) |
Dimitrijević, M., Petronijević, M. |
Emulation of Photovoltaic Arrays Under Nonuniform Environmental Conditions |
21st International IGTE Symposium, Gratz, Austria | 15.09.-18.09. |
2024 | Poster presentation | (M34) | Internat.conf.(part. |
20) |
Milić, M., Radivojević, N., Milojković, J., Jeremić, M. |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics
vol. 23, no. 21, Niš, doi:0.22190/FUACR240111002M | |
2024 | pp. 077-094 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
21) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
Adaptive Complex Filters Based Transmitter IQ Imbalance Rejection |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol. 23, No 1, , doi:10.22190/FUACR240117004J | 04.03 |
2024 | pp. 33 - 45 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
22) |
Mirković, D., Milić, M., Stanojlović Mirković, M. |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics. vol.23, 1820-6417, doi:10.22190/FUACR240501001M | October |
2024 | 1-15 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
23) |
Dimitrijević, M., Petronijević, M. |
The Influence of Safety Diodes on the Characteristics of The Photovoltaic Panels Under Non-Uniform Environmental Conditions |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection, Vol 21, No 2, Niš, ISSN: 2406-0534, doi:10.22190/FUWLEP240904011D | October |
2024 | pp. 119-131 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
24) |
Milić, M. |
Uvod u projektovanje elektronskih kola |
Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, edicija Osnovni udžbenici, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-279-2 | June |
2024 | | (-) | Educat. publication |
25) |
Djordjević, Sr., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Збирка задатака из Аналогне електронике и Аналогних интегрисаних кола |
Универзитет у Нишу, Електронски факултет, Едиција: Помоћни уџбеници, 978-86-6125-280-8 (COBISS.SR-ID 154083081) | |
2024 | | (-) | Educat. publication |
2023 |
26) |
Dimitrijević, M., Petronijević, M. |
The System for Distributed Energy Resources Testing According to the IEEE 1547-2018 Standard |
COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 42 No. 5, Emerald Publishing, ISSN 0332-1649, doi:10.1108/COMPEL-01-2023-0023 | August |
2023 | pp. 1019-1036 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
27) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
IQ Imbalance Correction in Wideband Software Defined Radio Transceivers |
Radioengineering Journal, ISSN 1210-2512, doi:10.13164/re.2023.0479 | december |
2023 | pp. 479 -491 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
28) |
Djordjević, Sr., Simić, M. |
Nonintrusive identification and type recognition of household appliances based on the harmonic analysis of the steady-state current |
Electrical Engineering, Vol. 105, 0948-7921, doi:10.1007/s00202-023-01888-2 | |
2023 | pp. 3319–3328 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
29) |
Milić, M., Mladenović, A., Milojković, J. |
Innovations in sustainable electronic circuit design to reduce negative impacts on the environment |
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference IcETRAN, East Sarajevo | 05.06.-08.06. |
2023 | ELI1.3 pp. 1-5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
30) |
Dimitrijević, M., Petronijević, M. |
Validation of Distributed Energy Resources in Accordance with Voltage Fluctuation Limitations Prescribed by the IEEE 1547-2018 Standard |
16th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, ПЕС2021, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-271-6 | 28.08.-30.08. |
2023 | pp. 137-140 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
31) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
Digital Predistortion Implemented in Software Defined Radios |
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS), Niš | October |
2023 | accepted for publication | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
32) |
Ilić, U., Radivojević, N., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Virtual Power Plant: Challenges and Opportunities |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology – COAST 2023, Herceg Novi, Montenegro | 31st May – 3rd June |
2023 | accepted for publication | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
33) |
Djordjević, Sr., Simić, M. |
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Using Current Harmonic Vectors and Adaptive Feature Selection |
Facta Universitatis, Series Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1820-6425, doi:10.22190/FUACR231123008D | |
2023 | pp. 103-113 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
34) |
Prijić, Z., Danković, D., Prijić, A., Paunović, V., Živanović, E., Dimitrijević, M., Mančić, D. |
Iskustva u realizaciji projekata iz oblasti razvoja visokog obrazovanja na Elektronskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Nišu |
Zbornik radova LXVII konferencije ETRAN, Istočno Sarajevo | 05.06.-08.06. |
2023 | EDU1.1 pp. 1-6 | (M63) | National conference |
2022 |
35) |
Milić, M., Milojković, J., Jeremić, M. |
Optimal Neural Network Model for Short-Term Prediction of Confirmed Cases in the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Mathematics, Basel, ISSN 2227-7390 | October |
2022 | accepted for publication | (M21a) | Internat.journal of exeptional value |
36) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Radivojević, N., Ivanova, M. |
Electricity Consumption Prediction in an Electronic System Using Artificial Neural Networks |
Electronics 2022, Vol. 11, Issue 21, ISSN 2079-9292 | 2022 |
2022 | accepted for publication | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
37) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
Transmitter IQ Imbalance Mitigation and PA Linearization in Software Defined Radios |
Radioengineering Journal
Vol. 31, No. 1, ISSN 1210-2512, doi:DOI: 10.13164/re.2022.0144 | April |
2022 | pp. 144-154 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
38) |
Marković, Mil., Andrejević Stošović, M., Marković Branković, J., Živković, S., Radivojević, N. |
High embankment dam stability analysis using artificial neural networks |
Tehnički Vjesnik/Technical Gazette, Print: ISSN 1330-3651, Online: ISSN 1848-6339, doi:10.17559/TV-20200707150903 | 2022 |
2022 | pp. 1733-1740 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
39) |
Ivanova, M., Rozeva, A., Angel, N., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Reinforcement Learning at Design of Electronic Circuits: Review and Analysis |
Proceedings of the 2022 5th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC '22)
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, doi:10.1145/3582099.3582140 | December |
2022 | pp. 275–284 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
40) |
Litovski, V., Milojković, J., Bojanić, S. |
On Cascade Realization of Active Gm-C Filters |
Proceedings of the 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-248-8 | 28.02-02.03 |
2022 | pp. 1-5 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
41) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Non-linear Loads Identification Using Voltage Source with Second Harmonic Injection |
Proceedings of the 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-248-8 | 28.02-02.03. |
2022 | pp. 6-9 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
42) |
Jeremić, M., Gocić, M., Milojković, J., Milić, M. |
A deep learning approach for hydrological time-series prediction with ELM model |
Proceedings of the 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, 978-86-6125-248-8 | 28.02-02.03 |
2022 | pp. 61 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
43) |
Milić, M., Kitić, M. |
Edge Detection and Image Alignment for Thermal Image Processing in MATLAB |
Proceedings of the 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, 978-86-6125-248-8 | 28.02-02.03 |
2022 | pp. 77 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
44) |
Ćosić, A., Jovanović, I., Andrejević Stošović, M., Krasić, D., Mančić, D. |
Temperature Characteristics of Submandibular Region Tumors Recorded by Thermal Camera |
Proceedings of 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, 978-86-6125-248-8 | 28.02-02.03 |
2022 | 98-101 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
45) |
Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Savić, M. |
Active power monitoring system for load up to 2kW |
Proceedings of 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, 978-86-6125-248-8 | 28.02-02.03 |
2022 | 106-110 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
46) |
Radivojević, N., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Prediction of Electricity Consumption in Cold Storage Facility using Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Networks |
Proceedings of 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, 978-86-6125-248-8 | 28.02-02.03 |
2022 | 121-125 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
47) |
Milojković, J., Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
ANN model for one day ahead Covid-19 prediction |
IcETRAN, Novi Pazar | June 06-09 |
2022 | ELI1 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
48) |
Mirković, D., Stanojlović Mirković, M. |
Data-Driven Design and Simulation of Two Stage CMOS Operational Amplifier |
Proceedigns of the Proceedings of 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, 978-86-6125-248-8 | 28.02-02.03 |
2022 | 111-116 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
49) |
Dimitrijević, M., Petronijević, M. |
Distributed Energy Generation System Validation According to the IEEE 1547-2018 Standard Current Distortion Limits |
20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia - SIMTERM, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-163-6 | 18.10.-21.10. |
2022 | pp. 107-111 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
50) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
PA Linearization in SDR-based Base Station |
Proceedings of 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-248-8 | 8.02-02.03 |
2022 | pp. 10-13 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
51) |
Djordjević, Sr. |
Supervised Non-intrusive Load Monitoring for Non-linear Appliances
Proc. of 9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2022, SSSS’22, Niš, 978-86-6125-248-8 | 28. 02.-02. 03. |
2022 | pp. 24-29 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
52) |
Djordjević, Sr., Simić, M. |
Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring Using Current Harmonic Phasor |
Proc. of XVI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2022, Niš, 978-86-6125-258-7 | november |
2022 | pp. 38-41 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
53) |
Dimitrijević, M., Petronijević, M. |
The System for Distributed Energy Resource Testing According to the IEEE 1547-2018 |
20th International IGTE Symposium 2022 on Computational Methods in Electromagnetics and Multiphysics, Graz, Austria | 18.09.-21.09. |
2022 | Poster presentation | (M34) | Internat.conf.(part. |
54) |
Petronijević, M., Dimitrijević, M., Radonjić, I., Veselić, B., Pantić, L. |
Rapid Prototyping in Renewable Energy Research and Application |
8th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy, eNergetics 2022, Belgrade | 15.12.-16.12. |
2022 | Poster presentation | (M34) | Internat.conf.(part. |
55) |
Ivanova, M., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Machine Learning and Rules Induction in Support of Analog Amplifier Design |
Computation MDPI
volume/issue: 10/145, ISSN: 2079-3197 | 25.08 |
2022 | 145 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
56) |
Ćosić, A., Jovanović, I., Kostić, I., Andrejević Stošović, M., Krasić, D., Mančić, D. |
Temperatures of different face regions of healthy people measured by a thermal camera |
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 19, br. 1 , doi:10.2298/SJEE2201033C | 2022 |
2022 | str. 33-43 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
57) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Radivojević, N., Marković Branković, J., Marković, Mil., Živković, S. |
Prediction of the Rockfill Dam Safety Using Long Short Term Memory |
Complex Control Systems Vol. 4, No. 1, 2022, pp. 7-10, ISSN 2603-4697 | 2022 |
2022 | pp. 7-10 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
58) |
Jeremić, M., Milić, M., Milojković, J., Gocić, M. |
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Niš, Print ISSN: 1820-6417 Online ISSN:1820-6425, doi:10.22190/FUACR220623011J | |
2022 | 131-145 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
2021 |
59) |
Marković, V. M., Marković Branković, J., Andrejević Stošović, M., Živković, S., Branković, B. |
A New Method for Pore Pressure Prediction on Malfunctioning Cells Using Artificial Neural Networks |
Water Resources Management, Springer
vol. 35(3), ISSN 0920-4741, doi:10.1007/s11269-021-02763-0 | February |
2021 | pages 979-992 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
60) |
Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Litovski, V. |
Nonlinear Load Characterisation Using Orthogonal Apparent Power Decompositions |
Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Vol. 27, No. 1, Kaunas University of Technology, Palanga, Lithuania, ISSN 1392-1215, doi:10.5755/j02.eie.25861 | February |
2021 | pp. 12-22 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
61) |
Marković Branković, J., Marković, Mil., Andrejević Stošović, M., Živković, S., Branković, B. |
ANN Model for Prediction of Rockfill Dam Slope Stability |
Technical Gazette, https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20200707150903 | May |
2021 | pp. 1488-1494 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
62) |
Marković, Mil., Radivojević, N., Andrejević Stošović, M., Marković Branković, J., Živković, S. |
Modeling of dam structural response using RNN |
CNN Tech2021, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, Zlatibor | June |
2021 | p. 86 | (M32) | Invited lect.internat conference(partial |
63) |
Dimitrijević, M. |
Computer Integrated Laboratory for Teaching Electronics at Undergraduate Level |
15th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, ПЕС2021, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-241-9 | 30.08.-01.09. |
2021 | pp. 78-81 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
64) |
Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Savić, M. |
Single-Load Power Monitoring System |
15th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - ПЕС2021, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-241-9 | 30.08.-01.09. |
2021 | pp. 70-73 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
65) |
Ćosić, A., Jovanović, I., Kostić, I., Andrejević Stošović, M., Krasić, D., Mančić, D. |
Temperature Characteristics of the Face Region of Healthy People Obtained using Thermal Imaging Camera |
Proc. of 15th International Online Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - ПЕС 2021, Niš, 978-86-6125-241-9 | 30.08-01.09 |
2021 | pp. 125-128 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
66) |
Savić, M., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Monitoring system for AC current up to 20A |
8th Conference IcEtran, Stanišići, Republika Srpska | 08.09-10.09 |
2021 | ELI1.1 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
67) |
Stančić, P., Stojković, A., Milić, M. |
Arduino-Based Gas and Smoke Detector Realized Using MQ-2 Sensor |
Proceedings of 8th Conference IcETRAN, Etno selo Stanišići, Bosnia and Hercegovina | 08.09-10.09 |
2021 | ELI1.3 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
68) |
Mirković, D., Stanojlović Mirković, M. |
SPICE-based Tool for Static CMOS Propagation Time Extraction |
15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS), Niš, ISBN 978-1-6654-4442-2, doi:10.1109/TELSIKS52058.2021.9606381 | 20.10.-22.10. |
2021 | pp. 348-351 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
69) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
Peak Windowing for Crest Factor Reduction Improved by Signal Interpolation |
15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS), Niš, ISBN 978-1-6654-4442-2, doi:10.1109/TELSIKS52058.2021.9606304 | 20.10.-22.10. |
2021 | pp. 53-56 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
70) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Radivojević, N., Jovanović, I., Petrušić, A. |
Artificial Neural Networks Application to Prediction of Electricity Consumption |
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol. 20, No 1, Niš, Serbia, ISSN 1820-6417, doi:10.22190/FUACR201231003A | April |
2021 | pp. 33-42 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
71) |
Dimitrijević, M. |
Computer integrated laboratory for teaching electronics at undergraduate level (conference reprint) |
ELECTROTECHNICA & ELECTRONICA, E+E Journal, vol. 56, issue 5-8, ISSN 0861-4717 | November |
2021 | pp. 81-85 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
72) |
Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Savić, M. |
Power monitoring system for current up to 20A (conference reptint) |
ELECTROTECHNICA & ELECTRONICA, E+E Journal, vol. 56, issue 5-8, ISSN 0861-4717 | November |
2021 | pp. 55-59 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
73) |
Milić, D., Stošović, S., Stevanović, D., Anastasov, J. |
Evaluacija dometa Lora IOT primopredajnika u urbanom i ruralnom okruženju |
65. Konferencija ETRAN, Stanišići, Republika Srpska | 08.09-10.09 |
2021 | TE1.4 | (M63) | National conference |
74) |
Ćosić, A., Jovanović, I., Andrejević Stošović, M., Krasić, D., Mančić, D. |
Temperaturne Karakteristike Tumora Parotidne Regije Zabeležene Termalnom Kamerom |
20. Kongres stomatologa Srbije, Beograd | Septembar 2021 |
2021 | pp. 71-72 | (M64) | National conf.(part. |
2020 |
75) |
Stanojlović Mirković, M., Milić, M., Mirković, D., Litovski, V. |
Hardware Reduction and Statistical Verification of Cryptographic Standard Cell Resistant to SCA |
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 29, No. 8, ISSN 0218-1266, doi:10.1142/S0218126620501315 | June |
2020 | pp. 1-20 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
76) |
Milić, M., Krstić, Dr., Stefanović, M., Nikolić, Pet. |
Evaluation of Statistics for Macrodiversity Systems Under the Influence of Specific Single Shadowing and Complex Fading |
Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, ISSN 0218-1266(print); 1793-6454(online), doi:10.1142/S0218126620501534 | |
2020 | Vol 29, no. 09 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
77) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
PA Linearization by Digital Predistortion and Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction in Software Defined Radios |
Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Vol. 29, No. 09
, Singapore, ISSN 0218-1266, doi:10.1142/S0218126620501479 | July |
2020 | pp. 2050147-19 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
78) |
Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
An MPPT controller model for a standalone PV system |
International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 107, Issue 8, Taylor & Francis, UK, ISSN 1362-3060, doi:10.1080/00207217.2020.1726492 | February |
2020 | pp. 1345-1363 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
79) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Application of a Standard Power Meter for Detection Source of Harmonic Pollution and Reducing Economic Losses at Power Grid |
Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 48, Issue 1-2, Taylor & Francis, UK, ISSN 1532-5008, doi:10.1080/15325008.2020.1731879 | 07.04. |
2020 | pp. 42-55 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
80) |
Cvetković, N., Dimitrijević, M., Jovanović, D., Živaljević, D., Krasić, D. |
Dental Amalgam Influence on the Amount of Absorbed Energy from Mobile Phone |
Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Vol 26, No 4, Kaunas University of Technology, Palanga, Lithuania, ISSN 1392-1215, doi:10.5755/j01.eie.26.4.25811 | August |
2020 | pp. 32-38 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
81) |
Djordjević, Sr., Pešić, M. |
A Fault Verification Method Based on the Substitution Theorem and Voltage-Current Phase Relationship |
Journal of Electronic Testing Theory and Applications, Vol. 36, No. 4, 0923-8174, doi:10.1007/s10836-020-05901-5 | October |
2020 | pp. 617-629 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
82) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
The Peak Windowing For PAPR Reduction In Software Defined Radio Base Stations |
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Electronic and Energetics, University of Niš
Vol. 33, No 2, Niš, ISSN 0353-3670, doi:DOI: 10.2298/FUEE2002273J | June |
2020 | pp. 273-287 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
83) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V., Kocarev, L. |
Unified Equation Formulation for Electronic and Electrical Circuits Analysis |
Proceedings of 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2020 | pp. 141-144 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
84) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
Automatization of Digital Predistortion and Crest Factor Reduction |
Proceedings of the 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2020 | pp. 45-48 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
85) |
Litovski, V., Milojković, J., Milić, M. |
OTA-C Filter Synthesis Based nn Existing LC Solutions |
Proceedings of 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2020 | pp. 67-72 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
86) |
Mirković, D., Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Parallel synthesis of active RC filters revisited |
Proceedings of 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2020 | pp. 73-78 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
87) |
Spahić, L., Milić, M. |
SPICE simulation of memristor logic functions |
Proceedings of 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2020 | pp. 97-101 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
88) |
Jovanović, I., Petrušić, A., Andrejević Stošović, M., Mančić, D. |
SARIMA and ANN approaches in day-ahead power consumption forecasting |
Proceedings of 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2020 | pp. 123-128 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
89) |
Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Petković, P. |
Analysis of existing methods for detection of source of harmonic pollution |
Proceedings of 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2020 | pp. 129-134 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
90) |
Stanojlović Mirković, M., Milić, M., Mirković, D., Litovski, V. |
Library of Combinational Logic Cells Resistant to Side Channel Attacks |
Proceedings of 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2020 | pp. 135-139 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
91) |
Jeremić, M., Gocić, M., Milić, M., Milojković, J. |
Development of C# Application for Neural Network Based Precipitation Data Mining |
Proceedings of 8th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-220-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2020 | pp. 145-149 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
92) |
Jovanović, A., Milić, M., Dimitrijević, M. |
Development of Testing Environment for a Discrete D/A Converter Using NI High-Speed M Series Acquisition Device |
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN, Beograd, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7466-852-8 | 28.09.-30.09. |
2020 | pp. 495-498 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
93) |
Mikarić, M., Milić, M., Lukač, D. |
Development of Digital Laboratory Power Supply |
Proceedings of 2020 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2020, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina, ISBN 978-1-7281-9862-0 | 04.11.-06.11. |
2020 | accepted for publication | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
94) |
Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M. |
Improving the system for registration of electric energy consumption |
2020 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2020, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina, ISBN 978-1-7281-9863-7, doi:10.1109/INDEL50386.2020.9266207 | 04.11.-06.11. |
2020 | pp. 1-5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
95) |
Draško, B., Kostić, L., Milić, M. |
Switched Capacitor Circuits - Tolerance to Catastrophic Faults |
13th Student Project Conference IEEESTEC, Niš, Serbia | |
2020 | pp. 234-234 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
2019 |
96) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Topisirović, D., Litovski, V. |
Frequency and time domain comparison of selective polynomial filters with corrected phase characteristics |
International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 106, Issue 5, Taylor & Francis, ISSN 0020-7217, doi:10.1080/00207217.2019.1570560 | 13.02. |
2019 | pp. 770-784 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
97) |
Milić, M., Milojković, J., Marković, I., Nikolić, P. |
Concurrent, Performance-Based Methodology for Increasing the Accuracy and Certainty of Short-Term Neural Prediction Systems |
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Vol. 2019, 1687-5265, doi:10.1155/2019/9323482 | April |
2019 | 12 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
98) |
Milić, M. |
Tuning Logic Simulator for Estimation of VLSI Timing Degradation under Aging |
Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 19, issue 3, Suceava, ISSN 1582-7445, doi:10.4316/AECE.2019.03009 | August |
2019 | 75-82 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
99) |
Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D. |
Classification of Nonlinear Loads using Current Spectrum
Proceedings of the 6th IcETRAN Conference, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-7466-785-9 | 03.06.-06.06. |
2019 | pp. 422-425 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
100) |
Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M. |
Mining Ring Diagnosis using Artificial Neural Networks |
54th International Scient. Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, Ohrid, Macedonia, ISSN 2603-3259 | 27.06.-29.06. |
2019 | pp. 294-297 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
101) |
Milić, M., Milić, Z., Crittenden, A. |
Improving the Production Efficiency by Using the InfinityQS - a Real-time SPC Software |
Proceedings of 6th conference IcETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-7466-785-9 | 03.06.-06.06. |
2019 | pp. 435-438 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
102) |
Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D. |
Nonlinear Loads Classification Method Using Alternative Reactive Power Definitions |
Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-212-9 | 26.08.-28.08. |
2019 | P1_14 pp. 1-4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
103) |
Mirković, D., Stanojlović Mirković, M. |
Design Space Exploration in Advanced CMOS Process: IIR filter case study |
Proceedings of the 6th IcETRAN Conference, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-7466-785-9 | 03.06.-06.06. |
2019 | pp. 416-420 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
104) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
The Implementation Of Peak Windowing Technique |
Proceedings of IcETRAN 2019, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-7466-785-9 | 03.06.-06.06. |
2019 | ELI1.2, pp. 1081 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
105) |
Stanojlović Mirković, M., Milić, M., Mirković, D. |
Evaluation Of Resistance to SCA For Different Architectures Of Encrypted Cell |
Series: Automatic Control and Robotics Vol 18, No 3, Niš, ISSN 1820-6417, doi:10.22190/FUACR1903141S | December |
2019 | pp. 141 - 152 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
106) |
Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Petković, P. |
Gubici na EE mreži usled korišćenja opreme za rudarenje kriptovaluta |
Zbornik radova IV naučno-stručnog simpozijuma ENERGETSKA EFIKASNOST - ENEF, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-39-7 | 14.11.-15.11. |
2019 | pp. 49-52 | (M63) | National conference |
107) |
Krstić, S., Krstić, M., Milić, M. |
Elektronski klavir realizovan pomoću integrisanog kola NE555 |
IEEESTEC 12th Student projects conference, Niš, Sebia, ISBN: 978-86-6125-215-0 | |
2019 | pp. 313-315 | (M63) | National conference |
108) |
Litovski, V. |
Electronic Filters Theory, Numerical Recipes, and Design Practice based on the RM Software |
Springer Nature, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-329-851-4, doi:10.1007/978-981-32-9852-1 | Oktober |
2019 | 437 | (M11) | Prominent international monograph |
109) |
Milić, M. |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, Niš, 978-86-6125-213-6, doi:658.58:621.3.049.77(075.8)(076) | |
2019 | 1-118 | (-) | Educat. publication |
2018 |
110) |
Milojković, J., Le Blond, S., Litovski, V. |
Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers Based on WBG Solid-State Devices |
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, February 2018, Vol. 27, No. 02, Print ISSN: 0218-1266 Online ISSN: 1793-6454, doi:10.1142/S0218126618500202 | |
2018 | p. 19 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
111) |
Djordjević, Sr. |
Analog circuit diagnosis based on the nullor concept and multiport description of the circuit |
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, ISSN: 0925-1030 (Print) 1573-1979 (Online), doi:10.1007/s10470-018-1123-7 | |
2018 | accepted for publication | (M23) | Internat.journal |
112) |
Djordjević, Sr., Simić, M. |
Nonintrusive identification of residential appliances using harmonic analysis |
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 2, ISSN: 1300-0632, doi:10.3906/elk-1705-262 | 30.03. |
2018 | pp. 780-791 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
113) |
Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Real-time System for Nonlinear Load Analysis in 50A Current Range |
Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-199-3 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2018 | pp. 83-88 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
114) |
Milojković, J., Le Blond, S., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
IGBT Versus VDMOS Switches in DC-to-AC inverters, Some Basic Comparisons |
Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-199-3 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2018 | pp. 24-28 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
115) |
Milenković, S., Litovski, V., Bojanić, S., Nieto-Taladriz, O. |
LSM Polyphase gm-C Filter |
Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-199-3 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2018 | pp. 29-32 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
116) |
Jovanović, B., Milenković, S. |
Peak Windowing for Peak to Average Power Reduction |
Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-199-3 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2018 | pp. 33-36 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
117) |
Jeremić, M., Gocić, M., Trajković, S., Milić, M. |
Visualization of finite potential wells |
Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-199-3 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2018 | pp. 55-58 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
118) |
Milić, M., Petrović, M. |
A New Simplified Spice Modelling of Memristor |
Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-199-3 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2018 | pp. 96-100 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
119) |
Milić, M., Đošić, S., Ljubenović, M., Lukač, D. |
Development of Arduino Based Thermal Inspection System for Hot Spots Detection in Power Lines |
Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-199-3 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2018 | pp. 101-106 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
120) |
Milić, M., Ljubenović, M. |
Arduino-Based Non-Contact System for Thermal-Imaging of Electronic Circuits |
Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics International Conference, Novi Sad, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4928-2, doi:10.1109/ZINC.2018.8448944 | 30.05.-31.05. |
2018 | pp. 62-67 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
121) |
Lukač, D., Milić, M., Nikolić, J. |
From Artificial Intelligence to Augmented Age An Overview |
Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics International Conference 2018, Novi Sad, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4928-2, doi:10.1109/ZINC.2018.8448793 | 30.05.-31.05. |
2018 | pp. 100-103 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
122) |
Ljubenović, M., Đošić, S., Milić, M. |
Dynamic task scheduling using a timed action method implemented on Arduino platform |
IcEtran 2018, Palić | 14.06. |
2018 | p. 45 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
123) |
Milić, M., Ljubenović, M., Đošić, S., Lukač, D. |
Aging aware HDL modelling of delays in logic gates |
IcETRAN 2018, Palić | 14.06. |
2018 | p. 45 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
124) |
Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Petković, P. |
Utility losses due to cryptocurrency mining |
Web proceedings of the 10th International Conference ICT Innovations, Ohrid, ISSN 1857-7288 | 17.09.-19.09. |
2018 | pp. 27-36 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
125) |
Mirković, D., Stanojlović Mirković, M. |
Automation of Standard Cell Characterization in 180nm CMOS process using Open Command Environment for Analysis |
Proceedings of XIV International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automation, Control and Measurements
, Niš | 14.11.-16.11. |
2018 | pp. 69-72 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
126) |
Petković, M., Djordjević, G., Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
New Multi-Loop Architecture for Band Pass Sigma-Delta Modulator |
Proceedings of Papers – 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia, ISBN 978‐86‐7466‐752-1 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2018 | pp. 860-863 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
127) |
Petrović, D., Petrović, B., Petković, P. |
Efficacy Analysis Of New Class E Amplifier Solution |
Proceedings of Papers – 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia, ISBN 978‐86‐7466‐752-1 | 11.06-14.06 |
2018 | pp. 864-869 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
128) |
Veskovic, M., Djukic, S., Petković, P. |
Practical Realization Of The Operational Conveyor In Discrete Technology |
Proceedings of Papers – 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia, ISBN 978‐86‐7466‐752-1 | 11.06-14.06 |
2018 | pp. 878-882 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
129) |
Djordjević, Sr., Simić, M. |
Appliance level load monitoring based on the steady-state harmonic analysis ”, , Niš, Serbia, 11-14 November, 2018. (M33) |
XIV International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, Niš | november |
2018 | | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
130) |
Dimitrijević, M. |
Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium |
Proceedings of the 7th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-199-3 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2018 | pp. 1-120 | (M36) | Editing an int. conf. |
131) |
Radivojević, N., Đokić, M., Ljubenović, M., Milić, M. |
LED indikator jačine zvuka ralizovan korišćenjem Arduino Uno mikrokontrolera |
11th IEEESTEC Conference, Niš | 29.11. |
2018 | accepted for publication | (M63) | National conference |
132) |
Jovanović, A., Ivković, A., Ljubenović, M., Milić, M. |
Realizacija binarnog sata korišćenjem Arduino Uno okruženja |
11th IEEESTEC Conference, Niš | 29.11. |
2018 | accepted for publication | (M63) | National conference |
133) |
Aleksić R., D., Gavrić, S., Protić, N., Milić, M. |
Single ran u mreži "Telekom Srbija" područje Kopaonika |
Zbornik radova 24. konferencije YUINFO, Društvo za informacione sisteme i računarske mreže, Beograd, Kopaonik, ISBN: 978-86-85525-21-6 | 11.3.-14.3. |
2018 | pp. 138-141 | (M63) | National conference |
134) |
Dejan Mirković |
Projektovanje selektivnih IIR digitalnih filtara sa linearnom fazom upotrebom analognih prototipova |
Elektronski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu | |
2018 | str. 134 | (M71) | PhD thesis |
135) |
Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Sistem za analizu nelinearnih potrošača nominalne struje do 50A |
Tehničko rešenje - nova metoda, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/10-002/18-001, Niš | 18.01. |
2018 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
136) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Praktikum laboratorijskih vežbi iz analogne elektronike i analognih elektronskih kola |
Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, Edicija: Pomoćni udžbenici, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-201-3 | September |
2018 | | (-) | Educat. publication |
2017 |
137) |
Litovski, V., Le Blond, S., Ross, B. |
Transient circuit implementation of arc models with particular focus on arcs in low-voltage power cables |
Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 147 | June 2017 |
2017 | pp. 105–114 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
138) |
Borisav Jovanović, Srdjan Milenković, Milan Pavlović |
VT/VF Detection Method Based On ECG Signal Quality Assessment |
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 27, No. 11 (2018) 1850169, World Scientific Publishing Company, Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Print ISSN: 0218-1266 - Online ISSN: 1793-6454, doi:10.1142/S0218126618501694 | |
2017 | accepted for publication | (M23) | Internat.journal |
139) |
Djordjević, Sr. |
Analog circuit sizing using local biasing |
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Volume 93, Issue 2, 0925-1030 (Print) 1573-1979 (Online), doi:10.1007/s10470-017-1017-0 | November |
2017 | pp. 299-308 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
140) |
Djordjević, Sr., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
A Non-Intrusive Identification of Home Appliances Using Active Power and Harmonic Current |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol 30, No 2, Niš, ISSN 0353-3670, doi:10.2298/FUEE1702199D | June |
2017 | pp. 199-208 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
141) |
Miljan Petrović, Miljana Milić, Srdjan Milenković |
Optimal Parameters of the IQ Imbalance Correction Algorithm Based on Adaptive Filter |
IcETRAN 2017, Kladovo, Serbia | June 5-8 |
2017 | ELI1.5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
142) |
Dejan Mirković, Borisav Jovanović, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Vančo Litovski, Milena Stanojlović Mirković |
Design of IIR Filters based on all-pole Critical Monotonic Amplitude Characteristic analog prototypes |
IcETRAN 2017, Kladovo, Serbia | June 5-8 |
2017 | ELI1.6 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
143) |
Borisav Jovanović, Predrag Petković, Srdjan Milenković |
Implementation of Recursive Least Square Method in Active Power Filters Control |
IcETRAN 2017, Kladovo, Serbia | June 5-8 |
2017 | ELI2.5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
144) |
Miona Andrejević Stošović, Marko Dimitrijević, Dejan Stevanović |
Application of ELM Algorithm in Characterization of Nonlinear Loads |
Proceedings of the 5th IcETRAN Conference, Kladovo, Serbia, ISBN 978‐86‐7466‐692‐0 | 05.06.-08.06. |
2017 | ELI2.6 1-4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
145) |
Jelena Milojković, Vančo Litovski |
On the implementation of modern power transistors in low-voltage circuit breakers |
IcETRAN 2017, Kladovo, Serbia | June 5-8 |
2017 | ELI2.7 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
146) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D., Dimitrijević, M. |
Monitoring and Classification of Nonlinear Loads Based on Artificial Neural Networks |
13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS), Niš, 978-1-5386-1799-1, doi: 10.1109/TELSKS.2017.8246320 | 18.10.-20.10. |
2017 | pp. 443-446 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
147) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Stevanović, D., Dimitrijević, M. |
Classification of Nonlinear Loads Based on Artificial Neural Networks |
IEEE 30th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL), Niš, ISBN 978-1-5386-2561-3, doi:10.1109/MIEL.2017.8190107 | 09.10.-11.10. |
2017 | pp. 221-224 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
148) |
Petrović, M., Milić, M. |
Analog Device Design for Testability in the Case of Oscillation Based Testing |
IEEE 30th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL), Niš, 978-1-5386-2561-3, doi:10.1109/MIEL.2017.8190122 | 9.10.-11.10. |
2017 | pp. 283-286 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
149) |
Jovanović, B., Petković, P., Milenković, S. |
The implementation of harmonic analysis methods in active power filters control |
IEEE 30th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL), Niš, 978-1-5386-2561-3, doi:10.1109/MIEL.2017.8190105 | 9.10.-11.10. |
2017 | pp. 213-2014 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
150) |
Lukač, D., Milić, M. |
Simulation of a Pick-and-Place Cube Robot by Means of the Simulation Software Kuka Sim Pro |
ELECTRONICS, Vol. 21, No. 2, Banja Luka | December |
2017 | pp. 95-99 | (M52) | National journal |
151) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Electronics |
Electronics journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISSN: 1450-5843, doi:10.7251/ELS1721087A | December |
2017 | pp. 87-94 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
152) |
Ljubenović, M., Milić, M. |
Kolo za merenje kapacitivnosti diskretnih kondenzatora korišćenjem timer NE555 kola i Arduino okruženja |
IEEESTEC student project conference, Niš, 978-86-6125-193-1 | 23.11. |
2017 | pp. 147-150 | (M63) | National conference |
153) |
Jelena Milojković, Vančo Litovski, Miljana Milić |
Predviđanje potrošnje električne energije na nivou predgrađa yasnovanu na vremenskom nizu od jedne/og nedelje/meseca |
| 27.04.2017 |
2017 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
154) |
Miljana Milić, Borisav Jovanović, Nikola Stojanović, Nemanja Mišić, Jelena Milojković |
Programabilno kolo za kontrolu faznog pomeraja u trofaznom integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije IMPEG3 |
| 06.04.2017 |
2017 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
155) |
Jovanović, B., Milić, M. |
Metod za izracunavanje harmonika zasnovan na RLS algoritmu |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, Niš | December |
2017 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
156) |
Milić, M., Petrović, M., Milojković, J. |
Metod za optimalni iybor parametara adaptivnog filtra za korekciju IQ disbalansa |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, Niš | December |
2017 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
157) |
Branko Dokić, Predrag Petković |
Analiza i projektovanje CMOS digitalnih integrisanih kola |
Akademska misao, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-7466-696-8 | |
2017 | 603 str. | (-) | Educat. publication |
2016 |
158) |
Dejan Mirković, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Predrag Petković, Vančo Litovski |
Design of IIR Digital Filters With Critical Monotonic Passband Amplitude Characteristic - A Case Study |
Facta Universitatis, Series Electronics and Energetics, Vol 29, No 2, ISSN: 0353-3670, doi:10.2298/FUEE1602269 | |
2016 | pp. 269-283 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
159) |
Srđan Lale, Milomir Šoja, Marko Ikić, Dragiša Milovanović |
Uporedna analiza metoda diskretizacije dvofaznog generatora kao dijela jednofazne fazno-zaključane petlje |
XV međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum
INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2016, Jahorina, ISBN 978-99955-763-9-4 | 16-18 mart |
2016 | pp. 45-50 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
160) |
Simon Le Blond, Vančo Litovski |
A mechanism for collaboration between industry and academia in the UK, exemplified by project SYNAPS |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 1-7 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
161) |
Simon Le Blond, Vančo Litovski |
On the implementations of Circuit Models of Arcs |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 16-21 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
162) |
Duško Lukač, Miljana Milić |
ANN solution for increasing the efficiency of tracking PV systems |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 62-66 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
163) |
Srdjan Milenković |
LMS7002M FPRF 2x2 MIMO Transceiver IC With High Digital Content |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 79-84 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
164) |
Borisav Jovanović, Predrag Petković, Milunka Damnjanović |
The Power Quality Estimation by Integrated Power Meter DSP Block |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 95-98 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
165) |
Dejan Stevanović, Marko Dimitrijević, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Predrag Petković |
Monitoring and Compensation of Harmonics in Smart Grid |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 99 -103 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
166) |
Jelena Milojković, Slobodan Bojanić, Octavio Nieto-Taladriz, Vančo Litovski |
One-Week- and One-Month-Ahead Prediction of Suburban Electricity Load |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 104-111 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
167) |
Dejan Mirković, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Vančo Litovski |
Exploring Second Order s-to-z Transformation for IIR Linear Phase Filters Design |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 125-128 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
168) |
Dragan Topisirović, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Vančo Litovski |
CMAC and Chebyshev Filters in Frequency Domain |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 129-132 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
169) |
Dušan Petrović, Predrag Petković |
Design of RF power amplifiers at 40.68 MHz |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 137-142 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
170) |
Miljan Petrović, Miljana Milić |
Response Distribution Analysis for Oscillator Circuit Due to Process Variation |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2016, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-154-2 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2016 | pp. 143-147 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
171) |
Bojanić, S., Djordjević, Sr., Stevanović, D., Dimitrijević, M., Korunović, L. |
Efficient non-intrusive distinguisher of small non-linear electric loads |
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Porto, Portugal, ISBN 978-1-5090-1298-5, doi:10.1109/EEM.2016.7521220 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2016 | pp. 1-5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
172) |
Milica Ristović Krstić, Slobodan Lubura, Srđan Lale, Milomir Šoja, Marko Ikić, Dragiša Milovanović |
Analysis of discretization methods applied on DC-SOGI block as part of SRF-PLL structure |
XI International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - INDEL 2016, Banja Luka (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina), eISBN:978-1-5090-2329-5, (PoD)ISBN: 978-1-5090-2330-1, doi:10.1109/INDEL.2016.7797771 | November 3-5 |
2016 | pp. 1-5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
173) |
Duško Lukač, Miljana Milić |
Higher education according to industrial requirements - ECS as a successful example |
Proceedings of Abstracts and Program 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-7466-618-0 | June 13-16 |
2016 | ELI2.2 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
174) |
Miljana Milić, Nikola Stojanović, Nemanja Mišić, Jelena Milojković, Predrag Petković |
Programmable phase shift circuit for an integrated power-meter |
Proceedings of Abstracts and Program 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-7466-618-0 | June 13-16 |
2016 | ELI2.5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
175) |
Jelena Milojković, Vančo Litovski |
Comparative analysis of the error prediction of electricity consumption on a monthly and weekly level |
Proceedings of Abstracts and Program 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-7466-618-0 | June 13-16 |
2016 | ELI2.4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
176) |
Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Petronijević, M., Petković, P. |
Compensation of Harmonics in Smart Grid Using Photovoltaic Energy Source |
XI International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - INDEL 2016, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-1-5090-2329-5, doi:10.1109/INDEL.2016.7797799 | 03.11.-05.11. |
2016 | pp. 1-6 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
177) |
Jelena Milojković, Simon Le Blond, Vojislav Mitić,V., Vančo Litovski |
Implementation of Wide-Bandgap Materials in Power Electronics Components |
Serbian Ceramics Society Conference ADVANCED CERAMICS AND APPLICATION V, OR2 Abstract on page 44 | 21-23rd September 2016 |
2016 | pp. 44 | (M34) | Internat.conf.(part. |
178) |
Miona Andrejević Stošović, Marko Dimitrijević, Slobodan Bojanić, Octavio Nieto-Taladriz, Vančo Litovski |
Characterization of Non Linear Loads in Power Distribution Gird |
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Electronics and Energetics, University of Niš, Vol. 29, No. 2, Niš, ISSN 0353-3670, doi:10.2298/FUEE1602159A | June |
2016 | pp. 159-175 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
179) |
Milojković, J., Topisirović, D., Milić, M., Stanojević, M. |
Short term local road traffic forecast using feed-forward and recurrent ANN |
Facta Universitates, Working and Living Environmental Protection, Vol. 13, No 1 | |
2016 | pp.1-12 | (M52) | National journal |
180) |
Jelena Milojković, Vančo Litovski |
Materijali sa širokim energijskim procepom primenjeni u elektronici snage |
Zbornik apstrakata i program 60.konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-7466-618-0 | 13.06-16.06 |
2016 | EL1.1 | (M63) | National conference |
181) |
Jovanović, B. |
Napredni metodi projektovanja digitalnih integrisanih kola u nanometarskim tehnologijama ssa posebnim naglaskom na brzinu, statičku i dinamičku potrošnju |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2016 | str. - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
182) |
Milojković, J., Topisirović, D., Milić, M., Stanojević, M. |
Kratkoročno predviđanje saobraćaja na lokalnom putu pomoću FEED-FORWARD u rekurentnih veštačkih neuronskih mreža |
Tehničko rešenje, Niš | 29.12. |
2016 | - | (M85) | Technical solution |
183) |
Bojan Draško, Miljana Milić |
Kolo za testiranje bipolarnih tranzistora korišćenjem NE555 tajmera |
9th Student project conference IEEESTEC, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Niš | 24.11.2016 |
2016 | accepted for publication | (-) | Students publication |
184) |
Milan Lazić, Miljana Milić |
Kolo za detekciju mobilnih telefona |
9th Student project conference IEEESTEC
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis
, Niš | 24.11.2016 |
2016 | accepted for publication | (-) | Students publication |
2015 |
185) |
Dragan Topisirović, Vančo Litovski, Miona Andrejević Stošović |
Unified theory and state variable implementation of critical-monotonic all-pole filters |
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Volume 43, Issue 4, Wiley, ISSN: 0098-9886 | 22 Oct |
2015 | pp. 502-515 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
186) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
A Single-Point Method for Identification Sources of Harmonic Pollution Applicable to Standard Power Meters |
Electrical Engineering, Volume 97, Issue 2, ISSN 0948-7921(prn), ISSN 1432-0487(online), doi:10.1007/s00202-014-0324-z | June 2015 |
2015 | pp 165-174 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
187) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Petković, P., Litovski, V. |
Standard Cell Based Low Power Embedded Controller Design |
Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, Vol. 24, No. 6, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, ISSN: 0218-1266(prn.)/ISSN: 1793-6454(onln.), doi:10.1142/S0218126615500772 | July 2015 |
2015 | 19 pages | (M23) | Internat.journal |
188) |
Dejan Mirković, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Predrag Petković, Vančo Litovski |
IIR digital filters with critical monotonic pass-band amplitude characteristic |
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 69, Issue 10, doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2015.07.005 | October |
2015 | pp. 1495-1505 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
189) |
Nebojša Milenković, Vladimir Stanković, Miljana Milić |
Modular design of fast leading zeros counting circuit |
2015 | pp. 329-333 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
190) |
Jovanović, B., Litovski, V., Pavlović, S. M. |
QRS Complex Detection Based ECG signal Artefact Discrimination |
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Electronic and Energetics, Vol. 28, No. 4, University of Niš, ISSN: 0353-3670(online), doi:10.2298/FUEE1504571J | December |
2015 | pp. 571-584 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
191) |
Miljana Milić, Vančo Litovski |
Oscilation-based Testing Method for Detecting Switch in high-Q SC Biquad Filters |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol. 28, No 2, ISSN 0353-3670 (prn.)/ISSN 2217-5997(online), doi:10.2298/FUEE1502223M | June |
2015 | pp. 223-236 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
192) |
Dejan Stevanović, Predrag Petković |
Utility needs smarter power meters in order to reduce economic losses |
Facta Universitatis Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 28, No 3, doi:10.2298/FUEE1503407S | September 2015 |
2015 | pp. 407-421 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
193) |
Dejan Mirković, Predrag Petković, Ilija Dimitrijević, Igor Mirčić |
Operational Transconductance Amplifier in 350nm CMOS technology |
Electronics, Vol.: 19, Num./Issue: 1
, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Banja Luka, doi:10.7251/ELS1519032M | June |
2015 | pp. 32-37 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
194) |
Lubura, S., Šoja, M., Lale, S., Ristović, M., Ikić, M., Milovanović, D. |
ADB filterska banka za selektivno eliminisanje viših harmonika u SRF-PLL strukturama |
INFOTEH-JAHORINA Vol. 14, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-763-6-3 | March 18-20 |
2015 | pp. 65-70 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
195) |
Litovski, I., Litovski, V. |
Graphic representation of the synthesis results in a telecommunication-filter design suite |
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference IcETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-6 | 8.6.-11.6. |
2015 | ELI1.2 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
196) |
Mirković, D., Litovski, I., Litovski, V. |
On the Synthesis and Realization of Selective Linear Phase IIR Filters |
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference IcETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-6 | 8.6.-11.6. |
2015 | ELI1.3 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
197) |
Melikyan Vazgen Sh., Galstyan Vache A., Aleksanyan Ani L., Melikyan Nazeli V., Jovanović Borisav |
Adjustable Low-Power Non-overlap Clock Generator for Switched-Capacitor Circuits |
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference IcETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-6 | 8.6.-11.6. |
2015 | ELI1.5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
198) |
Vazgen Sh. Melikyan, Ani L. Aleksanyan, Vache A. Galstyan, Sergey H. Manukyan, Ani S. Harutyunyan, Sandra Ilijin |
Low-power And High Speed High-to-Low level Shifter |
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference IcETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-6 | 8.6.-11.6. |
2015 | ELI1.6 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
199) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Characterization of Telecommunication and IT Devices as Nonlinear Loads |
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference IcETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-6 | 08.06.-11.06. |
2015 | ELI2.1 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
200) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
One Month Ahead Prediction of Suburban Average Electricity Load |
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference IcETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-6 | 8.6.-11.6. |
2015 | ELI2.2 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
201) |
Dejan Mirković, Ivan Litovski, Vančo Litovski |
Synthesis of IIR Filters Exhibiting Constant Group Delay Using Phase Invariance Method |
Proceedings of 12th international conference TELSIKS 2015, ISBN 978-4673-7514-6 | October 14-17 |
2015 | pp. 361-364 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
202) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Analiza metoda za detekciju nelinearnih potrošača |
Zbornik LIX konferencije ETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-6 | 8.6.-11.6. |
2015 | EL2.2 | (M63) | National conference |
203) |
Srdjan Djordjević, Slobodan Bojanić, Marko Dimitrijević, Dejan Stevanović |
Monitoring potrošnje električne energije zasnovan na kontinualnom praćenju aktivne i snage izobličenja |
Zbornik LIX konferencije ETRAN, Srebrno Jezero, ISBN 978-86-80509-71-6 | 08.06.-11.06. |
2015 | EL2.3 | (M63) | National conference |
204) |
Jelena Milojković, Vančo Litovski, Miljana Milić |
Predviđanje mesečne potrošnje električne energije na nivou prigradske trafostanice |
Naučno-stručni simpozijum - Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2015, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-23-6 | 25.09.-26.09. |
2015 | str. 70-75 | (M63) | National conference |
205) |
Borisav Jovanović, Predrag Petković, Milunka Damnjanović |
Minimizacija dinamičke potrošnje IP bloka mikrokontrolera |
Naučno-stručni simpozijum - Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2015, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-23-6 | 25.09.-26.09. |
2015 | str. 128-131 | (M63) | National conference |
206) |
Srdjan Djordjević, Slobodan Bojanić, Dejan Stevanović, Marko Dimitrijević |
Novi metod za detekciju događaja u neinvazivnom monitoringu potrošnje |
Naučno-stručni simpozijum - Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2015, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-23-6 | 25.09.-26.09. |
2015 | pp. 132-135 | (M63) | National conference |
207) |
Dejan Stevanović, Milutin Petronijević, Predrag Petković |
Karakterizacija četvorokvadrantnog jednosmernog pogona uz pomoć modifikovane standardne merne grupe |
Naučno-stručni simpozijum - Energetska efikasnost - ENEF 2015, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-23-6 | 25.09.-26.09. |
2015 | str. 118-122 | (M63) | National conference |
208) |
Marjan Tričković, Nemanja Mišić, Borisav Jovanović |
Heart Electrical Activity Recording and Transmission using Bluetooth |
IEEESTEC – 8th Student Projects Conference, Niš | 26. nov. |
2015 | pp. 65-68 | (M63) | National conference |
209) |
Nemanja Mišić, Marjan Tričković, Borisav Jovanović |
PC-Based Pulse Signal and Blood Oxygen Level Monitor |
IEEESTEC – 8th Student Projects Conference, Niš | 26. nov. |
2015 | pp. 139-142 | (M63) | National conference |
210) |
Nikola Stojanović (st.), Milan Stefanović (st.), Borisav Jovanović |
The ECG Monitor with Memory Card Data Storage |
IEEESTEC – 8th Student Projects Conference, Niš | 26. nov. |
2015 | pp. 105-108 | (M63) | National conference |
211) |
Dejan Stevanović |
Metod za efikasnu identifikaciju harmonijskih izobličenja u elektroenergetskoj mreži primenom modifikovanih elektronskih brojila |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | 28 dec |
2015 | 128 | (M71) | PhD thesis |
212) |
Dejan Mirković, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Predrag Petković, Dragiša Milovanović, Milena Stanojlović Mirković, Srdjan Djordjević |
CMOS Operacioni transkonduktansni pojačavač u delta-sigma ADC-u integrisanog merača potrošnje električne energije |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2015 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
213) |
Srdjan Djordjević, Dejan Mirković, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Dragiša Milovanović |
Konvertor jednostrukog u diferencijalni analogni signal u AMS CMOS 180nm tehnologiji |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2015 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
214) |
Miljana Milić, Dejan Mirković, Nikola Stojanović, Jelena Milojković, Predrag Petković |
Decimacioni filtri u trofaznom integrisanom meraču potrošwe električne energije - IMPEG3 |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2015 | - | (M85) | Technical solution |
215) |
Jovanović, B., Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Damnjanović, M. |
DSP blok za trofazni integrisani merač potrošnje električne energije, Tehničko rešenje |
Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/10-034/15-001, Niš | 30.11. |
2015 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
216) |
Dimitrijević, M., Jovanović, B., Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Virtuelni instrument za analizu nelinearnih potrošača u elektroenergetskoj mreži |
Tehničko rešenje - nova metoda, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/10-032/15-001, Niš | 30.11. |
2015 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
2014 |
217) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, R., Carreras, C |
Binary Division Power Models for High-Level Power Estimation of FPGA-Based DSP Circuits |
IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, Vol. (10), Issue: 1, ISSN: 1551-3203 | February |
2014 | pp. 393-398 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
218) |
B. B. Jovanović, R. M. Brumm, L. Torres |
A hybrid magnetic/complementary metal oxide semiconductor three-context memory bit cell for non-volatile circuit design |
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 115, no. 13 | |
2014 | p. 134316 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
219) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Živanić, J., Litovski, V. |
Maximally Flat Filter Functions With the Maximum Number of Transmission Zeros Having Maximal Multiplicity |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol.61, no.10, ISSN 1549-7747, doi:10.1109/TCSII.2014.2345300 | Oct. |
2014 | pp.778-782 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
220) |
Jovanović, B. B., Brumm, R., Torres, L. |
Comparative Analysis of MTJ/CMOS Hybrid Cells based on TAS and In-plane STT Magnetic Tunnel Junctions |
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. PP, no. 99 | |
2014 | p. 1 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
221) |
Miona Andrejević Stošović, Marko Dimitrijević, Vančo Litovski |
Computer Security Vulnerability Seen From the Electricity Distribution Grid Side |
Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor & Francis Ltd., No 28, Vol 4, London, ISSN 0883-9514, doi:10.1080/08839514.2014.891831 | April |
2014 | pp. 323-336 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
222) |
Petković, P., Stevanović, D. |
Detection of power grid harmonic pollution sources based on upgraded power meters |
Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 65, No. 3 | |
2014 | pp. 163-168 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
223) |
Miona Andrejević Stošović, Ivan Litovski, Duško Lukač, Marko Dimitrijević, Vančo Litovski |
Small Signal Model of a Solar Cell |
Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Sage Science Press, London, Vol. 90 Issue 11, ISSN: 0037-5497, doi:10.1177/0037549714551290 | November |
2014 | pp. 1231-1243 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
224) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P., Litovski, V. |
A second order s-to-z transform and its implementation to IIR filter design |
COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 33 Iss: 5, ISSN: 0332-1649, doi:10.1108/COMPEL-03-2014-0058 | |
2014 | pp.1831 - 1843 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
225) |
Jovanović, B. B., Brumm, R., Torres, L. |
Evaluation of hybrid MRAM/CMOS cells for “normally-off and instant-on” computing |
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. PP, no. 99 | |
2014 | p. 1 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
226) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
A single-point method based on distortion power for the detection of harmonic sources in power system |
Metrology and measurement systems, Vol. XXI(2014), No.1, ISSN 0860-8229, doi:10.2478/mms-2014-0001 | |
2014 | pp. 3-14 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
227) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Design automation of ΔΣ switched capacitor modulators using SPICE and MATLAB |
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 11., No. 1, ISSN: 1451-4869, doi:10.2298/SJEE131017005M | February |
2014 | pp. 47-59 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
228) |
Miljana Milić, Vančo Litovski |
Testing Capacitors’ Hard Defects in Notch SC Filters Using the Oscillation Method |
Proceedings of the 5th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-098-9 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2014 | pp. 30-36 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
229) |
Dejan Mirković, Predrag Petković, Dragiša Milovanović |
Analog Design Challenges in Advanced CMOS Process Node |
Proceedings of the 5th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-098-9 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2014 | pp. 37-42 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
230) |
Miona Andrejević Stošović, Marko Dimitrijević, Vančo Litovski |
SPICE Model of a Linear Variable Capacitance |
Proceedings of the 5th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-098-9 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2014 | pp. 43-46 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
231) |
Dejan Stevanović, Predrag Petković, Volker Zerbe |
Single Phase System for Detection of Harmonic Pollution Sources at Power Grid |
Proceedings of the 5th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-098-9 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2014 | pp. 74-78 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
232) |
Marko Dimitrijević, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Octavio Nieto-Taladriz, Slobodan Bojanić, Vančo Litovski |
Computer Workstation Vetting by Supply Current Monitoring |
Proceedings of the 5th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-098-9 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2014 | pp. 113-118 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
233) |
Borisav Jovanović, Milunka Damnjanović |
Glitch free clock switching techniques in modern microcontrollers |
Proceedings of the 5th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-098-9 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2014 | pp. 119-122 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
234) |
Milena Stanojlović Mirković, Vančo Litovski, Predrag Petković |
Testing an SCA hardened combinational standard cell - preliminary considerations |
Proceedings of the 5th Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-098-9 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2014 | pp. 123-128 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
235) |
Melikyan, V., Sahakyan, A., Piloyan, M., Jovanović, B. |
High Accurancy Self-Configurable DLL by Frequency Range |
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering - IcETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | ELI1.4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
236) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
On The Method Development For Electricity Load Forecasting |
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering - IcETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | ELI1.7 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
237) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Experience in Using Open Command Environment for Analysis in Education |
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering - IcETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | ELI1.8 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
238) |
Lukač, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Milovanović, D., Litovski, V. |
Reference Analysis of the Analogous Models for Photovoltaic Cells by Comparison with the Real Photovoltaic Modules |
X Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2014, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), ISBN 978-99955-46-22-9 | 6-8th November |
2014 | pp. 235-240 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
239) |
Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Python Application for Analyzing Analog Filters’ Transfer Function |
X Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2014, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), ISBN 978-99955-46-22-9 | 6-8th November |
2014 | pp. 78-82 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
240) |
Stanojlović Mirković, M., Litovski, V., Petković, P., Milovanović, D. |
Faults Simulations in XOR/XNOR Cell Resistant to Side Channel Attacks |
X Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2014, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), ISBN 978-99955-46-22-9 | 6-8th November |
2014 | pp. 83-88 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
241) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Operational Transconductance Amplifier in 350nm CMOS technology |
X Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2014, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), ISBN 978-99955-46-22-9 | 6-8th November |
2014 | pp. 94-98 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
242) |
Jovanović, B., Mirković, D., Damnjanović, M. |
The Design of MCU's Communication Interface |
X Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2014, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), ISBN 978-99955-46-22-9 | 6-8th November |
2014 | pp. 99-103 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
243) |
Djordjević, Sr., Bojanić, S., Dimitrijević, M. |
Smart Meter Privacy by Suppression of Low Power Frequency Components |
X Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2014, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), ISBN 978-99955-46-22-9 | 06.11.-08.11. |
2014 | pp. 285-289 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
244) |
Milić, M., Milovanović, D. |
A Spice-Based Method for Determining AC Characteristics of Black-Box SC Filter Systems Using Time-Domain Analysis Data |
Proceedings of the XII International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 987-86-6125-117-7 (FEE) | November 12th-14th |
2014 | pp. 294-297 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
245) |
Stojanović, N., Milovanović, D., Stojanović, V., Stamenković, N. |
Design of Two-Channel Analysis Part of Hybrid Filter Bank |
X Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2014, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), ISBN 978-99955-46-22-9 | 6-8th November |
2014 | pp. 175-179 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
246) |
Milić, M., Marković, I., Milojković, J. |
Economic aspect of electronic circuit design and manufacturing in Republic of Serbia |
„FACTA UNIVERSITATIS“ serises Economics and organisation, Vol. 11, N⁰ 4, UDC 621.38(497.11) | |
2014 | pp. 367 - 379 | (M51) | Lead.national journal |
247) |
Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Statistička procena kašnjenja digitalnih kola primenom VHDL-a |
Tehnika - Elektrotehnika 2/2014, Beograd, ISSN 0013-5860 | April |
2014 | pp. 253-260 | (M52) | National journal |
248) |
Marko Dimitrijević, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Jelena Milojković, Vančo Litovski |
Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks Based AI Concepts to the Smart Grid |
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Electronic and Energetics, University of Niš, Vol. 27, No. 3, Niš, ISSN: 0353-3670, doi:10.2298/FUEE1403411D | September |
2014 | pp. 411-424 | (M52) | National journal |
249) |
Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Statistical delay estimation in digital circuits using VHDL |
Tehnika, Special issue in English, ISSN: 0040-2176, UDC:( | December |
2014 | pp. 71-78 | (M52) | National journal |
250) |
Lukić, I., Milić, M., Milovanović, S. |
The most common reasons for abstenteeism among workers of the Railway junction Niš, for the period 2005-2013 |
Acta Medica Medianae, ISSN: 0365-4478 (Printed), ISSN: 1821-2794 (Online) | |
2014 | accepted for publication | (M52) | National journal |
251) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Lukač, D., Litovski, V. |
SPICE Modeling and Simulation of a MPPT Algorithm |
Electronics Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja Luka , Banja Luka, ISSN 1450-5843, doi:10.7251/ELS1418011A | June |
2014 | pp. 11-15 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
252) |
Zargaryan, G., Aharonyan, V., Melikyan, N., Dimitrijević, M. |
USB HW/SW Co-Simulation Environment with Custom Test Tool Integration |
Electronics Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, Faculty of Electric Engineering Banja Luka, Banja Luka, ISSN 1450-5843, doi:10.7251/ELS1418023G | June |
2014 | pp. 23-28 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
253) |
Djordjević, Sr., Bojanić, S. |
Tehničko rešenje za zaštitu privatnosti u novim elektroenergetskim mrežama zasnovano a optimalnom balansu između privatnosti i funkcionalnosti |
Zbornik radova LVIII konferencije ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | EL1.1 | (M63) | National conference |
254) |
Ilijin, S., Petković, P. |
Kontrona logika za praćenje i prikaz rezultata teniskog meča |
Zbornik LVIII konferencije ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | EL1.3 | (M63) | National conference |
255) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Monofazni sistem za detekciju potrošača koji predstavljaju izvor harmonijskih izobličenja u elektroenergetskom sistemu |
Zbornik LVIII konferencije ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | EL1.4 | (M63) | National conference |
256) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Polinomi sa razlomljenim stepenima, SPICE model i primena |
Zbornik LVIII konferencije ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | EL2.1 | (M63) | National conference |
257) |
Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Anliza prenosnih funkcija analognih filtara upotrebom programskog jezika Python |
Zbornik LVIII konferencije ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | EL2.4 | (M63) | National conference |
258) |
Stanojlović, M., Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Testiranje standardne AND ćelije otporne na bočne napade |
Zbornik LVIII konferencije ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | EL2.5 | (M63) | National conference |
259) |
Jovanović, B., Mirković, D., Damnjanović, M. |
Logička verifikacija i projektovanje kola za testiranje ip bloka mikrokontrolera |
Zbornik LVIII konferencije ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9 | 02.06.-05.06. |
2014 | EL2.6 | (M63) | National conference |
260) |
Cvetković, S. S., Stojanović, M., Nikolić, V. S., Milovanović, D. |
Generisanje statičkog video pregleda primenom deskriptora boje i tehnike adaptivnog praga |
Zbornik radova DOGS2014, Novi Sad, ISBN 978-86-7892-633-4 | Oktobar |
2014 | pp. 55-58 | (M63) | National conference |
261) |
Jovanović, B., Mirković, D., Damnjanović, M. |
Kolo za programiranje IP bloka 8051 mikrokontrolera |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2014 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
262) |
Stanojlović Mirković, M., Petković, P. |
Bibliotečka D flip flop ćelija otporna na bočne napade |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2014 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
263) |
Milić, M., Milovanović, D. |
Metod za određivanje karakteristika SC filtarskih sistema u frekvencijskom domenu primenom Spice simulacija u vremenskom domenu |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2014 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
264) |
Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Python aplikacija za analizu prenosnih funkcija analognih filtara |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2014 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
265) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Monofazni sistem za detekciju izvora harmonijskih izobličenja na mestu priključenja potrošača |
Tehničko rešenje, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2014 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
266) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Projektovanje kola za praćenje maksimalne snage samostalnog fotonaponskog sistema |
Tehničko rešenje - razvoj softvera, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/10-006/14-001, Niš | 26.12. |
2014 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
267) |
Marko Dimitrijević, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Vančo Litovski |
Quantification of Some Properties of the PV Panel - Converter Interface |
IDTechEx Energy Harvesting and Storage, Berlin, Germany | 31.03.-02.04. |
2014 | poster presentation | (-) | Report |
2013 |
268) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Implementation of Recurrent Artificial Neural Networks for Nonlinear Dynamic Modelling in Biomedical Applications |
The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Wichtig Editore, ISSN: 0391-3988, doi:10.5301/ijao.5000255 | November |
2013 | Vol. 36, Issue 11, pp. 833-842 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
269) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Milić, M., Zwolinski, M., Litovski, V. |
Oscillation-based analog diagnosis using artificial neural networks based inference mechanism |
Computers and electrical engineering, Vol. 39, Issue 2, Elsevier, ISSN 0045-7906 | February |
2013 | pp. 190-201 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
270) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
The Losses at Power Grid Caused by Small Nonlinear Loads |
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 10, No. 1, Febryary 2013, Čačak, Serbia, ISSN 1451-4869 | |
2013 | pp. 209-217 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
271) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Electronic simulation for the new era |
The Book of Abstracts of Advanced ceramics and application II, Belgrade, Serbia | Sep 30th-Oct 1st |
2013 | p. 5 | (M32) | Invited lect.internat conference(partial |
272) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Harmonics in Power System – Problems and Solutions (in Serbian*) |
XII međunarodni naučno-stručni Simpozijum INFOTEH®-JAHORINA 2013 , Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-763-1-8 | 20. mart - 22. mart |
2013 | pp. 203-208 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
273) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
MPPT Controller Design for a Standalone PV System |
11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting services, TELSIKS 2013, Vol. 2, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-1-4799-0900-1, doi:10.1109/TELSKS.2013.6704427 | 16.10.-19.10. |
2013 | pp. 501-504 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
274) |
Dimitrijević, M., Milojković, J., Bojanić, S., Nieto-Taladriz, O., Litovski, V. |
ICT and Power: New Challenges and Solutions |
International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1, ISSN 1755-0556, doi:10.1504/IJRIS.2013.0 | September |
2013 | pp. 32-41 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
275) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M. |
Design of a Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller for a PV System |
FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Univerzitet u Nišu, Vol. 12, No. 2, ISSN 1820-6417 | November |
2013 | pp. 103-119 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
276) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Predviđanje maksimuma dnevne potrošnje električne energije pomoću veštačkih neuronskih mreža |
Zbornik radova konferencije Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2013, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-18-2 | 22.11.-23.11. |
2013 | pp. B1 16-21 | (M61) | Invited lect.in national confer. |
277) |
Petković, P., Jovanović, B., Stevanović, D. |
Energetska efikasnost i elektronika |
Zbornik radova konferencije Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2013, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-18-2 | 22.11.-23.11. |
2013 | pp. B3 1-8 | (M61) | Invited lect.in national confer. |
278) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Lukač, D., Litovski, V. |
Spice Modeling and Simulation of a MPPT Algorithm |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL1.4 | (M63) | National conference |
279) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Design automation of ΔΣ switched capacitor modulators using SPICE and MATLAB |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL1.6 | (M63) | National conference |
280) |
Zargaryan, G., Aharonyan, V., Melikyan, V., Dimitrijević, M. |
A New Approach of USB HW/SW Co-simulation and Verification |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL1.8 | (M63) | National conference |
281) |
Lazić, M., Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Integrisani izvor referentnog napona u 130nm CMOS tehnologiji |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL2.1 | (M63) | National conference |
282) |
Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Testiranje parametarskih defekata SC filtarske ćelije prigušnika opsega metodom oscilacija |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL2.3 | (M63) | National conference |
283) |
Stanojlović, M. |
D flip-flop ćelija otporna na bočne napade analizom struje napajanja |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL3.3 | (M63) | National conference |
284) |
Melikyan, V., Sahakyan, A., Hayrapetyan, A., Balabanyan, A., Stanojlović, M., Zargaryan, G. |
Serializer/Deserializer Output Data Signal Duty Cycle Correction Method |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL3.4 | (M63) | National conference |
285) |
Gevorgyan, A., Baghdasaryan, A., Avagyan, D., Khazhakyan, T., Milić, M. |
Thermal Aware Task Scheduling for 3D ICs |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL3.7 | (M63) | National conference |
286) |
Bojanić, S., Nieto-Taladriz, O., Djordjević, Sr. |
Framework for Securing Smart Meters through Deployment of Integrated Circuits |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL4.1 | (M63) | National conference |
287) |
Djordjević, Sr., Nieto-Taladriz, O. |
Primena enkripcionih šema zasnovanih na identitetima u naprednoj elektroenergetskoj mreži |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL4.2 | (M63) | National conference |
288) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Unapređenje sistema za registrovanje potrošnje električne energije |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL4.3 | (M63) | National conference |
289) |
Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Praćenje, monitoring i kontrola potrošnje električne energije u domaćinstvima |
Zbornik LVII konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | 03.06.-06.06. |
2013 | EL4.5 | (M63) | National conference |
290) |
Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Kvantitativna analiza reaktivne snage za nelinearna opterećenja |
Zbornik radova konferencije Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2013, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-18-2 | 22.11.-23.11. |
2013 | pp. B1 11-15 | (M63) | National conference |
291) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Low Power Dual Processor Fault-Tolerant System |
Zbornik radova konferencije Energetska efikasnost ENEF 2013, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-18-2 | 22.11.-23.11. |
2013 | pp. B3 9-12 | (M63) | National conference |
292) |
Bojanić, S., Djordjević, Sr. |
Tehnološka rešenja i zakonska regulativa za zaštitu privatnosti korisnika naprednih elektroenergetskih mreža |
Zbornik radova konferencije Energetska Efikasnost ENEF 2013, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-18-2 | 22.11.-23.11. |
2013 | pp. A1 39-41 | (M64) | National conf.(part. |
293) |
Jovanović, B. B. |
Analiticki model za procenu dinamicke potrosnje aritmetickih kola implementiranih na FPGA |
Doktorska disertacija, Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | 21.02. |
2013 | pp 125 | (M71) | PhD thesis |
294) |
Milojković, J., Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Postupak predviđanja vršne vrednosti dnevne potrošnje električne energije |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2013 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
295) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Dijagnostika analognih filtara korišćenjem metode oscilacija |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2013 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
296) |
Milić, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Primena metoda oscilacija za testiranje aktivnog filtra, nepropusnika opsega frekvencija |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2013 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
297) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Procesorski sistem baziran na Standby Sparing metodi |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2013 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
298) |
Stanojlović, M., Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Metod realističnog kreiranja rečnika defekata u CMOS kolima |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2013 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
299) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Softver za automatizaciju projektovanja delta-sigma modulatora |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2013 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
300) |
Stanojlović, M., Petković, P. |
Bibliotečka MUX2x1 ćelija otporna na bočne napade |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu | |
2013 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
2012 |
301) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
The Efficient Technique for Harmonic Sources Detection at Power Grid |
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, ISSN 0033-2097 | |
2012 | pp. 196-199 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
302) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Analog Filter Diagnosis Using the Oscillation Based Method |
Journal of Electrical Engineering - Elektrotechnický, Vol. 63, No. 6, ISSN 1335-3632 | |
2012 | pp. 349-356 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
303) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
Methods for Power Minimization in Modern VLSI Circuits |
Int. J. Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2, ISSN (Print): 1755-055 | April |
2012 | pp. 46-57 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
304) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
The Decomposition of DSP's Control Logic Block for Power Reduction |
ELECTRONICS, VOL. 16, NO. 1, Banja Luka | June |
2012 | pp. 85-91 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
305) |
Borisav Jovanović, Milunka Damnjanović, Dejan Stevanović |
The Decomposition of DSP’s Control Logic Block |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 119-124 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
306) |
Dejan Mirković, Dejan Stevanović, Vančo Litovski |
Efficient Fault Effect Extraction for an Integrated Power Meter’s ΣΔ ADC |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | 125-128 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
307) |
Dejan Mirković, Predrag Petković |
High level simulation of multiplexed incremental ADC for Integrated Power Meter |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 129-134 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
308) |
Slobodan Bojanić, Octavio Nieto-Taladriz, Srdjan Djordjević |
Privacy Issues in Smart Grids |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 135-140 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
309) |
Milena Stanojlović Mirković, Predrag Petković |
Resistance of XOR/XNOR NSDDL Cell to Side Channel Attack |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 141-144 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
310) |
Milena Stanojlović Mirković, Vančo Litovski |
Simulation of Defects in the Sequential NSDDL Master/Slave D Flip Flop Circuit |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 145-149 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
311) |
Marko Dimitrijević, Vančo Litovski |
Quantitative Analysis of Reactive Power Calculations for Small Non-linear Loads |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 150-154 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
312) |
Dejan Stevanović, Borisav Jovanović, Predrag Petković |
Simulation of Utility Losses Caused by Nonlinear Loads at Power Grid |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 155-160 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
313) |
Duško Lukač, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Vančo Litovski |
Operating Points and Topographic Dependence of the Thin Layer-Photovoltaic Cells as Relevant Characteristics for Modeling of the PV Cells |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 20-23 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
314) |
Bojan Jovanović, Jevtić, R., Carreras, C |
TBT Signal Model for Improved Accuracy of High-level Dynamic Power Estimation Procedure |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 62-66 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
315) |
Sandra Đošić, Milun Jevtić |
Energy efficiency and fault tolerance analysis of hard real-time systems |
Proceedings of Small Systemssimulation Simposium, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 101-105 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
316) |
Miona Andrejević Stošović, Duško Lukač, Vančo Litovski |
Realistic modeling and simulation of the PV system - converter interface |
Proceedings of Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2012, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-059-0 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2012 | pp. 28-32 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
317) |
Bogdanvić, N., Blagojević, D., Milovanović, D. |
Reliability of Radio-Relay Systems |
ICEST 2012 Proceedings of papers, Vol. 2, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-619-167-003-1 | June 28-30 |
2012 | pp.303-306 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
318) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Real-Time Virtual Instrument for Polyphase Nonlinear Loads Analysis |
IX Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2012, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-14-4 | 01.11.-03.11. |
2012 | pp. 136-141 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
319) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V., Lukač, D. |
Quantification of Power Quality Issues at the PV Panel-Converter Interface |
IX Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2012, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-14-4 | 01.11.-03.11. |
2012 | pp. 256-262 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
320) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Lukač, D., Litovski, I., Litovski, V. |
Frequency Domain Characterization of a Solar Cell |
Proc. of 11th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering - NEUREL 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1572-2 | 20.09.-22.09. |
2012 | pp. 259-264 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
321) |
Lukač, D., Litovski, V., Andrejević Stošović, M., Vukomirović, S. |
Technology and Light Source as Challenge for proper Modeling of PVCells |
XI International Scientific - Professional Symposium INFOTEH2012, Sarajevo, 978-99938-624-8-2 | March |
2012 | 173-176 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
322) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Analog front end for multichannel ΔΣ ADC |
IX Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2012, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-14-4 | 01.11.-03.11. |
2012 | pp. 55-59 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
323) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Measurement of Utility Losses Caused by Nonlinear Loads at Power Grid |
IX Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2012, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-14-4 | 01.11-03.11 |
2012 | pp. 247-250 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
324) |
Đošić, S., Jevtić, M., Damnjanović, M. |
Power consumption analysis of fault tolerant real-time systems |
Proceedings of ICEST 2012 XLVII International scientific conference on information, communication and energy systems and technologies, vol. 1, Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria | June 28 - 30 |
2012 | pp 163- 166 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
325) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
Optimization of the Binary Adder Architectures Implemented in ASICs and FPGAs |
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop Soft Computing Applications, Szeged, Hungary, ISBN 978-3-642-33941-7 | 22-24 August |
2012 | Springer, vol.195, pp. 295-308 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
326) |
Bojanić, S., Djordjević, Sr., Nieto-Taladriz, O. |
Security Aspects of Advanced Metering Infrastructures |
IX Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2012, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-14-4 | 01.11-03.11 |
2012 | pp. 205-208 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
327) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, I., Litovski, V. |
ANN Application for the Next Day Peak Electricity Load Prediction |
Proc. of 11th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering - NEUREL 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1572-2 | 20.09.-22.09. |
2012 | pp. 237-241 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
328) |
Stanojlović Mirković, M., Petković, P. |
Design and Simulation of Multiplexer Cell Resistant to Side Channel Attacks |
IX Symposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-14-4 | 1.11.-3.11. |
2012 | pp. 50-54 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
329) |
Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Petrušić, Z., Lukač, D. |
Experimental Characterization of The PV Panel - Converter Interface |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL4.3 | (M63) | National conference |
330) |
Nieto-Taladriz, O., Dimitrijević, M., Stevanović, D., Mirković, D. |
Energy Profile of a Personal Computer |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL3.3 | (M63) | National conference |
331) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Lukač, D., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Dynamic properties of solar cells |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL4.2 | (M63) | National conference |
332) |
Melikyan, V., Durgaryan, A., Balabanyan, A., Stanojlović, M., Harutyunyan, A. |
Process-voltage-temperature variation detection and cancellation using on-chip phase-locked loop |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL1.2 | (M63) | National conference |
333) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
Arhitektura binarnog sabirača pogodna za implementaciju na FPGA |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL1.6 | (M63) | National conference |
334) |
Stanojlović, M. |
Realistično kreiranje rečnika defekata u CMOS kolima |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL1.7 | (M63) | National conference |
335) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Sinteza Σ∆ modulatora u multipleksiranom analogno digitalnom konvertoru |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL1.8 | (M63) | National conference |
336) |
Đošić, S., Jevtić, M. |
Povećanje energetske efikasnosti RTS-A sa redundansom u vremenu za prevazilaženje otkaza |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL2.1 | (M63) | National conference |
337) |
Djordjević, Sr., Bojanić, S. |
Sigurnosni aspekti naprednih elektroenergetskih mreža |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL3.1 | (M63) | National conference |
338) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
One step ahead daily electricity peak load prediction based on ANN |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL3.2 | (M63) | National conference |
339) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Gubici u elektro energetskom sistemu izazvani malim nelinearnim potrošačima |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL3.4 | (M63) | National conference |
340) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Energy efficiency of hard real-time systems based on standby sparing |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | EL2.2 | (M63) | National conference |
341) |
Savić, K., Kostić, I., Jovanović, N., Knežević, D., Milovanović, D. |
MRTD jedne termovizijske kamere posle njenog desetogodišnjeg korišćenja |
Zbornik LVI konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor, ISBN 978-86-80509-67-9 | 11.06.-14.06. |
2012 | MO4.3 | (M63) | National conference |
342) |
Dimitrijević, M. |
Elektronski sistem za analizu polifaznih opterećenja baziran na FPGA |
Doktorska disertacija, Niš | 07.12. |
2012 | 89 | (M71) | PhD thesis |
343) |
Mirković, D., Pavlović, V., Stanojlović, M. |
Uređaj sa virtuelnom instrumentacijom za snimanje karakteristika Pirsovog i Vinovog oscilatora u vremenskom i frekventnom domenu |
TR32023 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2012 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
344) |
Pavlović, V., Mirković, D. |
Laboratorijski prototip uređaja za merenje karakteristika MOS FET-a |
TR32023 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2012 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
345) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Metod za registrovanje gubitaka izazvanih nelinearnim potrošačima u elektrodistributivnom/elektroenergetskom sistemu zasnovan na merenju snage distorzije |
TR32004 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2012 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
346) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
Bežični upravljačko-nadzorni sistem mobilnih robota |
III-44004 - Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2012 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
347) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Virtuelni instrument za analizu polifaznih nelinearnih opterćenja u realnom vremenu |
NI Days 2012, Belgrade | 13.11.2012. |
2012 | 4 | (-) | Report |
348) |
Pavlović, V., Petković, P., Radmanović, M., Milovanović, D., Mirković, D., Dimitrijević, M., Djordjević, Sr. |
Laboratorijski praktikum iz predmeta Osnovi elektronike |
Elektronski fakultet, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-070-5 | September |
2012 | 90 | (-) | Educat. publication |
2011 |
349) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Short Term Forecasting in Electronics |
International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 98, No. 2, ISSN: 0020-7217 | |
2011 | pp. 161-172 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
350) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Power Factor and Distortion Measuring for Small Loads Using USB Acquisition Module |
Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, ISSN 0218-1266, doi:10.1142/S0218126611007657 | August |
2011 | Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 867-880 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
351) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Milovanović, D., Litovski, V. |
Hierarchical Approach to Diagnosis of Mixed-mode Circuits using Artificial Neural Networks |
Neural Network World, Institute of Computer Science AS CR, v. v. i. and Faculty of Transportation Sciences, ISSN 1210-0552 | May |
2011 | Vol. 2/11, pp 153-168 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
352) |
Nikolić, Pt., Milić, M., Krstić, Dr., Stefanović, M. |
Performance Analysis of SSC/SC Combiner at Two Time Instants in the Presence of Rayleigh Fading |
Frequenz, Vol 65, Issue 11-12, ISSN 0016-1136, doi:10.1515/FREQ.2011.048 | November |
2011 | pp. 319-325 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
353) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P., Jovanović, B. |
Modelling and Simulation of Power Consumption at Nonlinear Loads |
International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science (IJRRCS)-Special Issue April, Science Academy Publisher United Kingdom, ISSN 2079-2557 | April |
2011 | pp. 27-32 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
354) |
Stamenković, N., Jovanović, B. B. |
Reverse Conversion Design for the 4-Moduli Set {2n-1,2n,2n+1, 22n+1-1} |
The Scientific Journal Facta Universitatis, Ser.:Elec.Energ., Vol. 24, No. 1, ISSN 0353-3670 | April |
2011 | pp. 89-103 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
355) |
Dimitrijević, M., Milojković, J., Bojanić, S., Litovski, V. |
ICT and Power: Synergy and Hostility |
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services - TELSIKS, Niš, ISBN 978-1-4577-2016-1, doi:10.1109/TELSKS.2011.6112031 | 05.10.-08.10. |
2011 | Vol. 1, pp. 186-195 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
356) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Lukač, D., Litovski, V. |
Modeling and circuit simulation of photovoltaic cells - an overview |
7th Int. Symp. Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 987-86-7466-420-9 | Novemer |
2011 | pp. 83-92 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
357) |
Jevtić, R., Jovanović, B. B., Carreras, C |
Power estimation of dividers implemented in FPGAs |
Great Lake Symposium on VLSI 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland, ISBN 978-1-4503-0667-6 | 2-4 May |
2011 | pp. 313-318 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
358) |
Milovanović, D., Nikolić, V. S., Ilić, D. |
Application of Switched-Capacitive Filters in Anti-Aliasing Filtering |
XLVI ICEST Conference, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125-031-6 | 29.06-01.07 |
2011 | pp. 33-36 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
359) |
Milić, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Oscillation based analog testing - a case study |
34th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics- MIPRO 2011, Opatija, Croatia, ISBN 1847-3938 | 23.-27. May |
2011 | Vol. 1, pp. 118-123 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
360) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
Total Power Consumption in Modern VLSI Circuits |
XLVI ICEST Conference, Niš, Serbia | 29-1 July |
2011 | ELII.1-1-4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
361) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Dynamic One Step Ahead Prediction of Electricity Loads At Suburban Level |
First IEEE Workshop on Smartgrid Modeling & Simulation, Brussels, Belgium | October 17 |
2011 | accepted for publication | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
362) |
Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
A New Method for Detecting Source of Harmonic Polution at Grid |
Proceedings of 16th International Symposium POWER ELECTRONICS Ee2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7892-356-2 | 26.10.-28.10. |
2011 | T6-2.9 pp. 1-4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
363) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V., Nieto-Taladriz, O., Bojanić, S. |
Forecasting Based on Short Time Series Using ANNs and Grey Theory - Some Basic Comparisons |
Proceedings of the 11th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga (Spain), LNCS 6691 | June 2011 |
2011 | pp. 183-190 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
364) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M., Đošić, S. |
Using Altera DE1 development board for educational purposes |
Int. Sci. Conf. UNITECH’11, Vol. 1, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-230X | 18-19 November |
2011 | pp. 258-262 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
365) |
Đošić, S., Jevtić, M., Damnjanović, M. |
Analysis of possibilities to overcome the transient faults in real-time systems with time redundancy |
Proceedings of ICEST 2011 XLVI International scientific conference on information, communication and energy systems and technologies, vol. 2, Niš, Serbia | June 29 - July 1 |
2011 | pp 417- 420 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
366) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
FPGA implementation of a hybrid on-line process monitoring in PC based Real-Time systems |
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering (SJEE), Vol. 8, No. 1, ISSN 1451 – 4869 | June |
2011 | pp. 37-51 | (M52) | National journal |
367) |
Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P., Litovski, V. |
Korišćenje snage distorzije za identifikaciju izvora harmonijskog zagađenja na mreži |
Tehnika - Elektrotehnika, 6/2011, Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, ISSN 0040-2176 | |
2011 | pp. 975-980 | (M52) | National journal |
368) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
New Hierarchical Grid Based Diagnosis of Electronic Circuits using ANNs |
International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science (IJRRCS) - Special Issue April, Science Academy Publisher United Kingdom, ISSN 2079-2557 | April |
2011 | pp. 10-17 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
369) |
Dimitrijević, M., Jovanović, B. |
Određivanje THD faktora bazirano na integrisanim kolima Teradian 71M6533 i IMPEG |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 3.4 | (M63) | National conference |
370) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Novel PC-based cardiac stress test system |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 2.4 | (M63) | National conference |
371) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Poređenje kratkoročnih predviđanja dobijenih teorijom sivog i neuronskim mrežama |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 1.3 | (M63) | National conference |
372) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Oscillation based diagnosis implementation in active rc notch filters |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 1.4 | (M63) | National conference |
373) |
Djordjević, Sr. |
Proračun tokova snage elektroenergetske mreže primenom metoda simboličke analize |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 1.5 | (M63) | National conference |
374) |
Stevanović, D., Milovanović, D., Petković, P. |
Indikator temperaturskog opsega u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 3.3 | (M63) | National conference |
375) |
Petković, P., Stanojlović, M. |
Hardverska zaštita od napada na kripto-sistem zasnovana na primeni ćelija koje maskiraju informaciju o potrošnji |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 3.5 | (M63) | National conference |
376) |
Mirković, D., Milovanović, D. |
Softverska podrška nastavi u oblasti projektovanja aktivnih filtara |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 4.6 | (M63) | National conference |
377) |
Pavlović, V., Mirković, D. |
Eksperimentalna analiza pirsovog oscilatora primenom virtuelnog instrumenta |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 4.4 | (M63) | National conference |
378) |
Stanojlović, M., Milovanović, D. |
Simulacija defekata osnovnog kola kontrolne logike NSDDL metoda |
Zbornik LV konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2011 | EL 4.5 | (M63) | National conference |
379) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
Static and Dynamic Power Consumption of Arithmetic Circuits in Modern Technologies |
Zbornik LV Konferencije ETRAN, Banja Vrućica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN 978-86-80509-66-2 | June 6-9 |
2011 | EL3.6-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
380) |
Milojković, J., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Eko-projektovanje elektronske opreme - gubici u standby režimu |
Proceedings of 16th International Symposium POWER ELECTRONICS Ee2011, Novi Sad, ISBN 978-86-7892-356-2 | 26.10.-28.10. |
2011 | Ee-1. pp. 1-6 | (M63) | National conference |
381) |
Jovanović, U., Jovanović, N., Milovanović, D. |
Bežični sistem za merenje temperature |
9th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-1-4577-1498-6 | 22-24 Nov. |
2011 | pp. 860-863 | (M63) | National conference |
382) |
Stanojlović, M., Petković, P., Mirković, D. |
Master/Slave D flip flop ćelija otporna na bočne napade |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
383) |
Stanojlović, M., Petković, P., Mirković, D. |
Bibliotečka INV/BUFF NSDDL ćelija otporna na bočne napade |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
384) |
Stanojlović, M., Petković, P., Mirković, D. |
Bibliotečka AND/NAND/OR/NOR2 NSDDL ćelija otporna na bočne napade |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
385) |
Stanojlović, M., Petković, P., Mirković, D. |
Bibliotečka XOR/XNOR ćelija otporna na bočne napade |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
386) |
Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
WCA (Worst Case Analysis) kašnjenja za SoC |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - nove metode | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
387) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Primena VNM u predvidjanju |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - nove metode | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
388) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
8052 blok u 90nm CMOS |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
389) |
Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P. |
Blok za merenje snage distorzije |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
390) |
Stevanović, D., Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Integrisani senzor temperature na čipu |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
391) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Vestacke NM u dijagnostici SoC |
TR11007 Tehničko rešenje - nove metode | |
2011 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
2010 |
392) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, R., Carreras, C |
Triple-bit method for power estimation of nonlinear digital circuits in FPGAs |
Electronics Letters, Vol. 46, No.13, ISSN 0013-5194 | June |
2010 | pp. 903-905 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
393) |
Andjelković, B., Litovski, V., Zerbe, V. |
Grid-enabled Parallel Simulation Based on Parallel Equation Formulation |
ETRI Journal, Vol. 32, No. 4, ISSN 1225-6463 | August 2010 |
2010 | pp. 555-565 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
394) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P., Litovski, V. |
A new topology oriented method for symbolic analysis of electronic circuits |
Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, Vol.19, No.8, ISSN 0218-1266 | - |
2010 | pp. 1781-1795 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
395) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Short-term Forecasting of Electricity Load Using Recurrent ANNs |
Electronics, Vol. 14, No. 1, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | June |
2010 | pp. 45-49 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
396) |
Stanojlović, M., Petković, P. |
Hardware Based Strategies Against Side-Channel-Attack Implemented in WDDL |
Electronics, Vol. 14, No. 1, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | June |
2010 | pp. 117-122 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
397) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Multi Channel Σ∆ A/D Converter For Integrated Power Meter |
Electronics, Vol. 14, No. 1, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | June |
2010 | pp. 123-127 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
398) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Hierarchical Approach to Diagnosis of Electronic Circuits Using ANNs |
Journal of Automatic Control, University of Belgrade, Vol. 20, No. 1, ISBN 1450-9903 | |
2010 | pp. 45-52 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
399) |
Srdjan Djordjević, Slobodan Bojanić, Octavio Nieto-Taladriz |
BDD-based Cryptanalysis of LFSR Stream Ciphers |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, ISBN 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12-14 February |
2010 | pp. 13-16 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
400) |
Vančo Litovski |
Twenty years of ANN research and application in LEDA |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12-14 February |
2010 | pp. 33-41 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
401) |
Jelena Milojković, Vančo Litovski |
Multistep forecasting in electronics based on reduced information |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, ISBN 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12-14 February |
2010 | pp. 42-48 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
402) |
Borisav Jovanović, Mark Zwolinski, Milunka Damnjanović |
Low power digital design in Integrated Power Meter IC |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, ISBN 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12-14 February |
2010 | pp. 49-55 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
403) |
Sandra Đošić, Milun Jevtić |
Analysis of Real-Time Systems Timing Constrains |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, ISBN 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12-14 February |
2010 | pp. 56-60 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
404) |
Bojan Jovanović, Milun Jevtić |
An approach to Digital Low-Pass IIR Filter Design |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, ISBN 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12-14 February |
2010 | pp. 61-66 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
405) |
Bojan Andjelković, Marko Dimitrijević, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Vančo Litovski |
Parallelizing Electronic Circuit Simulation on Multicore Computer Cluster |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, ISBN 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2010 | pp. 71-74 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
406) |
Marko Dimitrijević, Vančo Litovski |
Computer Based Power Factor and Distortion Measuring for Small Loads |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, ISBN 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12.02.-14.02. |
2010 | pp. 81-85 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
407) |
Milena Stanojlović Mirković, Predrag Petković |
Strategies Against Side-Channel-Attack |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, ISBN 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12-14 February |
2010 | pp. 86-89 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
408) |
Dejan Mirković, Predrag Petković |
Multi channel Sigma-Delta A/D converter for integrated power meter |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2010, Niš, ISBN 987-86-6125-006-4 | 12-14 February |
2010 | pp. 90-93 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
409) |
Litovski, V., Nieto-Taladriz, O., Zwolinski, M., Trajanov, D., Petković, P., Grnarov, A. |
TEMPUS JEP-41107 - System on Chip Design, Overview of the realization |
Proc. Of the XVI Conf.: Development Trends, Kopaonik, Serbia | March 1-5 |
2010 | pp. 308-311 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
410) |
Milojković, J., Bojanić, S., Litovski, V. |
On Prediction in Electronics |
27th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL 2010, Niš, ISBN 978-1-4244-7198-0 | 16-19 May |
2010 | pp. 275-278 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
411) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Systematic Expression Shearing in Symbolic CMOS Circuits Analysis Based on Topology Reduction |
27th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL 2010, Niš, ISBN 978-1-4244-7198-0 | 16-19 May |
2010 | pp. 283-286 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
412) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Hierarchical Approach to Diagnosis of Electronic Circuits using ANNs |
10th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL 2010, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-1-4244-8818-6 | 23-25.Sept. |
2010 | pp. 117-122 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
413) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
ANN Versus Grey Theory Based Forecasting Methods Implemented on Short Time Series |
10th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL 2010, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-1-4244-8818-6 | September 23-25 |
2010 | pp. 111-116 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
414) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
New ANN models for short term forecasting of electricity loads |
Proceedings of the 7th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation , Vol.2: Full Papers (CD), Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-01-04589-3 | September 6-10 |
2010 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
415) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Topology Oriented Symbolic Circuit Analysis Based on Limit Variables |
5th European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications ECCSC 2010, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7466-393-6 | 23-25 November |
2010 | pp. 63-66 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
416) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
One implementation of a Hybrid On-line process monitoring in PC based Real-Time Systems |
Int. Conf. on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems–ERTS2, Toulouse, France | 19-21 May |
2010 | 7D-3 1-8 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
417) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
FPGA implementation of throughput increasing techniques of the binary dividers |
Int. Sci. Conf. UNITECH’10, Vol. 1, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-230X | 19-20 November |
2010 | pp. 397-401 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
418) |
Stamenković, N., Jovanović, B. B., Stojanović, V. |
Reverse Conversion for Residue Number System Realization of Digital Signal Processing Hardware |
18th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2010 , Belgrade, ISSN 978-86-7466-392-9 | 23-25 November |
2010 | pp. 638-641 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
419) |
Đošić, S., Jevtić, M., Damnjanović, M. |
Real-time ethernet communication with transient faults tolerance |
SAUM 2010, X Triennial International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, Niš, Serbia | November 2010 |
2010 | pp. 304-306 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
420) |
Petković, P., Stanojlović, M., Litovski, V. |
Design of side-channel-attack resistive criptographic ASICS |
Zbornik Radova Druge Konferencije o bezbednosti informacionih sistema, Beograd, Forum BISEC 2010, ISBN 978-86-912685-1-0 | 25. maj |
2010 | pp. 22-27 | (M63) | National conference |
421) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P., Bojanić, S. |
Cryptography and the Grid |
Zbornik Radova Druge Konferencije o bezbednosti informacionih sistema, Beograd, Forum BISEC 2010, ISBN 978-86-912-685-1- | Maj 2010 |
2010 | pp. 93-98 | (M63) | National conference |
422) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Novi modeli predviđanja potrošnje električne energije zasnovani na VNM |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. - 11.06. |
2010 | EL1.2-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
423) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V., Dimitrijević, M. |
Implementacija paralelne simulacije elektronskih kola u frekvencijskom domenu |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06.–11.06. |
2010 | EL1.3-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
424) |
Dimitrijević, M., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
SPEEDLab – laboratorija za elektroniku nove generacije |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06.–11.06. |
2010 | EL1.4-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
425) |
Djordjević, Sr. |
Simbolička analiza elektronskih kola zasnovana na graničnim vrednostima parametara kola |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. – 11.06. |
2010 | EL1.5-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
426) |
Bojanić, S., Djordjević, Sr. |
Kriptoanaliza sekvencijalnih kriptografskih algoritama zasnovana na upotrebi binarnog dijagrama odlučivanja |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. – 11.06. |
2010 | EL1.6-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
427) |
Stanojlović, M., Petković, P. |
Projektovanje WDDL ćelija otpornih na bočne napade |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. – 11.06. |
2010 | EL3.2-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
428) |
Milić, M. |
Napredno modelovanje kašnjenja sekvencijalnih kola za Monte-Carlo analizu |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. – 11.06. |
2010 | EL3.3-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
429) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Low power techniques for leakage power minimization |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. – 11.06. |
2010 | EL3.4-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
430) |
Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B. |
Izračunavanje snage distorzije u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. – 11.06. |
2010 | EL3.5-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
431) |
Đošić, S., Jevtić, M. |
Analiza i prikaz vremenskog sleda događaja u RTS-u sa RM algoritmom planiranja |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. – 11.06. |
2010 | EL4.3-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
432) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
FPGA implementacija hibridnog on-line nadzora procesa za PC-bazirane real-time sisteme |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. – 11.06. |
2010 | EL4.4-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
433) |
Mirković, D., Petković, P. |
Višekanalni Σ∆ A/D konvertor za integrisani merač potrošnje električne energije |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. - 11.06. |
2010 | EL2.5-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
434) |
Melikyan, V., Mirković, D., Petrosyan, H., Musayelyan, E., Stepanyan, A., Beglaryan, N. |
Tuning methods for characterizing complicated functionality circuits |
Zbornik LIV Konferencije ETRAN, Donji Milanovac, ISBN 978-86-80509-65-5 | 07.06. - 11.06. |
2010 | EL2.4-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
435) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Hyper computing implementation in electronic circuits diagnosis |
VIII Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2010, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-03-8 | 04.11.-06.11. |
2010 | pp. 92-95 | (M63) | National conference |
436) |
Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
Primena metoda oscilacija za testiranje aktivnog filtra, nepropusnika opsega frekvencija |
VIII Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2010, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-03-8 | 4-6 November |
2010 | pp. 100-104 | (M63) | National conference |
437) |
Stanojlović, M., Petković, P. |
Otpornost na bočne napade ASIC kripto sistema zasnovanog na standardnim ćelijama |
VIII Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2010, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-03-8 | 4-6 November |
2010 | pp. 110-114 | (M63) | National conference |
438) |
Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P. |
Identifikacija izvora harmonijskog zagađenja korišćenjem snage distorzije |
VIII Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2010, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-03-8 | 4-6 November |
2010 | pp. 174-178 | (M63) | National conference |
439) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Low Power Microcontroller Design By using UPF |
VIII Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2010, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-03-8 | 4-6 November |
2010 | pp. 105-109 | (M63) | National conference |
440) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Virtual Instrument for Three-Phase Power Quality Analysis |
VIII Simposium on Industrial Electronics INDEL 2010, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN 978-99955-46-03-8 | 04.11.-06.11. |
2010 | pp. 189-194 | (M63) | National conference |
441) |
Stamenković, N., Jovanović, B. B. |
An Improved Residue to Binary Converter Based on Mixed-Radix Conversion for the Moduli Set {22n+1-1,22n,2n-1} |
8. Konferencija o Digitalnoj obradi govora i slike, DOGS, Iriški Venac, Srbija, ISSN 978-86-7892-311-1 | 16-18. Decembar |
2010 | pp. 208-211 | (M63) | National conference |
442) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
The Cryptographic Function within the AMI system: why and how |
ICT Forum, Niš, Serbia | 2.11-4.11 |
2010 | accepted for publication | (M64) | National conf.(part. |
443) |
Milojković, J. |
Predviđanje u elektronici pomoću veštačkih neuronskih mreža zasnovano na ograničenoj informaciji |
Doktorska disertacija, Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | 11. 12. |
2010 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
444) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
An Advanced Distortion and Power Factor Measuring Device Based on Virtual Instrumentation |
National Instruments Case Studies, Belgrade | September |
2010 | pp. 57-60 | (-) | Report |
445) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
An Approach to Basic Electronics Laboratory Teaching at Undergraduate Level |
National Instruments Case Studies, Belgrade | September |
2010 | pp. 96-99 | (-) | Report |
446) |
Petković, P., Milić, M., Mirković, D. |
VHDL i VHDL-AMS podrška projektovanju elektronskih kola i sistema |
Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, Edicija Pomoćni udžbenici, ISBN 978-86-85195-85-3 | |
2010 | 270 str. | (-) | Educat. publication |
447) |
Milić, M., Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Praktikum laboratorijskih vežbi iz testiranja i dijagnostike elektronskih kola |
Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, Edicija: Pomoćni udžbenici, ISBN 978-86-6125-007-1 | |
2010 | 127 str. | (-) | Educat. publication |
448) |
Petković, P., Andrejević Stošović, M., Milić, M., Mirković, D. |
Praktikum laboratorijskih vežbi iz predmeta Projektovanje elektronskih kola i Projektovanje dititalnih integrisanih kola |
Univerzitet u Nišu, Elektronski fakultet, Edicija Pomoćni udžbenici, Niš, ISBN 978-86-6125-019-4 | |
2010 | 225 str. | (-) | Educat. publication |
2009 |
449) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
ANN Application to Modelling of the D/A and A/D Interface for Mixed-Mode Behavioural Simulation |
Micro Electronic and Mechanical Systems (chapter in book), Intech, ISBN 978-953-307-027-8 | |
2009 | pp. 369-384 | (M14) | Chapter in internat. monograph |
450) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Electronic Circuits Diagnosis Using Artificial Neural Networks |
Micro Electronic and Mechanical Systems (chapter in book), Intech, ISBN 978-953-307-027-8 | |
2009 | pp. 385-404 | (M14) | Chapter in internat. monograph |
451) |
Milić, M., Litovski, V. |
New concepts of asynchronous circuits worst-case delay and yield estimation |
Micro Electronic and Mechanical Systems (chapter in book), Intech, ISBN 978-953-307-027 | |
2009 | pp. 455-476 | (M14) | Chapter in internat. monograph |
452) |
Miljana Milić, Vančo Litovski, Mark Zwolinski |
New Concepts of Worst Case Delay and Yield Estimation in Asynchronous VLSI Circuits |
Microelectronics Reliability, ISSN:0026-2714 | February |
2009 | vol. 49, issue2, pp. 186-198 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
453) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Dynamic Short-Term Forecasting of Electricity Load Using Feed-Forward ANNs |
Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communication, ISSN 09691170 | |
2009 | pp. 39-48 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
454) |
Sokolović, M., Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. |
Efficient and realistic statistical worst case delay computation using VHDL |
Electrical Engineering, Volume 91, Numbers 4-5, ISSN 0948-7921 | December |
2009 | pp. 197-210 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
455) |
Pavlović, V., Djordjević, Sr. |
A novel structure of the fully differential CMOS amplifier with symmetric active load |
International Journal of Electronics, vol. 96, no. 4, ISSN: 1362-3060 | Apr. |
2009 | pp. 331-349 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
456) |
Sokolović, M., Litovski, V. |
Statistical Timing Analysis of Asynchronous Circuits Using Logic Simulator |
Electronics, Vol. 13, No. 1, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | June |
2009 | pp. 37-42 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
457) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Why The Power Grid Needs Cryptography? |
Electronics, Vol. 13, No. 1, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | June |
2009 | pp. 30-36 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
458) |
Jevtić, M., Damnjanović, M. |
Design for testability of real-time systems for industrial process control |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic control and robotics, Vol.8, No 1, Niš, ISSN 1820-6417 | |
2009 | pp. 45 - 65 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
459) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Prediction in Electronics Based on Limited Information |
Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical communications, Cambridge, UK, ISSN 1790-5117 | February 21-23 |
2009 | pp. 33-38 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
460) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Short-Term Forecasting of The Electricity Load at Suburban Level |
IX National Conference with International Participation ETAI 2009, Ohrid, Macedona | 26-29 September |
2009 | Proc. on disc, paper No. A2-1. | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
461) |
Petković, P., Trajanov, D., Grnarov, A., Litovski, V. |
System on Chip Design: New Harmonized Master Studies Curriculum in Macedonia and Serbia |
IX National Conference with International Participation ETAI 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia | 26-29 September |
2009 | Proc. on disc, Paper No. IE1-2. | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
462) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
Modul for run-time monitoring in PC hardware based Real-Time System |
Int. Sci. Conf. UNITECH’09, Vol. 1, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-230X | 20-21 November |
2009 | pp. 657-660 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
463) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Novi program diplomskih akademskih studija kao osnova za doktorske studije na Elektronskom fakultetu u Nišu - Doktorske studije u Srbiji, regionu i EU |
Zbornik radova XV skupa Trendovi razvoja, Trend 2009, Kopaonik | Mart |
2009 | pp. 260-263 | (M63) | National conference |
464) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
One step ahead prediction in electronics based on limited information |
LIII Konferencija ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-64-8 | 15.06-18.06. |
2009 | EL 1.7-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
465) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Petković, P. |
Low-power design of digital signal processing block for integrated power meter |
LIII Konferencija ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-64-8 | 15.06-18.06. |
2009 | EL 2.1-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
466) |
Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P. |
Logička verifikacija mikrokontrolera u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije |
LIII Konferencija ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-64-8 | 15.06-18.06. |
2009 | EL 2.2-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
467) |
Mirković, D., Damnjanović, M., Jevtić, M. |
Implementacija SPI interfejsa na FPGA čipu |
LIII Konferencija ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-64-8 | 15.06-18.06. |
2009 | EL 2.3-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
468) |
Petković, M., Milenković, S. |
Programabilno kolo za promenu frekvencije uzorkovanja |
LIII Konferencija ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-64-8 | 15.06-18.06. |
2009 | EL 2.4-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
469) |
Jevtić, M., Jovanović, B. B., Milovanović, D. |
Jedna realizacija bežične mreže za upravljačko-nadzorne sisteme |
LIII Konferencija ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, ISBN 978-86-80509-64-8 | 15.06-18.06. |
2009 | EL 1.3-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
470) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Short-term forecasting of electricity load using recurrent ANNs |
15th International Symposium On Power Electronics - Ee2009, Novi Sad | October 28th – 30th |
2009 | Paper No. T1-1.7, pp. 1-5 | (M63) | National conference |
471) |
Jevtić, M., Jovanović, B. B. |
Realizacija laboratorijskih vežbi iz Digitalne elektronike korišćenjem FPGA čipa |
Zbornik radova 15. Konferencije o računarskim naukama i informacionim tehnologijama YUINFO, Kopaonik, Srbija, ISSN 978-86-85525-04-0 | 8-11. Mart |
2009 | - | (M63) | National conference |
472) |
Jevtić, M., Jovanović, B. B., Đošić, S., Cvetković, M. |
Jedna realizacija detektora kvara u upravljačkim sistemima robota |
Zbornik radova 8. Naučno-stručnog simpozijuma o informacionim tehnologijama INFOTEH, Jahorina, BiH, ISSN: 99938-624-2-8 | 18-20. Mart |
2009 | pp. 814-818 | (M63) | National conference |
473) |
Milić, M. |
Odredjivanje statistički najnepovoljnijeg slučaja kašnjenja u digitalnim kolima upotrebom logičkog simulatora |
Doktorska disertacija, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | Jun |
2009 | | (M71) | PhD thesis |
474) |
Litovski, V. |
Osnovi testiranja elektronskih kola |
Elektronski fakultet, Niš, ISBN 978-86-85195-71-6 | |
2009 | | (-) | Educat. publication |
475) |
Litovski, V. |
Modelovanje komponenata elektronskih kola i sistema |
Elektronski fakultet, Niš, ISBN 978-86-85195-75-4 | |
2009 | | (-) | Educat. publication |
476) |
Petković, P. |
Projektovanje CMOS integrisanih kola sa mešovitim signalima |
Elektronski fakultet, Niš, ISBN 978-86-85195-86-0 | |
2009 | 321 str. | (-) | Educat. publication |
2008 |
477) |
Sokolović, M., Zwolinski, M., Litovski, V. |
New Concepts of Worst-Case Delay Evaluation in Asynchronous VLSI SoC |
26th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL 2008, Niš, ISBN 978-1-4244-1881-7 | 11.05.-14.05. |
2008 | Vol 2 pp. 377-385 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
478) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević Stošović, M. |
Nonlinear modelling in biomedical applications using ANNs |
International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-8111-17-3 | 28-31 January |
2008 | vol. 1, pp. 115-118. | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
479) |
Sokolović, M., Petković, P., Litovski, V. |
Design for Testability for SoC Based on IDDQ Scanning |
26th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL 2008, Niš, ISBN 978-1-4244-1881-7 | 11.05.-14.05. |
2008 | Vol 2 pp. 407-410 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
480) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Hierarchical Approach to Diagnosis using ANNs |
26th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL 2008, Niš, ISBN 978-1-4244-1881-7 | 11.05.-14.05. |
2008 | Vol 2 pp. 395-398 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
481) |
Popović, B., Litovski, V. |
Koncepti učenja na daljinu primjenjeni na nastavu iz elektronike |
Simpozijum INFOTEH, Jahorina | 26.03.-28.03 |
2008 | p. 51 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
482) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Comparison of Some ANN Based Forecasting Methods Implemented on Short Time Series |
9th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering NEUREL-2008, Belgrade, ISBN 978-1-4244-2903-5 | 25.09 - 27.09 |
2008 | pp. 175-178 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
483) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Implementation of Compact Switching Power Supply with High Power Factor |
Electronics 2008, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2008 | Vol. 11, No. 1-2, pp. 48-51 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
484) |
Dimitrijević, M. |
Bezbednost računarskog grida na nivou mreže |
Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-1 | 08.06.-12.06. |
2008 | pp. 1.1-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
485) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Eko projektovanje računarske opreme u skladu sa direktivom EC 32 2005 |
Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-1 | 08.06-12.06. |
2008 | EL2.1-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
486) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Sinteza hijerarhijskog dijagnostičkog sistema za kola sa mešovitim signalima |
Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-1 | 08.06-12.06. |
2008 | EL2.2-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
487) |
Sokolović, M., Stevanović, D., Petković, P. |
Projektovanje za IDDQ testiranje u SoC |
Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-1 | 08.06-12.06. |
2008 | EL2.3-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
488) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Digital signal processing in 3-phase integrated power meter IC |
Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-1 | 08.06-12.06. |
2008 | EL3.3-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
489) |
Stevanović, D., Jovanović, B., Sokolović, M., Petković, P. |
Projektovanje RTC u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije |
Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-1 | 08.06-12.06. |
2008 | EL3.4-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
490) |
Mirković, D., Jovanović, B. |
Primena serijske I2C EEPROM memorije u sistemu sa integrisanim meračem potrošnje električne energije |
Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-1 | 08.06-12.06. |
2008 | EL3.5-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
491) |
Jevtić, M., Đošić, S., Jovanović, B. B. |
Programabilni sistem za energetski efikasno upravljanje sistemom individualnog grejanja u domaćinstvima |
Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-1 | 08.06-12.06. |
2008 | EL4.1-1-4 | (M63) | National conference |
492) |
Nikolić, P., Milić, Z. |
Primer primene GSM komunikacije za potrebe SCADA sistema |
Zbornik radova LII konferencije ETRAN, Palić, ISBN 978-86-80509-63-1 | 08.06-12.06. |
2008 | accepted for publication | (M63) | National conference |
493) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Postupci predviđanja za ekološke potrebe |
Ekoist '08, Zbornik radova simpozijuma Ekološka Istina/Ecological trouth, Soko Banja | Juni |
2008 | pp. 543-548 | (M63) | National conference |
494) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Virtual Machine Technology in Grid Computing |
Zbornik radova VII simpozijuma Industrijska Elektronika - INDEL 2008, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-01-4 | 06.11.-08.11. |
2008 | pp. 240-243 | (M63) | National conference |
495) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Why The Power Grid Needs Cryptography? |
Zbornik radova VII simpozijuma Industrijska Elektronika - INDEL 2008, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-01-4 | 06.11-08.11 |
2008 | pp. 75-81 | (M63) | National conference |
496) |
Sokolović, M., Litovski, V. |
Statistička analiza kašnjenja asinhronih kola primenom logičkog simulatora |
Zbornik radova VII simpozijuma Industrijska Elektronika - INDEL 2008, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-01-4 | 06.11-08.11 |
2008 | pp. 87-92 | (M63) | National conference |
497) |
Ćosović, M., Litovski, V. |
O jednom konceptu implementacije AES algoritma šifrovanja na FPGA čipu |
Zbornik radova VII simpozijuma Industrijska Elektronika - INDEL 2008, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-01-4 | 06.11-08.11 |
2008 | pp. 82-86 | (M63) | National conference |
498) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Data-Acquisition Block In Integrated Power Meter |
Zbornik radova VII simpozijuma Industrijska Elektronika - INDEL 2008, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-01-4 | 06.11-08.11 |
2008 | pp.153-156 | (M63) | National conference |
499) |
Mirković, D., Jovanović, B., Petković, P. |
Analiza uticaja promene temperature na merenje energije integrisanim meračem potrošnje električne energije |
Zbornik radova VII simpozijuma Industrijska Elektronika - INDEL 2008, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-01-4 | 06.11-08.11 |
2008 | pp. 148-152 | (M63) | National conference |
500) |
Milić, Z., Nikolić, P., Sokolović, M. |
Razvoj SCADA aplikacije koriscenjem .NET okruzenja i OPC tehnologije |
Zbornik radova VII simpozijuma Industrijska Elektronika - INDEL 2008, Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-46-01-4 | 06.11-08.11 |
2008 | pp. 207-210 | (M63) | National conference |
501) |
Jovanović, B. B., Blagojević, M. |
Upravljanje elektromagnetom za kalibraciju magnetnih senzora pomoću softverskog paketa LabVIEW |
Zbornik radova 15. Konferencije o računarskim naukama i informacionim tehnologijama YUINFO, Kopaonik, Srbija, ISSN 978-86-85525-03-2 | 9-12. Mart |
2008 | - | (M63) | National conference |
502) |
Marinković, M. |
Decimacioni filtri u trofaznom integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije |
Magistarska teza, Niš | |
2008 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
503) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P., Damnjanović, M., Milovanović, D., Andrejević Stošović, M., Savić, M., Jovanović, B., Andjelković, B., Milić, M., Nikolić, M., Dimitrijević, M., Djordjević, Sr. |
Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/01-005-10-058, Niš | 29.04. |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
504) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Petković, P., Dimitrijević, M. |
8052 + LCD46 |
Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/01-005-10-059, Niš | 29.04. |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
505) |
Petković, P., Damnjanović, M., Jovanović, B., Milić, M. |
TR 6108B Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
506) |
Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Milić, M., Petković, P., Milovanović, D. |
PLL 32k4M |
TR 6108B Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
507) |
Marinković, M., Jovanović, B., Dimitrijević, M., Petković, P., Andjelković, B. |
Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/01-005-10-062, Niš | 29.04. |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
508) |
Marinković, M., Jovanović, B., Andrejević Stošović, M., Petković, P., Andjelković, B. |
TR 6108B Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
509) |
Marinković, M., Jovanović, B., Andrejević Stošović, M., Petković, P., Andjelković, B. |
TR 6108B Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
510) |
Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Milić, M., Petković, P., Damnjanović, M. |
TR 6108B Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
511) |
Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Milić, M., Petković, P., Milovanović, D. |
TR 6108B Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
512) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P., Damnjanović, M., Jovanović, B., Milić, M. |
TR 6108B Tehničko rešenje - laboratorijski prototip | |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
513) |
Andjelković, B., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Tehničko rešenje - razvoj softvera, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, 07/01-005-10-068, Niš | 29.04. |
2008 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
514) |
Jovanović, B. B., Jevtić, M. |
Digitalna elektronika – Praktikum za laboratorijske vežbe |
Elektronski fakultet, Niš, Srbija, ISBN 978-86-85195-68-6 | - |
2008 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
2007 |
515) |
Andjelković, B., Litovski, V., Zerbe, V. |
Mission Level Modeling and Simulation Language for Mixed-signal System-on-Chip Design |
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 16, No. 1, Singapore, ISSN 0218-1266 | February |
2007 | pp. 15-28 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
516) |
Andjelković, B., Litovski, V. |
Parallel Transistor Level Simulation based on Parallel Equation Formulation implemented on a Beowulf Cluster |
Simulation News Europe, Volume 17, Number 3/4, ISSN 0929-2268 | December |
2007 | pp. 55-58 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
517) |
Milić, Z., Nikolić, Pt., Krstić, D., Milić, M. |
Developing and Using Communication Driver for Serial Communication Between PCs and Industrial PLCs |
Proceedings of ICEST 2007, Ohrid, Makedonija, ISBN 9989-786-06-2 | 05.06. |
2007 | pp 649-652 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
518) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Ponovna upotreba elektronskih proizvoda i projektovanje za ponovnu upotrebu |
Power Electronics EE2007, Novi Sad, ISBN 86-7892-065-3 | 05.11.-07.11. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, T1-3.2_086 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
519) |
Andjelković, B., Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Using Grid Computing in Parallel Electronic Circuit Simulation |
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics EL'2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISBN 1313-1842 | 19.09.-21.09. |
2007 | Book 4, pp. 109-114 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
520) |
Nikolić, M., Savić, M., Petković, P. |
The Self-Bias PLL in Standard CMOS |
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics EL'2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISBN 1313-1842 | 19.09.-21.09. |
2007 | Book 4, pp. 97-102 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
521) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Implementation of Compact Switching Power Supply with High Power Factor |
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics EL'2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISBN 1313-1842 | 19.09.-21.09. |
2007 | Book 3, pp. 129-132 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
522) |
Jovanović, B., Petković, P., Damnjanović, M. |
Serial Port Interface for Microcontroller Embedded into Integrated Power Meter |
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics EL'2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISBN 1313-1842 | 19.09.-21.09. |
2007 | Book 4, pp. 103-108 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
523) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Energijska efikasnost u svetlu direktive EC 32 2005 |
Power Electronics EE2007, Novi Sad, ISBN 86-7892-065-3 | 05.11.-07.11. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, T7-2.1_104 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
524) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Postupci predviđanja količina elektronskog otpada od računara |
Tehnika - Elektrotehnika, No. 61., Vol.1, Beograd, ISSN 0040-2176 | |
2007 | pp. E7-E15 | (M52) | National journal |
525) |
Andjelković, B., Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Implementation and Performance Analysis of Parallel Circuit Simulator on Beowulf Cluster |
Zbornik radova LI konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4 | 04.06.-08.06. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, EL1.6 | (M63) | National conference |
526) |
Milić, Z., Nikolić, Pt., Sokolović, M. |
Asinhrona serijska komunikacija između PC-a i PLC industrijskih kontrolera |
Zbornik radova LI konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4 | 04.06.-08.06. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, EL3.8 | (M63) | National conference |
527) |
Sokolović, M., Damnjanović, M. |
Digital Circuits Delay Analysis |
Zbornik radova LI konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4 | 04.06.-08.06. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, EL1.5 | (M63) | National conference |
528) |
Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Milovanović, D. |
Frequency Synthesizer Design in CMOS |
Zbornik radova LI konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4 | 04.06.-08.06. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, EL2.3 | (M63) | National conference |
529) |
Jovanović, B., Nikolić, M., Petković, P., Damnjanović, M. |
A New Testing Set-up for Integrated Power Meter |
Zbornik radova LI konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4 | 04.06.-08.06. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, EL2.5 | (M63) | National conference |
530) |
Marinković, M., Jovanović, B., Petković, P. |
Design for Testability of Decimation Filters in Solid-state Energy Meter |
Zbornik radova LI konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4 | 04.06.-08.06. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, EL2.4 | (M63) | National conference |
531) |
Marinković, S., Balović, V., Stojković, D., Vasić, I., Dimitrijević, M. |
Mikrokontrolerski sistem za regulaciju temperature sa GSM podrškom |
Zbornik radova LI konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4 | 04.06.-08.06. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, STU1.5 - EL | (M63) | National conference |
532) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Novi postupci predviđanja za potrebe održivog razvoja |
Zbornik radova LI konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4 | 04.06.-08.06. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, EL1.8 | (M63) | National conference |
533) |
Popović, B., Litovski, V. |
Podizanje kvaliteta nastave iz elektronike putem unapređenja laboratorijskih vežbanja |
5. Naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem "KVALITET 2007", Neum, BiH | 06.-09 Jun |
2007 | pp. 641-646 | (M63) | National conference |
534) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Izvor napajanja malih gabarita i velikog faktora snage |
Power Electronics EE2007, Novi Sad, ISBN 86-7892-065-3 | 05.11.-07.11. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, T1-3.2_86 | (M63) | National conference |
535) |
Djordjević, Sr. |
Hijerarhijski pristup simboličkoj analizi kola zasnovan na topološkom dijagramu odluke |
Zbornik radova LI konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4 | 04.06.-08.06. |
2007 | Proc. on CD, EL1.7 | (M63) | National conference |
536) |
Savić, M. |
Primena nelinearnog modela idealnog prekidača u simulaciji elektronskih kola |
Doktorska disertacija, Niš | 26.03. |
2007 | | (M71) | PhD thesis |
2006 |
537) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Zwolinski, M. |
Analogue Electronic Circuit Diagnosis Based on ANNs |
Microelectronics Reliability, ISSN:0026-2714 | August |
2006 | pp. 1382-1391 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
538) |
Litovski, V., Savić, M., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Implementation of Ideal Switch Model Reduces Significantly Simulation Time |
IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, ISSN 8755-3996 | July |
2006 | Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 16-22 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
539) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Take Back Concepts and End-Of-Life Management of Power Electrical Components |
Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 2 , University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2006 | pp. 59-63 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
540) |
Marinković, M., Andjelković, B., Petković, P. |
Compact Architecture of Digital Decimation Filters in Solid-State Energy Meter |
Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN 1450-5843 | December |
2006 | pp. 28-32 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
541) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Pavlović, S. M. |
12-Channel PC-Based Electrocardiograph |
Electronics, Vol. 10, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN 1450-5843 | December |
2006 | pp.44-48 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
542) |
Andjelković, B., Litovski, V., Zerbe, V. |
A Mission Level Design Language based on AleC++ |
Proceedings of 25th International Conference Miel 2006, Beograd, ISBN 1-4244-0116-X | 14.05.-17.05. |
2006 | Vol 2 pp. 659-662 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
543) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V. |
Fault Diagnosis in Digital Part of Mixed-Mode Circuit |
Proceedings of 25th International Conference Miel 2006, Beograd, ISBN 1-4244-0116-X | 14.05.-17.05. |
2006 | Vol 2 pp. 437-440 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
544) |
Nikolić, M., Sokolović, M., Petković, P. |
Laboratory ADC Tester Based on NI-6251 Data Acquisition Card |
Proceedings of 25th International Conference Miel 2006, Beograd, ISBN 1-4244-0116-X | 14.05.-17.05. |
2006 | Vol 2 pp. 701-704 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
545) |
Litovski, V., Milojković, J., Jovanović, S. |
A Concept of Education in Sustainable Electronic Design |
Third International Conference on Waste Management and the Environment, Malta | 21.06-23.06 |
2006 | pp. 415-424 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
546) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Reordering in Topology Decision Diagram Method for Symbolic Circuit Analysis |
Proceedings of 25th International Conference Miel 2006, Beograd, ISBN 1-4244-0116-X | 14.05-17.05 |
2006 | Vol 2 pp. 447-450 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
547) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Power Factor and Distortion Measuring for Small Loads Using USB Acquisition Module |
Proceedings of Remote Engineering Virtual Instrumentation Symposium, Maribor, Slovenia, ISBN 3-89958-194-6 | 29.06.-30.06. |
2006 | Proc. on CD | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
548) |
Andrejević, M., Nikolić, M., Litovski, V. |
Chaos Based Analog-to-digital Conversion of Small Signals |
Proceedings of Neurel 2006 Conference, Beograd, ISBN 1-4244-0432-0 | 25.09.-27.09. |
2006 | pp. 173-176 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
549) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V. |
Fault Diagnosis in Digital Part of Sigma-Delta Converter |
Proceedings of Neurel 2006 Conference, Beograd, ISBN 1-4244-0432-0 | 25.09.-27.09. |
2006 | pp. 177-180 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
550) |
Sokolović, M., Kuiper, A. |
Generation of Digital System Test Patterns Based on VHDL Simulations |
10th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering - POSTER 2006, Prague | 18.05. |
2006 | Prpc. on CD | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
551) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Laboratorija za elektroniku podržana računarskom mrežom |
Tehnika - Elektrotehnika, Beograd, ISSN 0013-5836 | July |
2006 | No. 55 Vol. 3 pp. 1-9 | (M52) | National journal |
552) |
Sokolović, M., Nikolić, M., Randjelović, S., Petković, P. |
Solid State Power-Meter Testing Within Real Operational Conditions |
Infoteh, Jahorina, ISBN 99938-624-2-8 | 21.03.-24.03. |
2006 | pp. 252-256 | (M63) | National conference |
553) |
Andrejević, M., Petrović, V., Mirković, D., Litovski, V. |
Delay Defects Diagnosis Using ANNs |
Zbornik radova L konferencije Etran 2006, Beograd, ISBN 86-80509-58-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2006 | Vol. 1 pp. 27-30 | (M63) | National conference |
554) |
Sokolović, M., Litovski, V. |
Efikasno određivanje statističkog najgoreg slučaja kašnjenja u složenim digitalnim kolima |
Zbornik radova L konferencije Etran 2006, Beograd, ISBN 86-80509-58-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2006 | Vol. 1 pp. 23-26 | (M63) | National conference |
555) |
Andjelković, B., Zerbe, V. |
Mission Level Modeling and Simulation Environment for Hardware/Software Systems |
Zbornik radova L konferencije Etran 2006, Beograd, ISBN 86-80509-58-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2006 | Vol. 1 pp. 19-22 | (M63) | National conference |
556) |
Petković, P., Dimitrijević, M., Sokolović, M. |
Nova nastavna laboratorija za projektovanje komponenata, kola i sistema automatskog upravljanja na Elektronskom fakultetu u Nišu |
Zbornik radova L konferencije Etran 2006, Beograd, ISBN 86-80509-58-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2006 | Vol. 1 pp. 50-53 | (M63) | National conference |
557) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Poboljšan izbor redosleda ekstrakcije parametara u simboličkoj analizi kola zasnovanoj na topološkom dijagramu odluke |
Zbornik radova L konferencije Etran 2006, Beograd, ISBN 86-80509-58-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2006 | Vol. 1 pp. 38-51 | (M63) | National conference |
558) |
Milojković, J., Stojilković, S. |
Postupci prerade računara na kraju životnog veka |
Zbornik radova L konferencije Etran 2006, Beograd, ISBN 86-80509-58-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2006 | Vol. 1 pp. 42-45 | (M63) | National conference |
559) |
Živanov, M., Slankamenac, M., Teodorović, P., Jovanović, B., Miličić, D. |
Takmičenje hardver i softver 2005 |
Zbornik radova L konferencije Etran 2006, Beograd, ISBN 86-80509-58-2 | 06.06.-09.06. |
2006 | Vol. 1 pp. 46-49 | (M63) | National conference |
560) |
Dimitrijević, M., Andjelković, B., Savić, M., Litovski, V. |
Gridification and Parallelization of Electronic Circuit Simulator |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 95-100 | (M63) | National conference |
561) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Sistem za merenje faktora snage i izobličenja |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 168-171 | (M63) | National conference |
562) |
Balović, V., Marinković, S., Stojković, D., Vasić, I., Dimitrijević, M. |
Portabilni sistem za praćenje respiracije i pulsa |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 184-186 | (M63) | National conference |
563) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V. |
Fault Diagnosis in Analog Part of Mixed-mode Circuit |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 117-120 | (M63) | National conference |
564) |
Andjelković, B., Litovski, V. |
Parallel Transistor Level Simulation of Electronic Circuits on a Beowulf Cluster |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 32-35 | (M63) | National conference |
565) |
Marinković, M., Andjelković, B., Petković, P. |
Kompaktna arhitektura digitalnih decimacionih filtara za integrisani merač potrošnje električne energije |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 84-89 | (M63) | National conference |
566) |
Sokolović, M., Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. |
Fan-out Based Delay Estimation in Digital Circuits |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 101-104 | (M63) | National conference |
567) |
Damnjanović, M., Jovanović, B. |
Fast Adders in VLSI |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 80-83 | (M63) | National conference |
568) |
Damnjanović, M., Jovanović, B. |
PC-Based 12-channel Electrocardiograph for Resting and Exercise Test |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 253-257 | (M63) | National conference |
569) |
Savić, M., Mrčarica, Ž., Litovski, V. |
Implementation of Nonlinear Ideal Switch Model in SPICE |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp, 27-31 | (M63) | National conference |
570) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Program uspostavljanja sistema reciklaže otpadne elektronske opreme od kompjutera |
Zbornik radova VI simpozijuma industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2006, Banja Luka, ISBN 99938-793-7-1 | 10.11.-11.11. |
2006 | pp. 121-126 | (M63) | National conference |
571) |
Andrejević, M. |
Primena veštačkih neuronskih mreža u dijagnostici elektronskih kola |
Doktorska disertacija, Niš | 07.07. |
2006 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
572) |
Nikolić, M. |
Projektovanje lejauta CMOS integrisanih kola sa mešovitim signalima |
Magistarska teza, Niš | 8.12. |
2006 | | (M72) | MSc thesis |
573) |
Litovski, V. |
Osnovi elektronike - teorija, rešeni zadaci i ispitna pitanja |
Akademska Misao, Beograd | April |
2006 | 730 | (-) | Educat. publication |
2005 |
574) |
Litovski, V., Savić, M., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Electronic Circuit Simulation With Ideal Switches |
Journal of Holon Academic Institute of Technology, Volume 2, Issues 4-4 | |
2005 | pp. 476-495 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
575) |
Savić, M., Litovski, V. |
Comparison of Ideal and SPICE Switches for Electronic Circuit Simulation |
Simulation News Europe, ISSN 0929-2268 | July |
2005 | pp. 17-19 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
576) |
Savić, M., Mrčarica, Ž., Litovski, V. |
Ideal Switch Model Speeds Up the Switched Circuits Simulation |
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Issue 11, ISSN 1109-2734 | November |
2005 | Vol. 4, 1657-1663 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
577) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S., Gajić, D. |
Some Transport Characteristics in Plasmas in the Mixtures of Xenon, Argon and Ceasium |
Journal of Plasma Physics, ISSN 0022-3778 | December |
2005 | pp. 889-897 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
578) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Concepts of Computer Take-Back for Sustainable End-Of-Life |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and living environmental protection , Niš | |
2005 | pp. 363 - 372 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
579) |
Sokolović, M., Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Litovski, V., Jevtić, M., Petković, P. |
Testing and Diagnostics of ADC and Integrated Powermeter |
Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 1, University of Banja Luka, ISSN 1450-5843 | Oktobar |
2005 | pp. 25-30 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
580) |
Mark Zwolinski, Miljana Milić |
Verification of Digital System Test Patterns using a VHDL Simulator |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-3 | 28.03.-29.03. |
2005 | pp. 12-15 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
581) |
Borisav Jovanović, Volker Zerbe |
An Example of Hardware-In-The-Loop-Simulation using Mission Level Designer Simulation |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-3 | 28.03.-29.03.. |
2005 | pp. 16-19 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
582) |
Bojan Andjelković, Marko Dimitrijević, Milunka Damnjanović |
VHDL-AMS Modeling and Compilation for Parallel Mixed-Mode Simulation |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Niš, ISBN 86-85195-23-3 | 28.03.-29.03. |
2005 | pp. 20-24 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
583) |
Srdjan Milenković, Vančo Litovski |
Passive Image Rejection Filters Optimised for Telecommunication Applications |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-3 | 28.03.-29.03. |
2005 | pp. 39-49 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
584) |
Vančo Litovski, Miona Andrejević Stošović, Mark Zwolinski |
Acceleration of MEMS Fault Simulation Using ANNs |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-3 | 28.03.-29.03. |
2005 | pp. 50-54 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
585) |
Milan Savić, Vančo Litovski |
Bandgap Voltage Reference in CMOS |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-3 | 28.03.-29.03. |
2005 | pp. 55-58 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
586) |
Milunka Damnjanović, Predrag Petković, Borisav Jovanović |
Integrated Power Meter IC Calibration |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Nis, ISBN 86-85195-23-3 | 28.03.-29.03. |
2005 | pp. 59-62 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
587) |
Marko Dimitrijević, Vančo Litovski |
Implementation of the Component Characteristic Curve Tracer using PC-based Acquisition Card |
Proceedings of the Small Systems Simulation Symposium 2005, Niš, ISBN 86-85195-23-3 | 28.03.-29.03. |
2005 | pp. 63-66 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
588) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Zwolinski, M. |
Behavioural Modelling, Simulation, Test and Diagnosis of MEMS using ANNs |
Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, ISBN 0-7803-8835-6 | 23.05.-25.05. |
2005 | Vol. 5, pp. 182-185 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
589) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Computer Integrated Analogue Electronics Laboratory for Undergraduate Teaching |
Proceedings of Remote Engineering Virtual Instrumentation Symposium, Brasov, Romania, ISBN 3-89958-137-7 | 30.06.-01.07. |
2005 | Proc. on CD, 31.1-31.5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
590) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
End-Of-Life Management of Power Electrical Components |
Proc. of the 13th Symposium on Power Electronics - Ee2005, Novi Sad, ISBN 86-85211-55-7 | 02.11.-05.11. |
2005 | T1-1.7, pp.1-5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
591) |
Sokolović, M., Litovski, V. |
Using VHDL Simulator to Estimate Logic Path Delays in Combinational and Embedded Sequential Circuits |
Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 Conference, Beograd, ISBN 1-4244-0050-3 | 21.11.-24.11. |
2005 | pp. 547-550 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
592) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Specific Linear Electronic Circuits Analysis Using PC-based Acquisition Card |
Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 Conference, Beograd, Serbia, ISBN 1-4244-0050-3, doi:10.1109/EURCON.2005. | 21.11.-24.11. |
2005 | pp. 910-913 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
593) |
Andjelković, B., Litovski, V., Zerbe, V. |
New Aspects in HDL's Performance Evaluation |
Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 Conference, Beograd, ISBN 1-4244-0050-3 | 21.11.-24.11. |
2005 | pp. 499-502 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
594) |
Marinković, M., Andjelković, B., Petković, P. |
Compact MAC Architecture of FIR Filters in Solid-State Energy Meter |
Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2005 Conference, Beograd, ISBN 1-4244-0050-3 | 21.11.-24.11. |
2005 | pp. 1683-1686 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
595) |
Savić, M., Mrčarica, Ž., Litovski, V. |
Computationally Efficient Simulation of Nonlinear Communication Circuits with Switches |
2005 | pp. 69-74 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
596) |
Savić, M., Mrčarica, Ž., Litovski, V. |
Power Electronic Circuits Simulation Using Ideal Switches |
13th International Symposium on Power Electronics - Ee2005, Novi Sad, ISBN 86-85211-55-7 | 02.11.-04.11. |
2005 | T1-1.4, pp.1-4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
597) |
Petković, P., Litovski, V. |
Koncept integrisanog meraca potrosnje elektricne energije |
13th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POWER ELECTRONICS, Novi Sad, ISBN 86-85211-55-7 | 02.11.-04.11. |
2005 | T4-4.6, pp.1-5 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
598) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Computer Integrated Analogue Electronics Laboratory for Undergraduate Teaching |
International Journal of Online Engineering, Kassel University Press, ISSN 1861-2121 | November |
2005 | Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 1-4 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
599) |
Andrejević, M., Savić, M., Nikolić, M. |
Fault Effects in Sigma-Delta Modulator |
Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran 2005, Budva, ISBN 86-80509-53-1 | 05.06.-10.06. |
2005 | Vol. 1 pp. 86-89 | (M63) | National conference |
600) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Implementation of 1MHz Network Analyzer using PC-based Acquisition Card |
Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran 2005, Budva, ISBN 86-80509-53-1 | 05.06.-10.06. |
2005 | Vol. 1 pp. 90-93 | (M63) | National conference |
601) |
Andjelković, B., Litovski, V. |
A Comparative Analysis of Design Languages for Hardware-Software Systems |
Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran 2005, Budva, ISBN 86-80509-53-1 | 05.06.-10.06. |
2005 | Vol. 1 pp. 95-98 | (M63) | National conference |
602) |
Sokolović, M., Maksimović, D. |
Estimation of Path Delays Using VHDL Logic Simulation |
Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran 2005, Budva, ISBN 86-80509-53-1 | 05.06.-10.06. |
2005 | Vol. 1 pp. 99-102 | (M63) | National conference |
603) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Petković, P. |
Design and Test Architecture of Integrated-Power-Meter Digital Part |
Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran 2005, Budva, ISBN 86-80509-53-1 | 05.06.-10.06. |
2005 | Vol. 1 pp. 50-53 | (M63) | National conference |
604) |
Milojković, J., Stojilković, S. |
Platforma o oceni koncepcija prikupljanja racunara na kraju životnog veka |
Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran 2005, Budva, ISBN 86-80509-53-1 | 05.06.-10.06. |
2005 | Vol. 1 pp. 54-57 | (M63) | National conference |
605) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Modifikovan metod za generisanje simboličke funkcije složenih elektronskih kola primenom topološkog dijagrama odluke |
Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran 2005 Zbornik radova XLIX konferencije Etran, Budva, ISBN 86-80509-53-1 | 05.06.-10.06. |
2005 | Vol. 1 pp. 103-106 | (M63) | National conference |
606) |
Sokolović, M., Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Litovski, V., Jevtić, M., Petković, P. |
Testiranje i dijagnostika AD konvertora integrisanog meraca potrošnje elektricne energije |
InfoTeh, Jahorina, ISBN 99938-624-2-8 | 23.03.-25.03. |
2005 | pp. 349-353 | (M63) | National conference |
607) |
Sokolović, M. |
Projektovanje testabilnih hibridnih integrisanih kola specifične namene |
Magistarska teza | 15.04. |
2005 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
608) |
Dimitrijević, M. |
Računarom integrisana laboratorija za elektroniku |
Magistarska teza, Niš | 21.12. |
2005 | 94 pages | (M72) | MSc thesis |
609) |
Milojković, J. |
Optimizacija postupaka sakupljanja i odlaganja računarske opreme na kraju životnog veka |
Magistarska teza, Niš | 21.12. |
2005 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
610) |
Jovanović, B. |
Projektovanje DSP bloka u kolu specifične namene |
Magistarska teza, Niš | 23.09. |
2005 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
2004 |
611) |
Litovski, V., Litovski, I., Zwolinski, M. |
Concurrent Analogue Fault Simulation, the Equation Formulation Aspect |
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, ISSN: 0098-9886 | 29.04. |
2004 | pp. 487-507 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
612) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
Square Root on Chip |
ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, A Publication of the EE Department, University of Montenegro, Vol. 12, YU ISSN 0353-5207 | May |
2004 | pp. 65-75 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
613) |
Milovanović, D., Savić, M., Nikolić, M. |
Second-Order Sigma-Delta Modulator In Standard CMOS Technology |
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engeneering, Technical Faculty, Čačak, Serbia, ISSN 1451-4869 | November |
2004 | Vol. 1, no 3, pp. 37-44 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
614) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević Stošović, M., Petković, P., Damper, R. |
ANN Application to Modelling of the D/A and A/D Interface for Mixed-Mode Behavioural Simulation |
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Volume 13, Number 1, ISBN 0218-1266 | February |
2004 | pp. 181-192 | (M23) | Internat.journal |
615) |
Marinković, M., Andjelković, B., Petković, P. |
Compact MAC Architecture of Hilbert Transformer in Solid-State Energy Meter |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | Decembar |
2004 | pp. 21-26 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
616) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. |
Black-box Application in Modeling of Micro-electro-mechanical Systems |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci , ISSN 1450-5843 | Decembar |
2004 | pp. 27-30 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
617) |
Jovanović, B., Zerbe, V. |
An Example of Hardware-In-The-Loop-Simulation using Mission Level Designer Simulator |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2004 | pp. 31-34 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
618) |
Damnjanović, M., Petković, P., Jovanović, B. |
Integrated Power Meter IC Calibration |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2004 | pp. 45-48 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
619) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Zwolinski, M. |
Acceleration of MEMS Fault Simulation Using ANNs |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci , ISSN 1450-5843 | December |
2004 | pp. 49-53 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
620) |
Milenković, S., Litovski, V. |
Passive Image Rejection Filters Optimized for Telecomunication Applications |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2004 | pp. 54-63 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
621) |
Savić, M., Litovski, V. |
Bandgap Voltage Reference in CMOS |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2004 | pp. 68-70 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
622) |
Sokolović, M., Zwolinski, M. |
Verification of Digital System Test Patterns Using a VHDL Simulator |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2004 | pp. 71-74 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
623) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S., Gajić, D. |
Some Transport Properties in Plasmas Containing Argon and Fluorine |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics Chemystry and Technology, ISSN 0354-4656 | December |
2004 | pp. 285-291 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
624) |
Damnjanović, M., Jovanović, B., Milić, M. |
Decimation Filters Design |
Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-1 | 15.05.-19.05 |
2004 | vol. 2 601-604 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
625) |
Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M., Dimitrijević, M. |
I2C Like Communication for the Power Meter IC |
Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-1, doi:10.1109/ICMEL.2004.1 | 15.05.-19.05. |
2004 | Vol. 2 pp. 781-784 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
626) |
Andjelković, B., Zerbe, V. |
Design Flow for Automated Programming of FPGA |
Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-1 | 15.05.-19.05 |
2004 | vol. 2 715-718 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
627) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević, M. |
ANN Application in Electronic Diagnosis - Preliminary Results |
Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-1 | 15.05.-19.05 |
2004 | vol. 2 597-600 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
628) |
Petković, P., Djordjević, Sr. |
Generation of Factorized Symbolic Network Function by Circuit Toplogy Reduction |
Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-1 | 15.05.-19.05 |
2004 | vol. 2 773-776 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
629) |
Nikolić, M., Savić, M., Milovanović, D. |
A Third-Order Sigma-Delta Modulator - Preliminary Results |
Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-1 | 15.05.-19.05 |
2004 | vol. 2 605-608 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
630) |
Stojilković, S., Jovanović, S., Milojković, J. |
Integrated Infrastructure for Sustainable Electronic Design System |
Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-8166-1 | 15.05.-19.05 |
2004 | vol. 2 785-788 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
631) |
Stojilković, S., Milojković, J. |
Sustainability Of Electronic Design From The Materials For Electronics Point Of View |
HIPNEF 2004, Vrnjacka Banja | 19.05-23.05 |
2004 | pp. 229-234 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
632) |
Litovski, V., Savić, M. |
An Object Oriented Environment for Behavioral Frequency Domain Electronic Simulation |
International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT 2004), Austin (Texas) | 14.08.-17.08 |
2004 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
633) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M., Petković, P. |
Digital Signal Processing for an Integrated Power Meter |
Proceedings of 49. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Technische Universirtat Ilmenau, Ilmenau, ISBN 3-8322-2824-1 | 27.09-30.09 |
2004 | vol. 2 190-195 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
634) |
Jovanović, B., Sokolović, M., Savić, M., Jevtić, M., Petković, P. |
Testing set-up for analog part of the power meter IC |
Electronics ET2004, Sozopol, ISBN 954-438-446-4 | 22.09-24.09 |
2004 | p. 19 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
635) |
Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Sokolović, M., Petković, P. |
Testing set-up for digital part of the power meter IC |
Electronics ET2004, Sozopol, ISBN 954-438-446-4 | 22.09-24.09 |
2004 | p. 118 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
636) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Zwolinski, M. |
ANN Based Modeling, Testing and Diagnosis of MEMS |
Neurel 2004, Beograd, ISBN 0-7803-8547-0 | 23.9.-25.9 |
2004 | pp. 183-188 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
637) |
Jevtić, M., Zerbe, V., Đošić, S. |
Multilevel Validation of Online Monitor for Hard Real-Time Systems |
Proceedings of 24th International Conference Miel 2004 | 15.05.-19.05. |
2004 | vol. 2 755-758 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
638) |
Andrejević, M. |
Neuronske mreže u modelovanju |
Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd, ISSN 1450-653X | |
2004 | 84 str. | (M41) | Monograph |
639) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V. |
Implementation of the Component Characteristic Curve Tracer Using PC-Based Acquisition Card |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2004 | pp. 35-38 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
640) |
Andjelković, B., Dimitrijević, M., Damnjanović, M. |
VHDL-AMS Modeling And Compilation for Parallel Mixed-Mode Simulation |
Electronics, vol. 8, No.2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2004 | pp. 75-78 | (M53) | Scientific journal (nat.) |
641) |
Petković, P., Sokolović, M. |
Decimacioni filtri integrisanog meraca potrošnje elektricne energije |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 87-90 | (M63) | National conference |
642) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević, M. |
ANN Application In Electronic Circuits Diagnosis |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 21-24 | (M63) | National conference |
643) |
Dimitrijević, M. |
Dokumentacija u projektovanju integrisanog merača potrošnje električne energije - IMPEG |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | Vol. 1 pp. 79-82 | (M63) | National conference |
644) |
Zerbe, V., Litovski, V. |
Design of Paralel Digital Systems and Semantic Traps |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 91-94 | (M63) | National conference |
645) |
Sokolović, M., Petković, P. |
Razvoj Sistema za Testiranje integrisanog meraca potrošnje elektricne energije |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 33-36 | (M63) | National conference |
646) |
Andjelković, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Design Of Hilbert Transformer For Solid-State Energy Meter |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 83-86 | (M63) | National conference |
647) |
Andrejević, M., Savić, M., Nikolić, M., Andjelković, B. |
TOP-LEVEL layout design of solid-state energy meter |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 13-16 | (M63) | National conference |
648) |
Milojković, J., Stojilković, S. |
Materijali za elektroniku sa stanovišta održivog projektovanja elektronskih proizvoda |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 44-47 | (M63) | National conference |
649) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Digital System For Power Line Frequency Measurement |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 29-32 | (M63) | National conference |
650) |
Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M. |
Višehijerarhijski sistem za pracenje potrošnje elektricne energije |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 71-74 | (M63) | National conference |
651) |
Jevtić, M., Jovanović, B., Brankov, S. |
Upravljacka jedinica sistema na cipu za registrovanje potrošnje elektricne energije |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 75-78 | (M63) | National conference |
652) |
Milovanović, D., Savić, M., Nikolić, M. |
Second-Order Sigma-Delta Modulator In Standard CMOS Technology |
Zbornik radova XLVIII konferencije Etran 2004, Čačak, ISBN 86-80509-49-3 | 06.06.-10.06. |
2004 | vol. 1 17-20 | (M63) | National conference |
653) |
Marinković, M., Andjelković, B., Petković, P. |
Kompaktna MAC arhitektura Hilbertovog transformatora u integrisanom meraču potrošnje električne energije |
V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-1 | 11.11.-13.11. |
2004 | pp. 114-119 | (M63) | National conference |
654) |
Savić, M., Andjelković, B., Litovski, V. |
Parallel Mixed-Mode Simulation - Preliminary Study |
V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-1 | 11.11.-13.11. |
2004 | pp. 76-79 | (M63) | National conference |
655) |
Dimitrijević, M., Litovski, V., Jovanović, S. |
Računarski sistem za izvodjenje laboratorijskih vežbi iz Elektronike |
V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-1 | 11.11.-13.11. |
2004 | pp. 156-160 | (M63) | National conference |
656) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. |
ANN Application in Modeling of MEMS |
V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-1 | 11.11.-13.11. |
2004 | pp. 99-102 | (M63) | National conference |
657) |
Sokolović, M., Nikolić, M., Andrejević, M., Petković, P. |
ADC Testing of an Integrated Power Meter |
V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-1 | 11.11.-13.11. |
2004 | pp. 132-137 | (M63) | National conference |
658) |
Jovanović, B., Jevtić, M., Đošić, S., Sokolović, M., Petković, P. |
Projektovanje BIST logike u DSP bloku integrisanog merača potrošnje električne energije |
V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-1 | 11.11.-13.11. |
2004 | pp. 120-125 | (M63) | National conference |
659) |
Đošić, S., Jevtić, M. |
Planiranje zadataka u sistemu za rad u realnom vremenu sa redundansom u vremenu za prevazilaženje otkaza |
V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004, Banja Luka, ISBN 86-7122-014-1 | 11.11.-13.11. |
2004 | pp. 146-149 | (M63) | National conference |
660) |
Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M. |
RT Linux softverske funkcije za on-line nadzor procesa i događaja |
V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004 | 11.11.-13.11. |
2004 | pp. 150-155 | (M63) | National conference |
661) |
Damnjanović, M., Jovanović, B. |
Energy Calculation in Power Meter IC |
V simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2004 | 11.11.-13.11. |
2004 | pp. 126-131 | (M63) | National conference |
662) |
Stevanović, R. |
Simbolička analiza linearnih elektronskih kola zasnovana na primeni simboličke algebre |
Magistarska teza, Niš | |
2004 | 72. str | (M72) | MSc thesis |
2003 |
663) |
Maksimović, D., Janković, S. |
Power Saving Modes in Modern Microcontroller Design, Diagnostic and Reliability |
Microelectronics Reliability, ISSN:0026-2714 | |
2003 | Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 319-326 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
664) |
Savić, M., Litovski, V. |
Behavioural Object-Oriented Frequency Domain Electronic Simulation |
Simulation News Europe | December |
2003 | pp. 38-39 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
665) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V. |
Electronic circuits modeling using artificial neural networks |
Journal of Automation Control, ISBN 1450-9903 | |
2003 | vol. 13(1) 31-37 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
666) |
Stefanović, D., Kayal, M., Pastre, M., Litovski, V. |
Procedural Analog Design (PAD) Tool |
ISDEQ 2003, 4th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, San Jose, California | 24.3-26.3 |
2003 | pp. 313-318 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
667) |
Milojković, J., Jovanović, S., Litovski, V. |
Information Infrastructure for Sustainable Product Design System |
Proceedings Colloquium e-ecological Manufacturing | 27.03.-28.03. |
2003 | pp. 75-77 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
668) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević, M., Damper, R. |
Modeling the D/A Interface for Mixed-Mode Behavioral Simulation |
EUROCON 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia, ISBN 0-7803-7763 | Septembar |
2003 | A130-A133 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
669) |
Andrejević, M., Liebzeit, T. |
Modeling of the Energy System for the Mission Level Design of the DEEPC AUV |
Electronics ET03, Sozopol, Bugarska | Septembar |
2003 | III 19-24 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
670) |
Sokolović, M., Petković, P. |
Design for Testability in an Application Specific DSP |
7th International Symposium on Microelectronics Technologies and Microsystems, Sofia - Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISBN 954-580-145-X | Septembar |
2003 | pp. 208-213 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
671) |
Savić, M., Litovski, V. |
Behavioral Object-Oriented Frequency Domain Electronic Simulation |
VI nacionalna konferencija ETAI, Ohrid, Macedonia | Septembar |
2003 | E1-E4 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
672) |
Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M. |
Interprocess Communication in Real - Time LINUX |
Proc. of 21st International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services - TELSIKS 2003, Niš | Oktobar |
2003 | Vol.2, str. 618-621 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
673) |
Sokolović, M., Petković, P. |
DSP Chain Testing in an Integrated Power-Meter |
Proc. of the conference Electronics ET03, book 1, Sozopol, ISBN 954-438-374-3 | 24.09.-26.09 |
2003 | pp. 37-42 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
674) |
Litovski, V., Andrejević, M. |
Modelovanje D/A sprege za hibridnu funkcionalnu simulaciju |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 76-79 | (M63) | National conference |
675) |
Jovanović, B., Damnjanović, M. |
Digital Systems for Square Root Computation |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 68-71 | (M63) | National conference |
676) |
Andjelković, B., Damnjanović, M. |
The VHDL-AMS Language Implementation in ALECSIS Simulator |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herecg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 64-67 | (M63) | National conference |
677) |
Dimitrijević, M., Jovanović, B., Andjelković, B., Savić, M., Sokolović, M. |
Experiences in Using CADENCE - The Industry Standard for Integrated Circuits |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | Vol. 1 pp. 31-34 | (M63) | National conference |
678) |
Jovanović, S., Milojković, J. |
Informaciona infrastruktura sistema za održivo projektovanje proizvoda u elektronici |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 51-54 | (M63) | National conference |
679) |
Savić, M., Milovanović, D. |
CMOS Bandgap Voltage Reference |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 124-127 | (M63) | National conference |
680) |
Sokolović, M., Petković, P. |
Projektovanje za testabilnost u DSP kolu specificne namene |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 43-46 | (M63) | National conference |
681) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Novi postupak za parametarizovanu frekvencijsku analizu kola zasnovan na generisanju analitickih izraza |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 120-123 | (M63) | National conference |
682) |
Nikolić, M., Litovski, V. |
CMOS implementacija Hopfildove neuronske mreže |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 132-135 | (M63) | National conference |
683) |
Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M. |
Savršeni detektori otkaza u distribuiranim upravljackim sistemima |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 84-87 | (M63) | National conference |
684) |
Brankov, S., Jevtić, M. |
Realizacija modula za nadzor real-time procesa u VHDL-u |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 80-83 | (M63) | National conference |
685) |
Andrejević, M., Stojilković, S. |
Modelovanje nelinearne odvodnosti Džozefsonovog spoja |
Zbornik radova XLVII konferencije Etran 2003, Herceg Novi, ISBN 86-80509-45-0 | 08.06.-13.06. |
2003 | vol. 1 72-75 | (M63) | National conference |
686) |
Andrejević, M. |
Modelovanje nelinearnih reaktivnih elektronskih kola primenom veštačkih neuronskih mreža |
Magistarska teza, Niš | 11.01. |
2003 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
687) |
Savić, M. |
Implementacija funkcionalne objektno-orijentisane simulacije u frekvencijskom domenu |
Magistarska teza, Niš | 23.9. |
2003 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
688) |
Stefanović, D. |
Metodologija i alat za proceduralno projektovanje analognih CMOS integrisanih kola |
Magistarska teza, Niš | 23.9. |
2003 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
689) |
Andjelković, B. |
Implementacija VHDL-AMS u simulatoru Alecsis |
Magistarska teza, Niš | 22.12. |
2003 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
690) |
Andrejević Stošović, M., Litovski, V., Jovanović, B., Djordjević, Sr., Andjelković, B., Milojković, J., Milić, M., Savić, M., Petković, P., Nikolić, M., Milovanović, D., Jevtić, M., Dimitrijević, M., Damnjanović, M., Cvetković, M., Đošić, S. |
Testni čip za integrisani merač potrošnje električne energije |
Rezultat prihvaćen kao deo izveštaja za 2003. godinu u okviru projekta “Razvoj uređaja i sistema za merenje i upravljanje potrošnjom električne energije u industriji”, evidencioni broj IT.1.01.0076.B. | |
2003 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
691) |
Jovanović, B., Petković, P., Dimitrijević, M. |
NF FIR decimacioni filtar u strujnom kanalu IMPEG |
Rezultat prihvaćen kao deo izveštaja za 2003. godinu u okviru projekta „Razvoj uređaja i sistema za merenje i upravljanje potrošnjom električne energije u industriji“, evidencioni broj IT.1.01.0076.B. | |
2003 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
692) |
Jovanović, B., Petković, P., Dimitrijević, M. |
NF FIR decimacioni filtar u naponskom kanalu IMPEG |
Rezultat prihvaćen kao deo izveštaja za 2003. godinu u okviru projekta „Razvoj uređaja i sistema za merenje i upravljanje potrošnjom električne energije u industriji“, evidencioni broj IT.1.01.0076.B. | |
2003 | | (M85) | Technical solution |
2002 |
693) |
Maksimović, D., Litovski, V. |
Logic simulation methods for longest path delay estimation |
IEE Proceedings Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 149, No. 2,, ISSN: 1350- 2387 | |
2002 | pp. 53-59 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
694) |
Damnjanović, M., Andjelković, B., Litovski, V. |
VHDL-AMS Compiler for Alecsis Simulation Environment |
Electronics, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2002 | pp. 6-11 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
695) |
Stefanović, D., Kayal, M., Litovski, V. |
An Interactive Knowledge Based Analog Design Approach |
Electronics, Vol. 6 No. 2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2002 | pp. 22-25 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
696) |
Brankov, S., Jevtić, M., Cvetković, M. |
Task Execution in Real-Time Systems for Industrial Control and Monitoring |
Electronics, Vol. 6 No. 2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2002 | pp. 56-61 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
697) |
Sokolović, M., Milovanović, D. |
Design of Printed Circuit Boards for Low-Power Radio Transmitters |
Electronics, Vol. 6 No. 1, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2002 | pp. 3-6 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
698) |
Janković, S., Maksimović, D., Litovski, V. |
Modern 32-bit Microcontroller Characteristics and Automotive Applications |
Electronics, Vol. 6 No. 2, University of Banja Luka, ISSN: 1450-5843 | December |
2002 | pp. 62-76 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
699) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Eco-Design in Electronics - The State of the Art |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection, Niš | 05.07 |
2002 | no. 2 vol. 2 87-100 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
700) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V. |
Electronic Modelling Using ANNs for Analogue and Mixed-Mode Behavioural Simulation |
NEUREL 2002, Beograd, ISBN 0-7803-7594-7 | 26.9.-28.9. |
2002 | pp. 113-118 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
701) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Petković, P. |
Extraction of Frequency Characteristics of Switched-Capacitor Circuits Using Time-Domain Analysis |
MIEL 2002, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-7235-2 | 12.5.-15.5. |
2002 | pp. 635-638 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
702) |
Janković, S., Maksimović, D. |
Power Saving Modes in Modern Microcotroller and Chip Diagnostics |
MIEL 2002, Niš | 12.5.-15.5. |
2002 | pp. 593-596 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
703) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D. |
Timing Simulation with VHDL Simulators |
MIEL 2002, Niš | 12.5.-15.5. |
2002 | pp. 655-658 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
704) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P., Sokolović, M., Stefanović, D. |
TSpice-Alecsis Co-simulation |
MIEL 2002, Niš, ISBN 0-7803-7235-2 | 12.5.-15.5. |
2002 | pp. 625-628 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
705) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Symbolic-Numeric Co-simulation of Large Analogue Circuits |
MIEL 2002, Niš | 12.5.-15.5. |
2002 | pp. 639-642 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
706) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V. |
ANN Application in Modelling Chua's Circuit |
NEUREL 2002, Beograd, ISBN 0-7803-7594-7 | 26.9.-28.9. |
2002 | pp. 119-122 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
707) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V. |
Non-Linear Dynamic Network Modelling Using Neural Networks |
International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Leuven, Belgium | 22.7.-26.7. |
2002 | p. 8 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
708) |
Milojković, J., Litovski, V. |
Održivo projektovanje u elektronici |
Upravljanje kvalitetom i pouzdanošcu DQM-2002, Beograd | 26.6.-27.6. |
2002 | pp. 348-354 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
709) |
Novaković, N., Milić, B., Stojilković, S., Gajić, D. |
Diffusion Coeficients of Low-Pressure and Low-Temperaturethermal Argon Plasma With Chlorine as Additive |
21st Summer School And International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Sokobanja | 26.8-30.8 |
2002 | pp. 609-612 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
710) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Mixed symbolic-numeric approach for large circuit simulation |
Electronic ET2002, Sozopol, Bulgaria | 25.9-27.9 |
2002 | pp. 53-58 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
711) |
Litovski, V., Damnjanović, M., Andjelković, B. |
ALECSIS/VHDL-AMS Mixed Language Simulation |
Electronic ET2002, Sozopol | 25.9-27.9 |
2002 | pp. 25-30 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
712) |
Stefanović, D., Pastre, M., Kayal, M., Litovski, V. |
Chart Oriented CAD Tool for CMOS Transistor Sizing |
Electronic ET2002, Sozopol, Bulgaria | 25.9-27.9 |
2002 | pp. 95-100 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
713) |
Savić, M., Litovski, V. |
Frequency Domain Electronic Circuit Analysis in an Object Oriented Environment |
Electronic ET2002, Sozopol, Bulgaria | 25.9-27.9 |
2002 | pp. 65-70 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
714) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V. |
Primena veštačkih neuronskih mreža za modelovanje reaktivnih nelinearnih dvopola |
TEHNIKA (Elektrotehnika), ISSN 0013-5836 | Maj |
2002 | E1-E11 | (M52) | National journal |
715) |
Litovski, V. |
New Methods in Modeling and Simulation of Electronic Circuits and Systems |
Scientific Review 29-30, Serbian Scientific Society, Beograd | |
2002 | pp. 189-207 | (M52) | National journal |
716) |
Stefanović, D., Kayal, M., Litovski, V. |
Proceduralno projektovanje analognih CMOS integrisanih kola na primeru Milerovog operacionog pojacavaca |
TEHNIKA (Elektrotehnika), Vol. 52, No. 2 | |
2002 | pp. 8-17. | (M52) | National journal |
717) |
Litovski, V., Milojković, J. |
Ekološki aspekt projektovanja u elektonici |
Zbornik radova XLVI konferencije Etran 2002, Banja Vrućica, ISBN 86-80509-41-8 | 3.6.-6.6. |
2002 | pp. 66-69 | (M63) | National conference |
718) |
Andrejević, M., Litovski, V. |
ANN Application in Modelling of A/D Interfaces for Mixed-Mode Behavioural Simulation |
Zbornik radova XLVI konferencije Etran 2002, Banja Vrućica, ISBN 86-80509-41-8 | 3.6.-6.6. |
2002 | pp. Vol. I 51-54 | (M63) | National conference |
719) |
Maksimović, D., Nikolić, M. |
Implementacija digitalnog veštackog neurona |
Zbornik radova XLVI konferencije Etran 2002, Banja Vrućica, ISBN 86-80509-41-8 | 3.6.-6.6. |
2002 | pp. Vol. I 32-35 | (M63) | National conference |
720) |
Maksimović, D., Sokolović, M. |
Boundary-scan projektovanje elektronskih kola |
Zbornik radova XLVI konferencije Etran 2002, Banja Vrućica, ISBN 86-80509-41-8 | 3.6.-6.6. |
2002 | pp. Vol. I 82-85 | (M63) | National conference |
721) |
Milovanović, D., Sokolović, M. |
Projektovanje štampanih ploča za radio predajnike male snage |
Zbornik radova XLVI konferencije Etran 2002, Banja Vrućica, ISBN 86-80509-41-8 | 3.6.-6.6. |
2002 | pp. Vol. I 58-61 | (M63) | National conference |
722) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
Unapredenje postupka za generisanje funkcije kola u razvijenom simbolickom obliku |
Zbornik radova XLVI konferencije Etran 2002, Banja Luka | 3.6.-6.6. |
2002 | pp. Vol. I 111-114 | (M63) | National conference |
723) |
Brankov, S., Jevtić, M. |
Algorithms in the planner HRTS with fault tolerance |
Zbornik radova XLVI konferencije Etran 2002, Banja Vrućica, ISBN 86-80509-41-8 | June |
2002 | I70-I73 | (M63) | National conference |
724) |
Damnjanović, M., Andjelković, B. |
Alec++ And VHDL-AMS Model Development in Alecsis Simulator |
IV simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2002, Banja Luka | November |
2002 | pp. 78-81 | (M63) | National conference |
725) |
Damnjanović, M., Andjelković, B. |
VHDL-AMS Compiler for Alecsis Simulation Enviroment |
IV simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2002, Banja Luka | November |
2002 | pp. 80-86 | (M63) | National conference |
726) |
Savić, M., Litovski, V. |
Implementation of a New Object Oriented Frequency Domain Electronic Circuit Simulation System |
IV simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2002, Banja Luka | November |
2002 | pp. 166-168 | (M63) | National conference |
727) |
Stefanović, D., Kayal, M., Litovski, V. |
An Interactive Knowledge Based Analog Design Approach |
IV simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2002, Banja Luka | Novembar |
2002 | pp. 166-168 | (M63) | National conference |
728) |
Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M. |
Efikasan razvoj aplikacije za rad u realnom vremenu |
IV simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2002, Banja Luka | Novembar |
2002 | pp. 244-249 | (M63) | National conference |
729) |
Brankov, S., Jevtić, M. |
Izbor algoritma vremenskog planiranja izvršavanja zadatka u sistemima za upravljanje i nadzor industrijskih procesa |
IV simpozijum industrijska elektronika - INDEL 2002, Banja Luka | Novembar |
2002 | pp. 250-254 | (M63) | National conference |
730) |
Brankov, S., Krstić, D. |
Podešavanje frekvencije ring oscilatora pomoću transkonduktanse i dodatne kapacitivnosti |
Zbornik radova X telekomunikacionog foruma, TELFOR 2002, Beograd | Novembar |
2002 | pp. 617-619 | (M63) | National conference |
2001 |
731) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Mixed-signal modeling with AleC++: Specific features of the HDL |
Simulation Practice and Theory (form. Journal of Simulation Practice and Theory) , ISSN: 1569-190X | |
2001 | Vol. 8, pp. 433-449 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
732) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
A Hierarchical Approach to Large Circuit Symbolic Simulation |
Microelectronics Reliability, ISSN:0026-2714 | December |
2001 | pp. 2041-2049 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
733) |
Jakovljević, M., Fotiu, P.A., Mrčarica, Ž., Litovski, V., Detter, H. |
Electro-thermal simulation of microsystems with mixed abstraction modelling |
Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 41, Number 6, Elsevier, ISSN:0026-2714 | June |
2001 | pp. 823-835 (13) | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
734) |
Litovski, V., Savić, M. |
Circuit-Thoretical Approach to Feedback System Analysis |
Electronics ET2001, Sofia | 26.9.-28.9. |
2001 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
735) |
Dejan M. Maksimović, Vladan M. Panić, Kristijan M. Zarković, Zoran M. Petković, Dragiša P. Milovanović, Dragan Topisirović, Vančo B. Litovski |
Implementacija digitalnih elektronskih kola primenom boundary scan standarda |
Tehnika (Elektrotehnika), UDC:681.327:621.337.62/.63=861 | |
2001 | E7-E15 | (M52) | National journal |
736) |
Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M. |
Organizacija real - time aplikacije pod LINIUX-om |
YU INFO 2001, Kopaonik | Mart |
2001 | - | (M63) | National conference |
737) |
Litovski, V., Damnjanović, M., Andjelković, B. |
CAD sistemi zasnovani na VHDL okruženju |
Zbornik radova VJ Info | 03.04.-04.04. |
2001 | Proc. on CD | (M63) | National conference |
738) |
Topisirović, D. |
Projektovanje i realizacija sistema za testiranje VLSI zasnovano na personalnom računaru |
Magistarska teza, Niš | |
2001 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
739) |
Djordjević, Sr. |
Novi hijerarhijski pristup simboličkoj analizi složenih elektronskih kola |
Magistarska teza, Niš | 11. sept. |
2001 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
740) |
Djordjević, B., Jevtić, M., Damnjanović, M., Djordjević, G., Velimirović, A. |
Digitalna elektronika - zbirka zadataka |
Elektronski fakultet u Nišu, ISBN 86-80135-62-3 | |
2001 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
2000 |
741) |
Ilić, T., Litovski, I., Litovski, V., Stojilković, S. |
Computationally Efficient Large-Change Statical Analysis of Linear Electronic Circuits |
Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 40, ISSN:0026-2714 | |
2000 | pp. 1023-1038 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
742) |
Bratov, V., Bushehri, E., Milenković, S., Schlichter, T., Starosselski, V., Timochenkov, V. |
Ultra-Low Power Source Coupled FET Logic Gate Configuration in GaAs MESFET Technology |
Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 1, January, ISSN: 0013-5194 | |
2000 | pp. 36-38 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
743) |
Detter, H., Fotiu, P.A., Jakovljević, M., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Transient electro-thermal simulation of microsystems with space-continuous thermal models in an analogue behavioural simulator |
Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 40, No 3, March, ISSN:0026-2714 | |
2000 | pp. 507-516 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
744) |
Gajić, D., Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Electron and Ion Mobilities in Argon Plasma With Fluorine as Additive |
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (merged with The European Physical Journal*), Vol. 50, No 3, Prague | |
2000 | pp. 425-432 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
745) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D. |
Inverse Circuit Simulation Method for Topological Delays Estimation with Logic Simulator |
22nd International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '99, Niš | 14-17 May |
2000 | pp. 707-710 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
746) |
Djordjević, Sr., Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
A New Approach to Symbolic Analysis of Large Circuits |
22nd_International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '99, Niš, Yugoslavia | 14-17 May |
2000 | pp. 687-690 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
747) |
Mitić,V., V., Mitrović, I., Petković, P. |
The Equivalent Electricaal Model of Intergranular Impedance of BaTiO3 - Ceramics |
22nd_International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '99, Niš,Yugoslavia | 14-17 May |
2000 | pp. 235-238 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
748) |
Detter, H., Fotiu, P.A., Jakovljević, M., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Analogue behavioural simulator as a tool for coupled electro-thermal analysis of microsystems |
22nd International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '99, Niš, Yugoslavia | 14-17 May |
2000 | pp. 561-564 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
749) |
Janković, S., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Panić, V. |
Cell Design for Boundary-Scan Implementation |
22nd International conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '99, Niš, Yugoslavia | 14-17 May |
2000 | pp. 719-722 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
750) |
Ilić, T., Litovski, V. |
Computationally Efficient Parametric Yield Estimation of Linear Electronic Circuits |
22nd International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL'99, Niš, Yugoslavia | 14-17 May |
2000 | pp. 683-686 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
751) |
Litovski, V., Shutinoski, G. |
Current Mode Elementary Motion Perception Neural Cell |
ISCAS 2000, prihvaceno za objavljivanje, Geneve, Switzerland | |
2000 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
752) |
Lilić, T., Litovski, V., Savić, M., Zarković, K. |
ANN Application in Modeling of Dynamic Two-Terminal Linear Circuits |
Fifth National Conference with International Conference with Ineternational Participation ETAI 2000, prihvaceno, Skopje, Macedonia | September |
2000 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
753) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Mrčarica, Ž., Tasić, A. |
Some Features of Analogue and Mixed-Signal HDL Alec++ |
Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2000, Niš, Yugoslavia | 4-5 September |
2000 | pp. 41-46 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
754) |
Petković, P., Bushehri, E., Milenković, S., Litovski, V. |
A High Level Simulation for DS Modulator Design |
Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2000, Niš, Yugoslavia | 4-5 September |
2000 | pp. 57-60 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
755) |
Djordjević, Sr., Petković, P. |
A Hierarchical Approach to Large Circuit Symbolic Simulation |
Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2000, Niš, Yugoslavia | 4-5 September |
2000 | pp. 53-56 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
756) |
Detter, H., Fotiu, P.A., Jakovljević, M., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Electro-Thermal Simulation of Microsystems with Mixed Abstraction Modelling |
Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2000, Niš,Yugoslavia | 4-5 September |
2000 | pp. 17-26 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
757) |
Ilić, T., Zarković, K., Litovski, V., Damper, R. |
ANN Application in Modelling of Dynamic Linear Circuits |
Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2000, Niš, Yugoslavia | 4-5 September |
2000 | pp. 47-52 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
758) |
Kader, M., Lenczner, M., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Distributed Control Based on Distributed Electronic Circuits, Application to Vibration Control |
Small Systems Simulation Symposium, SSSS 2000, Niš, Yugoslavia | 4-5 September |
2000 | pp. 27-34 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
759) |
Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M. |
Realizacija zadatka komunikacije u distribuiranom sistemu za rad u realnom vremenu multi-point topologije |
INDEL 2000, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska | Novembar |
2000 | Zbornik radova | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
760) |
Cvetković, M., Jevtić, M. |
The Communication Task Implementation in a Distributed Real - Time System with Multi - Point Topology |
Electronics, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska | Decembar |
2000 | Vol.4, No.2, str. 45-49 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
761) |
Gajić, D., Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Korišcenje Landauove dužine pri izracunavanju pokretljivosti u termalnoj plazmi |
10. kongres fizicara Jugoslavije, Zbornik radova, knjiga II, Vrnjacka banja | 27-29 Mart |
2000 | pp. 687-690 | (M63) | National conference |
762) |
Maksimović, D. |
Logička simulacija - procena graničnih svojstava projektovanog digitalnog kola |
Doktorska disertacija, Niš | Jun |
2000 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
763) |
Litovski, V., Damnjanović, M., Jevtić, M., Milovanović, D., Petković, P., Mrčarica, Ž., Djordjević, G., Maksimović, D., Janković, S., Panić, V., Živković, V., Leković, B. |
Praktikum laboratorijskih vežbanja iz projektovanja i testiranja elektronskih kola i sistema |
Edicija: Pomoćni udžbenici, Elektronski Fakultet Niš, Niš, ISBN 86-80135-28-3 | |
2000 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
764) |
Litovski, V. |
Projektovanje elektronkih kola |
Udžbenik, Niš, ISBN 86-7369-015-3 | March |
2000 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1999 |
765) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D. |
Tuning the Logic Simulator for Timing Analysis |
Electronics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 10, UK, ISSN: 0013-5194 | 13th May |
1999 | pp. 800-802 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
766) |
Ilić, T., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Time-domain analysis of nolinear switched networks with internally controlled switches |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Vol. 46, No. 3, ISSN: 1549-8328 | March |
1999 | pp. 373-378 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
767) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D. |
Logic Simulation Based Method for Digital CMOS VLSI Circuits Power Estimation |
7th International Journal of Theoretical Electrotechnics,, Cottbus, Germany | March |
1999 | pp. 40-43 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
768) |
Jakovljević, M., Lenczner, M., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž., Risojević, V. |
Integrated Simulator for MEMS Using FEM Implementation in AHDL and Frontal Solver for Large Sparse Systems of Equations |
Design, Test and Microfabrication of MEMS, MOEMS '99, CAD, Design and Test, Paris, France | 30. Mar. - 1. Apr. |
1999 | pp. 306-315 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
769) |
Kader, M., Lenczner, M., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Approximation of distributed control laws using distributed electronic devices for vibration control |
SPIE's 6th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, USA | 1-5 March |
1999 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
770) |
Detter, H., Fotiu, P.A., Jakovljević, M., Mrčarica, Ž. |
A System-Level Simulation of Complex Multi-Domain Microsystems by Using Analogue Hardware Description Languages |
10th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, TRANSDUCERS '99, Sendai, Japan | June |
1999 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
771) |
Detter, H., Fotiu, P.A., Jakovljević, M., Mrčarica, Ž. |
A Method for Simultaneous 3D Electro-Thermal Simulation |
THERMINIC '99, Rome, Italy | |
1999 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
772) |
Shutinoski, G., Dzhekov, T., Litovski, V. |
Current Mode VLSI Neuromorphic Cell Proposal for Motion Detection |
42nd MWSCAS, Las Cruces, New Mexico | August |
1999 | coll. abstracts p. 189 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
773) |
Shutinoski, G., Dimitrovski, G. A., Litovski, V. |
Current Mode VLSI Neural Network for Motion Perception |
Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES'99, Star Lesn, Slovakia, | November |
1999 | | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
774) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D. |
Analiza topoloških kašnjenja u digitalnim kolima pomocu logickog simulatora |
Tehnika, Elektrotehnika, God. 48, No. 2, Beograd | |
1999 | E1-E13 | (M52) | National journal |
775) |
Janković, S. |
Magistarska teza, Niš | |
1999 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
776) |
Ilić, T. |
Magistarska teza, Niš | |
1999 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
777) |
Panić, V. |
Magistarska teza, Niš | |
1999 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1998 |
778) |
Djordjević, G., Maksimović, D., Stojčev, M., Tošić, M. |
The Asynchronous Counterflow Pipeline Bit-Serial Multiplier |
Journal of Systems Architecture 44 (1998) - The Euromicro Journal, Milano, Italy, ISSN: 1383-7621 | |
1998 | pp. 985-1004 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
779) |
Damnjanović, M., Dimić, Ž., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Electronic circuit simulation in a mixed-language environment |
Miroelectronics Journal, Vol. 29, No. 8, ISSN: 0026-2692 | |
1998 | pp. 553-558 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
780) |
Živković, V., Petković, P., Milovanović, D. |
Automatic Symbolic Analysis of SC Networks Using a Midified Nodal Approach |
Microelectronic Journal, Vol. 29, No. 10, ISSN: 0026-2692 | |
1998 | pp. 741-746 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
781) |
Gajić, D., Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of Transport Coefficients in Plasmas Containing Argon and Sodium |
Europhysiscs Letters, Vol. 44, No. 4, ISSN 0295-5075 | |
1998 | pp. 454-458 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
782) |
Gajić, D., Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of Plasma Composition and Mobilities in Argon Plasma with Chlorine as Additive |
Contribution Plasma Physics, Vol. 38, No. 5-6, ISSN: 0863-1042 | |
1998 | pp. 623-628 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
783) |
Gajić, D., Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Contribution to the Evaluation of Transport Coefficients in Plasmas Containing Krypton and Sodium |
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (merged with The European Physical Journal*), Vol. 48, No. 12, ISSN: 0011-4626 | |
1998 | pp. 1569-1574 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
784) |
Detter, H., Fotiu, P.A., Jakovljević, M., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Implementation of Finite Elements Using an A-HDL environment |
Numerische Simulation in Feinwerk-/Mikrotechnik und Elektronik, Munchen, Germany | 4-5 Mart |
1998 | B6-B7 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
785) |
Detter, H., Fotiu, P.A., Jakovljević, M., Mrčarica, Ž. |
A Space-Continious Temperature Calculation Using an Analogue Hardware Description Language |
12th European Simulation Multiconference ESM '98, Manchester, UK | 16-19 June |
1998 | pp. 860-862 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
786) |
Gajić, D., Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Electron and Ion Mobilities in Argon Plasma with Fluorine as Additive |
19th Sumer School and International Symposium on Phisics of Ionized Gases, Zlatibor, Yugoslavia | 31. 08. - 04. 09. |
1998 | pp. 513-516 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
787) |
Gajić, D., Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Modified Debye Radiusfor Low-Temperature and Dens Gas Plasmas Containing Only Singly Charged Ions |
Physical Chemistry '98, 4th International Conferencee on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Yugoslavia | 23-25 Sep. |
1998 | pp. 83-85 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
788) |
Gajić, D., Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Some Properties of Low-Temperature and Low-Preassure Thermal Argon Plasma With Chlorine as Additive |
Physical Chemistry '98, 4th Internationa Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Yugoslavia | 23-25 Sep. |
1998 | pp. 110-112 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
789) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Nikolić, D., Vučković, M. |
CMOS Standard Cell Library Design for Alliance Environment |
Electrical Engineering and Electronics '98, Gabrovo, Bulgaria | 3-5 Dec. |
1998 | pp. 136-141 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
790) |
Damnjanović, M., Djordjević, B., Živković, V. |
A Solution to Run-Time Monitoring of Real-Time Systems |
Electrical Engineering and Electronics '98, Gabrovo, Bulgaria | 3-5 Dec. |
1998 | pp. 272-277 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
791) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
IDDQ Versus VDDT Testing - A comparative Study |
Electrical Engineering and Electronics, EE '98, Gabrovo, Bulgaria | 3-5 Dec. |
1998 | pp. 131-135 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
792) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Panić, V., Petković, P. |
Symbolic Oriented Function Extraction and Fault Modelling of Analog and Digital Circuits |
Electrical Enineering and Electronics, EE '98, Gabrovo, Bulgaria | 3-5 Dec. |
1998 | pp. 119-124 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
793) |
Djordjević, Sr., Litovski, V., Petković, P., Živković, V. |
Determination of Baundaries Between Frequency Segments During Segmented Symbolic Simulation |
Electrical Engineering and Electronic, EE '98, Gabrovo, Bulgaria | 3-5 Dec. |
1998 | pp. 125-130 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
794) |
Topisirović, D. |
Automation of IC Testing and Application of VLSI Testers |
Zbornik radova, VI medunarodna konferencija SAUM '98, Niš, Yugoslavia | |
1998 | pp. 248-252 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
795) |
Damnjanović, M., Jevtić, M., Marković, D. |
A Tester of the Functional and Electrical Characteristics of Digital Circuits |
Electrical Engineering and Electronics '98, Gabrovo, Bulgaria | 3-5 Dec. |
1998 | pp. 278-283 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
796) |
Fallman, W., Janković, S., Kero, N., Litovski, V. |
Automatisierter Entwurfs eines seriellen Hochgeschwindigkeits-Bus-Controller-ASICs |
Proceedings of AUSTROCHIP '98, Viena, Austria | |
1998 | pp. 78-82 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
797) |
Dzhekov, T., Litovski, V., Shutinoski, G. |
Motion Perception Via Two Channels Correlation Mechanism: VLSI Proposal for an Object Tracking System Implementation |
Preprints of the IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Components for Vehicles, ICV '98, Seville, Spain | March |
1998 | pp. 51-56 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
798) |
Vukčević, B., Radenković, V., Djordjević, B., Jevtić, M. |
Precise Digital Capacitancmetar |
Proceedings of ISDDMI 98, IIMEKO TC-4 Symposium on Development in Digital Measuring Instrumentation and 3rd Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Naples, Italy | September |
1998 | Vol.1, pp. 205-208 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
799) |
Jevtić, M., Leković, B. |
A Realisation of Precise Addressable Temperature Sensor with Software Calibration |
Proceedings of ISDDMI 98, IIMEKO TC-4 Symposium on Development in Digital Measuring Instrumentation and 3rd Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Naples, Italy | September |
1998 | Vol.2, pp. 788-791 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
800) |
Janković, S., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D. |
ALECSIS: Modeliranje i predikcija perfomansi digitalnih VLSI kola |
Tehnika - Elektrotehnika broj 2/98, Beograd, Jugoslavija | |
1998 | E6-E20 | (M52) | National journal |
801) |
Topisirović, D. |
Moderni industrijski sistemi za testiranje VLSI |
Zbornik radova tehnickog fakulteta 17(1998)11, Cacak | |
1998 | pp. 101-105 | (M52) | National journal |
802) |
Aleksić, D., Litovski, V., Milenković, S. |
Simulacija racunarskih mreža |
šesnaesti simpozijum o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom saobracaju, Beograd | |
1998 | - | (M61) | Invited lect.in national confer. |
803) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Zarković, K. |
Primena računarskih mreža pri integraciji informacionih sistema u medicini |
XIII Info-teh '98, Zbornik radova, Vrnjacka Banja | 15-19 Jun |
1998 | pp. 156-160 | (M63) | National conference |
804) |
Marković, D., Damnjanović, M. |
Testiranje funkcionalnih i elektricnih karakteristika digitalnih kola na bazi PC racunara |
XLII konferencija za ETRAN, Vrnjacka Banja | Jun |
1998 | pp. 109-112 | (M63) | National conference |
805) |
Jevtić, M., Damnjanović, M., Živković, V. |
Nadzor procesa u sistemima za rad u realnom vremenu |
XLII konferencija za ETRAN, Vrnjacka banja | Jun |
1998 | pp. 172-175 | (M63) | National conference |
806) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Komparativni prikaz metoda testiranja CMOS integrisanih kola |
Drugi simpozijum industrijska elektronika, INDEL '98, Banjaluka, Republika Srpska | 24-26 Sep. |
1998 | pp. 56-59 | (M63) | National conference |
807) |
Djordjević, Sr., Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Određivanje granice izmedu frekvencijskih segmenata u okviru segmentne simbolicke simulacije |
Drugi simpozijum industrijska elektronika INDEL '98, Banjaluka, Republika Srpska | 24-26 Sep. |
1998 | pp. 87-92 | (M63) | National conference |
808) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P., Tošić, D. |
Simbolicka analiza elektronskih kola, savremeni razvoj i industrijska primena |
Drugi simpozijum industrijska elektronika, INDEL '98, Banjaluka, Republika Srpska | 24-26 Sep. |
1998 | pp. 16-Nov | (M63) | National conference |
809) |
Topisirović, D. |
Koncepcija razvoja VLSI testera |
YU INFO '98, Kopaonik | 23-27 Mart |
1998 | pp. 808-811 | (M63) | National conference |
810) |
Topisirović, D. |
Testiranje integrisanih kola - problem sprege sistema i komponente |
SYM-OP-IS '98, Herceg Novi, Yugoslavia | 21-24 Sep. |
1998 | pp. 929-932 | (M63) | National conference |
811) |
Djordjević, B., Velimirović, M., Jevtić, M., Velimirović, A. |
Fuzzy kontroler u upravljanju niskog nivoa |
Zbornik radova Konferencije YU INFO 98, Kopaonik | 23.-27. Mart |
1998 | str. 771-776 | (M63) | National conference |
812) |
Velimirović, A., Djordjević, B., Jevtić, M. |
Realizacija samotestiranja u upravljačkoj mikroprocesorskoj jedinici |
Zbornik radova Konferencije YU INFO 98, Kopaonik | Mart |
1998 | str. 1049-1053 | (M63) | National conference |
813) |
Leković, B., Jevtić, M., Živković, V. |
Jedna od mogućnosti realizacije vremenski kritičnih zadataka na platformama opšte namene |
Zbornik radova XLII Konferencije za ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja | Jun |
1998 | Vol.1, str 67-73 | (M63) | National conference |
814) |
Jevtić, M., Živković, V. |
Modifikacija LIINUX-a za realizaciju sistema za rad u realnom vremenu |
Zbornik radova INDEL 98, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska | Septembar |
1998 | str. 149-154 | (M63) | National conference |
815) |
Živković, V., Velimirović, A., Djordjević, B., Jevtić, M. |
Sistem za rad u realnom vremenu primenjen za upravljanje mašine za pakovanje cigareta GD-X1 |
Zbornik radova Konferencije INDEL 98, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska | Septembar |
1998 | str. 143-148 | (M63) | National conference |
816) |
Kutlešić, C., Mihailović, D., Milenković, S. |
Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Precancerous Lesions of Gastric Mucosa |
Folia Anatomica, Volume 26, Suppl. 1,, Beograd | |
1998 | pp. 54-55 | (M64) | National conf.(part. |
817) |
Djordjević, B., Jevtić, M., Damnjanović, M. |
Digitalna elektronika - praktikum za laboratorijske vežbe |
Univerzitet u Nišu, ISBN 86-7181-019-4 | |
1998 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1997 |
818) |
Petković, P., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Symbolic Fault Modelling and Test Generation of MOS Circuits |
Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol 37, No 1, England, ISSN:0026-2714 | |
1997 | pp. 137-157 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
819) |
Detter, H., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J. |
Neural Network Visual Recognition for Automation of the Microelectromechanical Systems Assembly |
International Journal of Neural Systems, Volume 8, ISSN: 0129-0657 | Februar |
1997 | pp. 69-79 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
820) |
Detter, H., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J. |
Recognition of Thin Flat Micromechanical Structures for the Automation of the Assembly Process |
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol.8, No.3, Jun, ISSN 0956-5515 | |
1997 | pp. 191-201 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
821) |
Mrčarica, Ž., Litovski, V., Detter, H. |
Modelling and Simulation of Microsystems Using Hardware Description Language |
Research Journal on Microsystem Technologies, Vol 3, No. 2, Berlin, Germany | Feb |
1997 | pp. 80-85 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
822) |
Ilić, T., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Simulation of Non-Linear Magnetic Circuits Modelled Using Artificial Neural Network |
Simulation Modelling Practice And Theory (formerly: Journal of Simulation Practice and Theory). Vol. 5, No. 6 , Delft, Netherland, ISSN: 1569-190X | |
1997 | pp. 553-570 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
823) |
Mitić,V., V., Petković, P., Radmanović, M. |
Symbolic Approach in Prognose of BaTiO3 - Ceramics Capacitive Behavior in Real Environment |
Micro Materials '97, Berlin, Germany | 16-18 Apr. |
1997 | pp. 795-798 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
824) |
Kocić, Lj., Mitić,V., V., Petković, P. |
BaTiO3 - Ceramics Capacitance in Terms of Consolidation Parameters |
Micro Materials '97, Berlin, Germany | 16-18 Apr. |
1997 | pp. 1103-1105 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
825) |
Fallman, W., Janković, S., Kero, N., Litovski, V. |
A High Speed Serial Bus Controller ASIC |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 15-17 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 737-740 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
826) |
Janković, S., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Petković, P. |
Testable Design of Digital ASIC with Embadded Analog Multiplexers |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 15-17 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 779-782 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
827) |
Milovanović, D., Petković, P., Živković, V. |
Automatic Symbolic Analysis of SC Networks Using Modified Nodal Approach |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 15-17 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 717-720 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
828) |
Detter, H., Jakovljević, M., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Hierarchical Modelling of Microsystems in an Object-Oriented HDL |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 15-17 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 475-478 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
829) |
Damnjanović, M., Dimić, Ž., Litovski, V. |
VHDL - AleC++ Cosimulation |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 15-17 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 725-728 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
830) |
Milovanović, D., Petković, P., Živković, V. |
Symbolic Oriented Stuck Fault Modeling of CMOS Sequential Circuits |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 15-17 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 783-786 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
831) |
Milovanović, D., Panić, V. |
Iddq Fault Model Generation for BiCMOS and CMOS Circuits |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 15-17 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 771-774 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
832) |
Mitić,V., V., Petković, P., Radmanović, M. |
Design of BaTiO3-Ceramics Reactive Properties--Symbolic Approach |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '97, Volume 1, Niš, Yugoslavia | 15-17 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 87-90 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
833) |
Popović, R., Randjelović, Z. |
Characterization, Simulation, and Macro-Modelling of Vertical Hall Devices |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 15-17. Sep. |
1997 | pp. 471-474 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
834) |
Damnjanović, M., Jevtić, M. |
An Approach to Design for Testability in Hard Real-Time Systems |
21st International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 14-17 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 849-852 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
835) |
Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž., Živković, V. |
Delay Time and Crosstalk Simulation in CMOS Integrated Circuits |
3rd International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS '97, Niš, Yugoslavia | 8-10 Oct. |
1997 | pp. 122-125 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
836) |
Mrčarica, Ž., Randjelović, Z., Jakovljević, M., Litovski, V., Detter, H. |
Methods for Description of Microelectromechanical Device Models for System-Level Simulation |
in Adey,R.A. and Renaud,Ph. ed. MICROSIM II, Sec.Inter.Conf. on the Simulation and Design of Microsystems and Microstructures, Proceed., Lausanne, Switzerland | 17-19 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 271-280 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
837) |
Ilić, T., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Simulation of the pressure Sensor Interaction with its Electronic Environment |
Micromechanics Europe 1977, Eighth Workshop on Micromachining, Micromechanics and Microsystems, MME '97, Southampton, United Kingdom | 31 Aug. - 2 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 246-249 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
838) |
Detter, H., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J. |
Application of Neural Networks in Microsystem Assembly |
Proceedings of 4th Seminar on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL '97, Beograd, Yugoslavia | 8-9 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 157-160 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
839) |
Aleksić, D., Litovski, V., Milenković, S. |
TCP/IP Protocol Modeling and Simulation Using ALECSIS 2.3 |
3rd International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS '97, Volume 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 8-10 Oct. |
1997 | pp. 564-567 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
840) |
Dokić, B., Litovski, V., Panić, V. |
Novel BiCMOS Driver with Positive Feedback |
3rd International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS '97, Volume 1, Niš, Yugoslavia | 8-10 Oct. |
1997 | pp. 126-129 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
841) |
Petković, P., Živković, V. |
Segmented Symbolic Simulation |
3rd International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS '97, Volume 1, Niš, Yugoslavia | 8-10 Oct. |
1997 | pp. 130-133 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
842) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Risojević, V. |
Noise Based Gradient Descent Learning |
Proceedings of 4th Seminar on Neural Networks Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL '97, Beograd, Yugoslavia | 8-9 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 28-33 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
843) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Some Parameters of Low-Temperature Thermal Argon Plasma With Chlorine as Additive |
3rd General Conference of Balkan Physical Union, Proc. Suppl. of the Balkan Physics Lett, Vol. 5, Cluj-Nepoca, Romania | |
1997 | pp. 13-19 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
844) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of the Basic Parameters in Plasmas in the Mixtures of Argon and Chlorine |
Proceedings of XXII InternationalConference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Toulouse, France | 17-22 Jul |
1997 | I-28-I-29 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
845) |
Damnjanović, M., Djordjević, B., Jevtić, M. |
Digital Real-Time Systems Testing |
Charisma, Evidenz und Caritas, Bochum, Germany, ISBN 3-00-002194-9 | Dec. |
1997 | A31-A40 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
846) |
Milenković, S. |
Veštacke neuronske mreže |
Zadužbina Andrejevic, Beograd | |
1997 | - | (M41) | Monograph |
847) |
Zarković, K., Randjelović, Z., Milenković, S., Novaković, M., Jovanović, Lj., Litovski, V. |
JUDGE - Jacquard Developing Environment (Editor) |
Tekstilna industrija 3-4/97, Beograd, Jugoslavija | mart-april |
1997 | pp. 22-Oct | (M52) | National journal |
848) |
Jevtić, M., Djordjević, B., Leković, B. |
Adresibilni senzor temperature |
Elektronika - Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Banja Luci, Banja Luka | Decembar |
1997 | Vol.1, pp. 41-44 | (M52) | National journal |
849) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Hardware Description Languages for Analog and Mixed-Signal Design |
Prvi simpozijum industrijska elektronika INDEL '97, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska | 24-26. Sep. |
1997 | pp. 96-100 | (M63) | National conference |
850) |
Janković, N., Litovski, I., Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Milovanović, D., Živković, V. |
Kolo za Power-On-Reset u standarnoj CMOS tehnologiji |
Prvi simpozijum industrijska elektronika INDEL '97, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska | 24-26 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 118-123 | (M63) | National conference |
851) |
Janković, S., Maksimović, D., Živković, V., Petković, P., Litovski, V. |
Testabilno digitalno integrisano kolo specificne namene sa ugrađenim analognim multiplekserima |
Prvi simpozijum industrijska elektronika INDEL '97, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska | 24-26 Sep. |
1997 | pp. 124-128 | (M63) | National conference |
852) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Stanković, M. |
Veštacke neuronske mreže u otkrivanju i dijagnozi otkaza dinamickih sistema |
Zbornik radova medunarodne konferencije Tehnicki sistemi i sredstva zaštite od požara, eksplozija, havarija i provala (bice štampano) | |
1997 | - | (M63) | National conference |
853) |
Aleksić, D., Litovski, V., Milenković, S. |
Modeliranje i primena modela TCP/IP protokola u ALECSIS 2.3 simulatoru |
Zbornik Radova YUINFO '97, Brezovica, Yugoslavia | Apr. |
1997 | pp. 425-428 | (M63) | National conference |
854) |
Litovski, V., Randjelović, Z., Zarković, K. |
Racunarsko projektovanje štampanih tkanina |
Simpozijum Pravci razvoja tekstilne industrije za treci milenijum, Niš, Yugoslavia | 22-23 Okt. |
1997 | pp. 270-279 | (M63) | National conference |
855) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Zarković, K. |
Primena racunarskih mreža pri integraciji CAD sistema u tekstilnoj industriji |
Simpozijum Pravci razvoja tekstilne industrije za treci milenijum, Niš | 22-23 Okt. |
1997 | pp. 263-269 | (M63) | National conference |
856) |
Stojanović, V., Djordjević, Sr. |
Adaptivni filtar za izdvajanje signala koji se prenose energetskim vodovima |
Zbornik radova XLI konferencije ETRAN '97, Zlatibor | 3-6 Jun |
1997 | pp. 197-200 | (M63) | National conference |
857) |
Živković, V., Jevtić, M. |
Vizuelizacija u sistemu za upravljanje i nadzor mašine GD-X1 |
Zbornik radova II naučno - stručnog skupa Informacione tehnologije - IT 97, Žabljak | 8.-16. Marta |
1997 | str. 364-367 | (M63) | National conference |
858) |
Živković, V., Jevtić, M. |
Grafička interakcija u jednom Real - Time sistemu |
Zbornik radova XLI konferencije ETRAN-a, Zlatibor | 3.-6. Jun |
1997 | Sveska III, str. 138-141 | (M63) | National conference |
859) |
Jevtić, M., Djordjević, B., Leković, B. |
Adresibilni senzor temperature |
Zbornik radova, INDEL 97, Banja Luka | 24.-26. septembar |
1997 | pp. 45-48 | (M63) | National conference |
860) |
Janković, S., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Petković, P., Živković, V. |
Testabilno digitalno integrisano kolo specificne namene sa ugradenim analognim multiplekserom |
Elektronika, Godište 1, Broj 1, Banjaluka, Republika Srpska | Decembar |
1997 | pp. 56-60 | (-) | Inv.art. in nat.journ. |
861) |
Stojanović, V., Djordjević, Sr. |
Optimalni prijemnik signala koji se prenose energetskim vodovima |
Elektronika, Godište 1, Broj 1, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska | Decembar |
1997 | pp. 50-55 | (-) | Inv.art. in nat.journ. |
862) |
Ilić, T., Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Milovanović, D., Panić, V., Petković, P., Randjelović, Z. |
Zbornik rešenih zadataka iz osnova elektronike |
Čuperak plavi, Niš | |
1997 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1996 |
863) |
Maksimović, D., Milentijević, I., Stojčev, M. |
Configurable Digit-Serial Convolver of Type F |
Microelectronic Journal, Vol. 27, No. 6, Great Britain, ISSN: 0026-2692 | |
1996 | pp. 559-566 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
864) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Some Properties of High-Preassure And Low-Temperature Thermal Krypton Plasma With Sodium As Additive |
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (merged with The European Physical Journal*), Vol. 46, No.10 | |
1996 | pp. 973-980 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
865) |
Detter, H., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž., Vujanić, A. |
Simulation of Micromechanical Systems |
6th International Journal of Theoretical Electrotechnics, Thessaloniki, Greece | Sep |
1996 | pp. 141-148 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
866) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Obradović, Z. |
Annealing Based Dynamyc Learning in Second-Order Neural Networks |
International Conference on Neural Networks ICNN '96, Washington, D.C., USA | 3.-6. June |
1996 | pp. 458-463 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
867) |
Litovski, V., Marković, V., Petković, P. |
Simbolic Approach to the Microwave Circuit Design |
XI International Microwave Conference MICON '96, Warsaw, Poland | 27-30 May |
1996 | pp. 541-545 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
868) |
Litovski, V., Radović, O., Randjelović, Z. |
Ekspertni sistemi za povezivanje u kanalu |
Prvi medunarodni simpozijum Industrijsko inženjerstvo '96, Beograd, Jugoslavija | |
1996 | pp. 522-524 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
869) |
Litovski, I., Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. |
Large-change-sensitivity computation in linear electronic circuits |
Proceedins of 18th International Spring Seminar on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, Sozopol, Bulgaria | |
1996 | pp. 268-274 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
870) |
Petković, P., Živković, V. |
Symbolic Approximation in Analog Circuits Design |
Proceedins of 18th International Spring Seminar on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, Volume 18, No 1, Sozopol, Bulgaria | |
1996 | pp. 275-284 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
871) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Modeling Procedures and Fault Models of BiCMOS Logic Circuits |
Proceedings of 18th International Spring Seminar on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, Volume 18, No 1, Sozopol, Bulgaria | |
1996 | pp. 285-293 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
872) |
Janković, S., Milovanović, D., Panić, V. |
Iddq Test Generation for BiCMOS VLSI Circuits |
Proceedings of 18th International Spring Seminar on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, Volume 18, No 1, Sozopol, Bulgaria | |
1996 | pp. 294-301 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
873) |
Brenner, W., Detter, H., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J. |
Neural Network Visual Recognition Applied to Microelectromechanical Parts Assembly |
Internationa Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks EANN '96, Kingston upon Thames, UK | Jun |
1996 | pp. 325-328 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
874) |
Detter, H., Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Describing Space-Continous Models of Microelectromechanical Devices for Behavioural Simulation |
European Design Automation Conference EURO-DAC '96 with EURO-VHDL '96, Geneva, Switzerland | 16-20 Sep. |
1996 | pp. 316-321 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
875) |
Delić, N., Detter, H., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Modelling of Micromechanical Devices Using Hardware Description Language |
5th International Conference and Exhibition on Micro, Electro, Opto, Mechanical Systems and Components, Microsystem Technologies '96, Potsdam, Germany | 17-19 September |
1996 | pp. 293-298 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
876) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Obradović, Z. |
Nondeterminism in Artificial Neural Networks |
International Memorial Conference D. S. Mitrinovic, Niš, Yugoslavia | 20-22 Jun |
1996 | p. 41 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
877) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Contribution to the Evaluation of Transport Coefficiets in Plasmas Containing Krypton And Sodium |
18th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Kotor, Yugoslavia | 2-6 Sep. |
1996 | pp. 398-401 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
878) |
Brenner, W., Detter, H., Mrčarica, Ž., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J. |
Vision for the Automation for the Microelectromechanical Systems Assembly |
Proceesings of the 3rd France-Japan Congress abd 1st Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics, Besancon, France | 1-3 Oct |
1996 | pp. 256-261 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
879) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Equilibrium Composition of Xenon Plasma with Caesium as Aditive |
Annual School - 18th International Spring Seminar on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies 1995-1996, Sozopol, Bulgaria | |
1996 | pp. 110-115 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
880) |
Litovski, V., Marković, V., Petković, P. |
Analysis of Complex Microwave Circuits Using Spice |
Trans Balck Sea Symposium on Applied Electromagnetism, Metsovo, Greece | 17-19. April |
1996 | - | (M34) | Internat.conf.(part. |
881) |
Litovski, V., Marković, V., Petković, P. |
Symbolic Analysis of Complex Microwave Circuits in Terms of Power Wave Parameters |
Trans Black Sea Region Symposium on Applied Electromagnetism, Metsovo, Greece | 17-19. April |
1996 | - | (M34) | Internat.conf.(part. |
882) |
Bogosavljević, S., Mitić,V., V., Petković, P., Radmanović, M. |
Simbolicki metod za projektovanje elektricnih svojstava BaTiO3 - keramickih materijala u funkciji parametara konsolidacije |
Tehnika, god. 51, broj 7-8. | |
1996 | 6NM-10NM | (M52) | National journal |
883) |
Cvetković, S., Litovski, V., Radović, O., Randjelović, Z. |
Simultana konstrukcija štajnerovog stabla veza pri projektovanju topologije VLSI IC |
YU INFO '96, Brezovica, Jugoslavija | 02-05 April |
1996 | pp. 244-247 | (M63) | National conference |
884) |
Radović, O., Randjelović, Z. |
Multimedijalni dokumenti kao savremena nastavna sredstva |
Informacione tehnologije IT '96, Žabljak, Jugoslavija | 11-15 Mart |
1996 | - | (M63) | National conference |
885) |
Radović, O., Randjelović, Z. |
Dinamicki nelinearni sistemi - novi modeli otvorenih sistema |
V medunarodni simpozijum - Menadžment i razvoj preduzeca, Vrnjacka Banja, Jugoslavija | 3-5 Jun |
1996 | pp. 649-654 | (M63) | National conference |
886) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Stanković, M. |
Veštacke neuronske mreže u otkrivanju i dijagnozi otkaza dinamickih sistema |
Medunarodna konferencija Tehnicki sistemi i sredstva zaštite od požara, eksplozija, havarija i provala, Beograd | 21-22 Nov. |
1996 | - | (M63) | National conference |
887) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Milošević, Z., Zarković, K. |
Racunarske mreže u projektovanju pomocu racunara |
Zbornik radova, IV Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR '97, Beograd | 26-28 Sep |
1996 | pp. 52-55 | (M63) | National conference |
888) |
Damnjanović, M., Jevtić, M. |
ON-LINE testiranje u digitalnim sistemima za upravljanje i nadzor |
XL konferencija ETRAN, Budva | 4-7 Jun |
1996 | pp. 38-41 | (M63) | National conference |
889) |
Litovski, V. |
Uticaj novih tejnologija u elektronici na razvoj velikih sistema |
Zbornik radova, XIV naucno strucni simpozijum o novim tehnologijama u PTT, Beograd | 11-12 Dec. |
1996 | pp. 175-184 | (M63) | National conference |
890) |
Velimirović, A., Djordjević, B., Jevtić, M. |
Samotestiranje u upravljačkoj jedinici mašine za pakovanje cigareta GD-X1 |
Konferencija YU INFO 96, Brezovica | April |
1996 | Zbornik apstrakata, str. 157 | (M63) | National conference |
891) |
Milenković, S. |
Dinamicko ucenje neuronskih mreža drugog reda zasnovano na simuliranom ocvršcavanju |
Doktorska disertacija, Niš | 06. Sep. |
1996 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
892) |
Mrčarica, Ž. |
Modelling of Micromechanical Devices and Simulation of Systems Using Hardware Description Language |
Doktorska disertacija, Vienna, Austria | Sep |
1996 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
893) |
Radenovic-Mrcarica, J. |
Neural Network Visual Recognition System for Microelectromechanical Parts Assembly |
Doktorska disertacija, Vienna, Austria | Jun |
1996 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
894) |
Aleksić, D., Dimić, Ž., Glozić, D., Ilić, T., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Alecsis, the Simulator |
LEDA, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, Nis | |
1996 | - | (-) | Report |
895) |
Damnjanović, M., Janković, S., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Milenković, S., Petković, P., Randjelović, Z. |
Projektovanje elektronskih kola |
Laboratorijski praktikum, Elektronski fakultet Niš | |
1996 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
896) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Osnovi elektronike |
Čuperak plavi, Niš | |
1996 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
897) |
Dimić, Ž., Janković, S. |
Optimizacija regulatora napona |
Naucni podmladak, sveska za prirodno-matematicke i tehnicke nauke, Niš | |
1996 | - | (-) | Students publication |
1995 |
898) |
Petković, P., Litovski, V., Stojilković, S. |
New Factorization Algorithm for Symbolic Circuit Analysis |
Electronic Letters, Vol. 31, No. 13, 22. Jun, ISSN: 0013-5194 | |
1995 | pp. 1026-1027 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
899) |
Brown, A., Garagate, C., Kazmierski, T., Mrčarica, Ž., Zwolinski, M. |
Anatomy of a Simulation Backplane |
IEE Proceedings - Comput. Digit. Tech., Vol 142, No. 6, November, ISSN: 1350- 2387 | |
1995 | pp. 377-385 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
900) |
Maksimović, D., Milentijević, I., Stojčev, M. |
Digital-Serial Semi-Systolic Convolver |
Facta Universitatis, Vol. 8, No. 2, Niš, Jugoslavija | |
1995 | - | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
901) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
A Study of Basic Properties of High-Preassure And Low Temperature Thermal Argon Plasma With Sodium As Additive |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Tecnology, Vol.1, No2, Niš, Yugoslavia | |
1995 | pp. 114-126 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
902) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Pantić, D., Stojadinović, N., Trajković, T. |
Inverse Modeling of Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 1, Niš | 12.-14. Sep. |
1995 | pp. 321-326 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
903) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Randjelović, Z. |
A Routing in Standard Cells |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 2, Niš | 12.-14. Sep. |
1995 | pp. 461-466 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
904) |
Petković, P., Milovanović, D., Litovski, V. |
Symbolic Function Extraction and Fault Modelling of MOS Circuits |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 2, Niš | 12.-14. Sep. |
1995 | pp. 473-478 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
905) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D. |
Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation in an Object Oriented Hybrid Simulator |
XIV IAESTED International Conference: Modelling Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria | 20-22, Feb. |
1995 | pp. 103-106 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
906) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Randjelović, Z. |
Global Routing For the Standard Cell Layout |
Annual School - 17th International Spring Seminaron Semicoductor and Hybrid Technologies 1994-1995, Sozopol, Bulgaria | |
1995 | pp. 248-254 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
907) |
Janković, S., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Experiences in Using System Magic for Designing IC |
Annual School - International Spring Seminar on Semicoductor and Hybrid Technologies 1994-1995, Sozopol, Bulgaria | |
1995 | pp. 242-247 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
908) |
Damnjanović, M., Dimić, Ž., Glozić, D., Litovski, V. |
VHDL Use for ALECSIS Hybrid Simulation |
Annual School - 17th International Spring seminar on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies 1994-1995, Sozopol, Bulgaria | |
1995 | pp. 228-241 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
909) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of Electrical Conductivity in High Preassure Plasmas Formed in Argon With Sodium as Additive |
Annual School - 17th International Spring Seminar on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies 1994-1995, Sozopol, Bulgaria | |
1995 | pp. 51-56 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
910) |
Mrčarica, Ž., Ilić, T., Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Detter, H. |
Mechatronics Simulation Using ALECSIS: Anatomy of Simulator |
EUROSIM '95, Vienna, Austria | |
1995 | pp. 601-604 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
911) |
Glozić, D., Ilić, T., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Capacitive Preassure Sensor for Quasi-static Conditions Followed by A/D Convertion |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 2, Niš, Yugoslavia | 12.-14. Sep. |
1995 | pp. 601-604 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
912) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Panić, V., Petković, P. |
Fault Location in Passive Analog RC Circuits by Measuring Impulse Response |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 2, Niš | 12.-14. Sep. |
1995 | pp. 517-520 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
913) |
Petković, P., Živković, V. |
Topological Level of Symbolic Approximation in Analog Circuit Design |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 2, Niš | 12.-14. Sep. |
1995 | pp. 521-524 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
914) |
Damnjanović, M., Dimić, Ž., Glozić, D., Litovski, V. |
Hardware Description Language for ALECSIS Simulator |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL '95, Vol. 2, Niš | 12.-14. Sep. |
1995 | pp. 525-528 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
915) |
Litovski, V., Marković, V., Petković, P. |
Application of a Symbolic Simulator in the Education Process |
8th International Symposium on Theoretical Electronic Engineering, ISTET '95, Thessaloniky, Greece | 22-23 Sep. |
1995 | pp. 529-532 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
916) |
Mrčarica, Ž., Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Detter, H. |
Simulation of Microsystems Using a Behavioural Hybrid Simulator ALECSIS |
First International Conference on Microsystems and Microstructures MICROSIM '95, Southampton, United Kingdom | 26-28 Sep. |
1995 | pp. 129-136 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
917) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of Ion Concentrations in Plasma for Technological Processes in Microelectronics |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 1, Niš | 12-14 Sep. |
1995 | pp. 61-64 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
918) |
Ilić, T., Janković, N., Karamarković, J. |
Non-Quasi-Static Bipolar Transistor Models for Circuit Simulation |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 2, Niš | 12-14 Sep. |
1995 | pp. 681-684 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
919) |
Ilić, T., Janković, N., Karamarković, J. |
An Efficient Bit Transmission Line Model for Circuit Simulation |
International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), Sinaia, Romania | 10-15 Oct. |
1995 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
920) |
Djordjević, G., Maksimović, D., Stojčev, M., Tošić, M. |
Speed-Independent Bit-Serial Multiplier |
20th International Conference on Microelectronic MIEL '95, Niš, Yugoslavia | 12-14 Sep. |
1995 | pp. 829-834 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
921) |
Bogosavljević, S., Mitić,V., V., Petković, P., Radmanović, M. |
Symbolic Approach in Design of BaTiO3-Ceramics Capacitive Properties |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 2, Niš | 12-14 Sep. |
1995 | pp. 793-796 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
922) |
Damnjanović, M., Jevtić, M. |
Testing of Digital Systems in Real-Time Applications |
20th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL '95, Vol. 2, Niš | 14-Dec |
1995 | pp. 835-840 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
923) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Weidemann-Franz Ratio in High-Preassure and Low-Temperature Thermal Xenon Plasma With 10 percents of Argon and 10 percents Caesium |
XXII Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers 2, New Jersey, USA | July 31 - Aug. 4 |
1995 | pp. 49-50 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
924) |
Detter, H., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J. |
Neural Network Based System for Microparts Assembly |
Proceedings of the First ECPD International Conterence on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation, Athens, Greece | 6-8 Sep |
1995 | pp. 209-214 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
925) |
Stojanović, V., Djordjević, Sr. |
Analogni filtar za izdvajanje signala koji se prenose energetskim vodovima |
Zbornik radova - TELSIKS '95, Niš, Yugoslavia | 10-12 Oct. |
1995 | pp. 325-328 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
926) |
Vučković, J., Jevtić, M., Vučković, S. |
An Aproach to Real - Time System Design |
Proceedings 20th International Conference on Microelectronics - MIEL 95, Niš | September |
1995 | Vol.2, pp. 863-866 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
927) |
Vučković, S., Jevtić, M., Vučković, J. |
Modeling and Simulating Real - Systems |
Proceedings 20th International Conference on Microelectronics - MIEL 95, Niš | September |
1995 | Vol.2, pp. 867-870 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
928) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Zarković, K. |
Novi rezultati u primeni neuronskih mreža za modeliranje i simulaciju elektronskih kola |
3rd Seminar on Neural Network Applications in Electrotechnics NEUREL-95, Belgrade, Yugoslavia | 29-30 Sep. |
1995 | pp. 108-116 | (M61) | Invited lect.in national confer. |
929) |
Mijušković,C., Milenković, S. |
UNIQUE: višenamenski komunikacioni server |
Jugoslovenski simpozijum iz oblasti racunarskih nauka i informacionih tehnologija, Brezovica | 4-7 Apr |
1995 | - | (M63) | National conference |
930) |
Maksimović, D., Tošić, M. |
Asinhroni pristup projektovanju specijalizovanih arhitektura za obradu signala |
ETRAN '95, I sveska, Zlatibor | 6.-9. Jun |
1995 | pp. 302-305 | (M63) | National conference |
931) |
Ilić, T., Janković, N., Karamarković, J. |
Jednodimenzionalni ne-kvazi-staticki model bipolarnog tranzistora |
ETRAN '95, Zlatibor | 6.-9. Jun |
1995 | - | (M63) | National conference |
932) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Obradović, Z. |
Dinamicko ucenje neuronskih mreža drugog reda zasnovano na simuliranom ocvršcavanju |
3rd Seminar on Neural Netvork Applications in Electrotechnics NEUREL-95, Belgrade, Yugoslavia | 29-30 Sep. |
1995 | pp. 142-146 | (M63) | National conference |
933) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Neke karakteristike elektroprovodnosti kriptonove plazme sa dodatkom alkalne pare |
IX kongres fizicara Jugoslavije, Zbornik radova, Petrovac na Moru | 29-30 Maj |
1995 | pp. 425-428 | (M63) | National conference |
934) |
Aleksić, D., Litovski, V., Milenković, S. |
Modeliranje i simulacija ethernet bridgea logickim simulatorom ALECSIS 2.1 |
TELSIKS '95, Niš | 10-12 Okt. |
1995 | - | (M63) | National conference |
935) |
Petković, P., Živković, V. |
Direktno generisanje funkcije kola sa raspodeljenim parametrima u simbolickom obliku |
TELSIKS '95, Niš | 10-12 Okt. |
1995 | - | (M63) | National conference |
936) |
Ilić, T., Janković, N., Karamarković, J. |
Ne-kvazi-staticki modeli bipolarnih tranzistora u simulatorima elektricnih kola |
Prvi simpozijum informacione tehnologije i primene ITP '95, Novi Sad | 27-29 Sep. |
1995 | pp. 8-Jul | (M63) | National conference |
937) |
Litovski, V., Marković, V., Petković, P. |
Simbolicka analiza mikrotalasnih kola u funkciji talasnih parametara |
TELSIKS '95, Niš | 10-12 Oct. |
1995 | - | (M63) | National conference |
938) |
Cvetković, G., Damnjanović, M., Jevtić, M. |
Modul ON/OFF ulaza sa ugradenim samotestiranjem |
YU INFO '95, Brezovica, Jugoslavija | April |
1995 | - | (M63) | National conference |
939) |
Stojanović, V., Stanković, M., Djordjević, Sr. |
Optimizacija tolerancija kod direktne sinteze aktivnog filtra |
Zbornik radova XXXIX konferencije ETRAN '95, Zlatibor | 6-9 Jun |
1995 | pp. 344-347 | (M63) | National conference |
940) |
Jevtić, M., Djordjević, B., Vučković, J., Velimirović, A. |
Sistem za upravljanje i nadzor procesa sušenja duvana u bubnju za sušenje |
Zbornik radova sa Simpozijuma o računarskim naukama i informatici, YU INFO 95, Brezovica | April |
1995 | Sveska 2, str. 161-166 | (M63) | National conference |
941) |
Vučković, S., Jevtić, M., Vučković, J. |
RTOOSS - Programski paket za objektno-orijentisanu specifikaciju i simulaciju sistema za rad u realnom vremenu |
Zbornik radova XXXIX Konferencije ETRAN-a, Zlatibor | Jun |
1995 | - | (M63) | National conference |
942) |
Vučković, J., Jevtić, M., Vučković, S. |
Planer izvršenja zadataka za sisteme za rad u realnom vremenu sa čvrstim vremenskim ograničenjima |
Zbornik radova XXXIX Konferencije ETRAN-a, Zlatibor | Jun |
1995 | - | (M63) | National conference |
943) |
Djordjević, B., Jevtić, M., Velimirović, A. |
Primena fuzzy logike u sistemu za upravljanje i nadzor procesa sušenja duvana |
Zbornik radova XXXIX Konferencije ETRAN, Zlatibor | Jun |
1995 | Sveska I, str. 481-484 | (M63) | National conference |
944) |
Maksimović, D. |
Simulacija digitalnih sistema hibridnim simuulatorom Alecsis 2.1 |
magistarska disertacija, Niš | 01. Sep. |
1995 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
945) |
Randjelović, Z. |
Projektovanje veza u integrisanim kolima sa standardnim celijama |
magistarska disertacija, Niš | 01. Sep. |
1995 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
946) |
Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. |
VLSI circuit simulation and optimization |
Chapman and Hall, bice objavljeno, London | |
1995 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
947) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Osonovi elektronike |
Elektronski fakultet Niš, Niš | |
1995 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
948) |
Bukumira, I., Glozić, D., Maksimović, D. |
Razvoj radnog okruženja u hibridnom simulatoru Alecsis2.1 za logicku simulaciju u PSPICE stilu |
Naucni podmladak, Niš | decembar |
1995 | pp. 22-Jul | (-) | Students publication |
949) |
Dimić, Ž., Janković, S. |
Jezicke karakteristike VHDL-a |
Naucni podmladak, sveska za prirodno-matematicke i tehnicke nauke, godina XXVII, br. 1-4/95, Niš | decembar |
1995 | pp. 23-35 | (-) | Students publication |
1994 |
950) |
Milenković, S., Litovski, V. |
New Analytical Procedure for Automatic Cell Placement in Gate-Arrays |
IEE Proceedings part G, Circuits Devices System, Vol. 141, No. 6,, Dec., ISSN: 0956-3768 | |
1994 | pp. 476-482 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
951) |
Milovanović, D., Litovski, V. |
Fault Models of CMOS Circuits |
Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol.34, No5, ISSN:0026-2714 | May |
1994 | pp. 883-896 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
952) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Bayford, R. |
ASCOTA3 ADIL: A New Reconfigurable CMOS Analogue VLSI Design Framework |
Microelectronics Journal, Vol.25, No 5, Aug, ISSN: 0026-2692 | |
1994 | pp. 335-351 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
953) |
Glozić, D., Janković, N., Karamarković, J. |
Transmission Line Equivalent Circuit Model of Minority Carrier Transient Current in Quasi-Neutral Silicon Layers Including Inductive Effects |
International Journal of Numerical Modelling - Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 8, No 5, ISSN:1099-1204 | |
1994 | pp. 341-356 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
954) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Obradović, Z. |
A New Adaptive Move Type Selection in Simulated Annealing |
15-16 International Annual School on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, 1992-93, Sozopol, Bulgaria | May |
1994 | pp. 22-31 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
955) |
Litovski, V., Randjelović, Z. |
An Application of Hopfield-Tank's Neural Net on Chanel Routing |
15-16 International Annual School on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, 1992-93, Sozopol, Bulgaria | May |
1994 | pp. 106-111 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
956) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Linear Circuit Analysis Based on Symbolic Algebra |
15-16 International Annual School on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, 1992-93, Sozopol, Bulgaria | May |
1994 | pp. 112-120 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
957) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Logic Models of CMOS Transmission Gate With a Floatin-Gate Transistor |
15-16 International Annual School on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, 1992-93, Sozopol, Bulgaria | May |
1994 | pp. 126-132 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
958) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D. |
Logic Simulation Modeling Technuiques in Hybrid Simulator ALECSIS2.0 |
15-16 International Annual School on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, 1992-93, Sozopol, Bulgaria | May |
1994 | pp. 133-139 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
959) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Composition and Electrical Conductivity of Thermal Xenon Plasma with Caesium and Argon Additives |
17th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Belgrade, Yugoslavia | Aug-Sep |
1994 | pp. 273-276 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
960) |
Marković, V., Petković, P. |
Symbolic S-parameters Analyses of Microwave Transistors Models |
17th Edition of Annual Semiconductor Conference, CAS '94 Proceedings Volume 2, Sinaia, Romania | 11-16 Oct |
1994 | pp. 383-386 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
961) |
Jevtić, M., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Fault Modeling of MSD Flip-Flops |
17th Edition of Annual Semiconductor conference;CAS '94 Proceedings Volume 2, Sinaia, Romania | 11-16 Oct |
1994 | pp. 401-404 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
962) |
Brenner, W., Detter, H., Haddad, Gh., Mrčarica, Ž., Popović, G., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J., Sarrafi, A., Vujanić, A. |
Current Activities in the Field of Handling, Assembling and Testing Microparts |
Seminar on Handling and Assembly of Microparts, Vienna, Austria | 14. Nov. |
1994 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
963) |
Stojanović, V., Stanković, M., Djordjević, Sr. |
Direktna sinteza aktivnih filtara |
Zbornik radova TELFOR '94, Beograd | 22-24 Nov. |
1994 | pp. 323-326 | (M61) | Invited lect.in national confer. |
964) |
Glozić, D., Maksimović, D. |
Logička simulacija upotrebom hibridnog simulatora ALECSIS 2.0 |
Zbornik radova XXXVIII jugoslovenske konferencije ETRAN-a Sveska I, Niš | 7.-9. Jun |
1994 | pp. 55-56 | (M63) | National conference |
965) |
Glozić, D., Milenković, S., Radenković, Z. |
Simlacija LAN ETHERNET mreže na hibridnom simulatoru ALECSIS 2.0 |
Zbornik radova XXXVIII jugoslovenske konferencije ETRAN-a Sveska I, Niš | 7.-9. Jun |
1994 | pp. 57-58 | (M63) | National conference |
966) |
Maksimović, D., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Simulacijska platforma (backplane) |
Zbornik radova XXXVIII jugoslovenske konferencije ETRAN-a Sveska I, Niš | 7.-9. Jun |
1994 | pp. 59-60 | (M63) | National conference |
967) |
Milovanović, D. |
Analiticki pristup generisanju modela plivajuceg gejta u CMOS transmisionom gejtu |
Zbornik radova XXXVIII jugoslovenske konferencije ETRAN-a Sveska I, Niš | 7.-9. Jun |
1994 | pp. 67-68 | (M63) | National conference |
968) |
Milovanović, D., Panić, V., Petković, P. |
Lokalizacija defekata u analognim kolima merenjem impulsnog odziva |
Zbornik radova XXXVIII jugoslovenske konferencije ETRAN-a Sveska I, Niš | 7.-9. Jun |
1994 | pp. 123-124 | (M63) | National conference |
969) |
Litovski, V., Stojilković, S., Zarković, K. |
Ubrzanje ucenja veštackih neuronskih mreža statistickim metodama |
Zbornik radova XXXVIII jugoslovenske konferencije ETRAN-a Sveska III, Niš | 7.-9. Jun |
1994 | pp. 205-206 | (M63) | National conference |
970) |
Randjelović, Z. |
Primena Hopfield-Tankove neuronske mreže na povezivanje u kanalu |
Zbornik radova XXXVIII jugoslovenske konferencije ETRAN-a Sveska III, Nic | 7.-9. Jun |
1994 | pp. 207-208 | (M63) | National conference |
971) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D. |
Trendovi razvoja elektronskih simulatora - ALECSIS2.1 hibridni simulator |
X Scientific Conference Man and Working Environment: Preventive Engineering and Information Technologies, Niš | 8.-10 Dec. |
1994 | pp. 25-1-25-8 | (M63) | National conference |
972) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Određivanje ravnotežnog sastava argonove i ksenonove plazme sa 10% cezijuma na niskim temperaturama i visokim pritiscima |
II savetovanje društva fizikohemicara Srbije Fizicka hemija '94, Beograd | Sep. 26.-28. |
1994 | pp. 80-81 | (M63) | National conference |
973) |
Cvetković, S., Prvulović, M., Jevtić, M. |
Modul za ostvarivanje sekvence kretanja upravljanjem step motorom |
Zbornik radova XXXVIII Konfrerencije ETRAN-a, Niš | Jun |
1994 | st. 47-48 | (M63) | National conference |
974) |
Vučković, S., Jevtić, M., Vučković, J. |
Modeliranje realno - vremenskih karakteristika CSMA/CD protokola |
Zbornik radova XXXVIII Konferencije ETRAN-a, Niš | Jun |
1994 | Sveska III, st.59-60 | (M63) | National conference |
975) |
Glozić, D. |
ALECSIS 2.1 - Objektno orijentisani hibridni simulator |
Doktorska disertacija, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | Maj |
1994 | | (M71) | PhD thesis |
976) |
Garagate, C., Kazmierski, T., Mrčarica, Ž., Zwolinski, M. |
The ALFA Simulation Backplane |
Research Journal of Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK | |
1994 | pp. 114-116 | (-) | Report |
977) |
Dimić, Ž., Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Alecsis 2.1 Hybrid Simulator Users Manual |
LEDA, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, Nis, YU | |
1994 | - | (-) | Report |
978) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Milenković, S., Milovanović, D., Mrčarica, Ž., Petković, P., Randjelović, Z. |
Praktikum laboratorijskih vežbanja iz Elektronike I |
trece izdanje, Nauka, Beograd | |
1994 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
979) |
Litovski, V. |
Nove tehnologije u projektovanju integrisanih elektronskih kola |
Nauka, Beograd | |
1994 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
980) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Petković, P., Radenković, Z., Glozić, D., Mrčarica, Ž., Milovanović, D., Damnjanović, M., Randjelović, Z., Radenković, T. |
Nove tehnologije u projektovanju integrisanih kola |
Nauka, Beograd | |
1994 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1993 |
981) |
Djurić, B. |
Chebyshev Phase in IIR Networks For Pulse Expanding |
Circuits, Devices and Systems, bice objavljeno | |
1993 | - | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
982) |
Mrčarica, Ž., Litovski, V. |
A New Ideal Switch Model for Time-domain Circuit Analysis |
International Journal of electronics, Vol. 74, No. 2, ISSN: 0020-7217 | |
1993 | pp. 241-250 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
983) |
Petković, P., Litovski, V. |
New Generalized Approach to the Macromodeling of Digital Structures |
Electron Technology, Institute of Electron Technology, Vol. 26, No. 2/3, Warsaw, Poland | |
1993 | pp. 53-75 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
984) |
Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Macromodeling with SPICE's nonlinear controlled sources |
IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 6, November, ISSN: 8755-3996 | |
1993 | pp. 14-17,51 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
985) |
Litovski, V. |
New Tehnologies in Integrated Circuits Design |
2nd Serbian Conference on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, MIOPEL '93, (Pozvano uvodno predavanje), Niš, Srbija | 26-28 Oktobar |
1993 | pp. 383-399 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
986) |
Litovski, V., Zwolinski, M. |
Hybrid Simulation: The State-Of-The-Art |
2nd Serbian Conference on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, MIOPEL '93, (Pozvano uvodno predavanje), Niš, Srbija | 26-28 Oktobar |
1993 | pp. 375-382 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
987) |
Kazmierski, T., Mrčarica, Ž., Zwolinski, M. |
The ALFA Simulation Backplane |
Workshop on Design Methodologies for Microelectronics and Signal Processing, Krakow, Poland | 20.-23. Oct. |
1993 | pp. 227-231 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
988) |
Litovski, V., Pantic-Tanner, Z. |
Artificial Neural Network Application in Electronic Circuit Analysis |
World Congress On Neural Networks, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon | 11-15 July |
1993 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
989) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Obradović, M. |
Modeling Procedures for BiCMOS Cells |
2nd Serbian Conference on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, MIOPEL '93, Niš, Srbija | 26-28 Oktobar |
1993 | pp. 415-420 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
990) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
A Review of Fault Models of BiCMOS Cells |
2nd Serbian Conference on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, MIOPEL '93, Niš, Srbija | 26-28 Oktobar |
1993 | pp. 421-425 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
991) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
CAD Systems Based on VHDL Description |
2nd Serbian Conference on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, MIOPEL '93, Niš,, Srbija | 26-28 Oktobar |
1993 | pp. 443-448 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
992) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P., Stevanović, R. |
Symbolic approach to linear circuit analysis |
2nd Serbian Conference on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, MIOPEL '93, Niš, Srbija | 26-28 Oktobar |
1993 | pp. 437-443 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
993) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Some Peculiarities In Electrical Conductivity Of Argon Plasma With Sodium As Additive |
Proc. of XXIth International Conference of Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Bochum | 19-24 |
1993 | pp. 283-284 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
994) |
Maksimović, D., Milentijević, I., Stojčev, M., Tošić, M. |
Fault-tolerant Semi-systolic Convolver of Type F based on Digit-serial Arithmetic |
1st Balkan IFAS-Type Conference on Applied Automatic Systems, ETAI '93, Ohrid | 27-29 Septembar |
1993 | pp. 143-144 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
995) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S. |
A New Adaptive Generation Stratergy in Simulated Anneling |
European Conference in Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD '93, (?), Davos, Switzerland | 30.8-3.9 |
1993 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
996) |
Litovski, V., Radenković, T. |
Z-R kompakcija podržana znanjem |
Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, Vol. 42 No.4 | |
1993 | E6-E11 | (M52) | National journal |
997) |
Petković, P., Stevanović, R. |
Savremeni pristup simbolickoj analizi linearnih elektronskih kola |
Zbornik radova XXXVII Konferencije ETAN-a, Beograd | 20-23 Septembar |
1993 | - | (M63) | National conference |
998) |
Maksimović, D., Milentijević, I., Stojčev, M. |
Cifarsko-serijski množac |
Zbornika radova XXXVII Konferencije ETAN-a, Beograd | 20-23 Septembar |
1993 | pp. 215-220, VIII sveska | (M63) | National conference |
999) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J. |
Implementacija MOS tranzistora modeliranog neuronskom mrežom u hibridnom simulatoru ALECSIS |
Zbornik radova XXXVII Konferencije ETAN-a, Beograd | 20-23 Septembar |
1993 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1000) |
Djordjević, Sl., Radenković, T. |
Neke arhitekture sistema sa elementima veštacke inteligencije |
Zbornik radova XXXVII Konferencije ETAN-a, Beograd | 20-23 Septembar |
1993 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1001) |
Litovski, V., Randjelović, Z. |
Brzi algoritam za globalno trasiranje |
Zbornik radova XXXVII Konferencije ETAN-a, Beograd | 20-23 Septembar |
1993 | pp. 195-200, II sveska | (M63) | National conference |
1002) |
Petković, P., Stevanović, R. |
Program za simbolicku analizu linearnih elektronskih kola |
Zbornik radova XXXVII konferencije ETAN-a, Beograd | 20-23 Septembar |
1993 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1003) |
Litovski, V., Marković, M., Milovanović, D., Petković, P., Stevanović, R. |
Primena simbolicke analize u projektovanju VF kola |
TELSIKS '93, Niš | 7-9 Oktobar |
1993 | pp. (6-23)-(6-30) | (M63) | National conference |
1004) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V. |
Primena paketa ASCOTA3 ADIL za projektovanje telekomunikacionih analognih integrisanih kola |
TELSIKS '93, Niš, Srbija | 7-9 Oktobar |
1993 | pp. (6-7)-(6-14) | (M63) | National conference |
1005) |
Litovski, V., Marković, V., Milovanović, D., Petković, P., Stevanović, R. |
Simbolicki pristup analizi VF pojacavaca |
TELSIKS '93, Niš, Srbija | 7-9 Oktobar |
1993 | pp. (6-23)-(6-30) | (M63) | National conference |
1006) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Milentijević, I. |
Projektovanje i logicka simulacija cifarsko-serijskog množaca |
Zbornik radova XXXVII konferencije ETAN-a, Beograd | 20-23 Septembar |
1993 | pp. 221-226, VIII sveska | (M63) | National conference |
1007) |
Maksimović, D., Milentijević, I., Stojčev, M. |
Projektovanje i simulacija cifarsko-serijskog konvolvera |
TELSIKS '93, Niš | 7-9 Oktobar |
1993 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1008) |
Aleksić, D., Igić, J., Stevanović, B. |
Objektno orijentisani pristup razvoja programa za upravljanje specificnim sistemima |
Zbornik XXXVII konferencije ETRAN, Sveska 8-RT, Beograd | 20-23 Sep. |
1993 | pp. 369-374 | (M63) | National conference |
1009) |
Aleksić, D., Mihajlović, G., Stevanović, B. |
Primena Jackson-ove metode projektovanja na sistem video nadzora |
Zbornik XXXVII konferencije ETRAN, Sveska 8-RT, Beograd | 20-23 Sep. |
1993 | pp. 511-516 | (M63) | National conference |
1010) |
Jevtić, M., Stamenković, A., Paunović, D. |
Sistem za akviziciju podataka sa adresibilnim senzorima |
Zbornik radova XXXVII Konferencije ETAN-a, Beograd | Septembar |
1993 | Sveska II, st.93-98 | (M63) | National conference |
1011) |
Prohić, N., Topalović, D., Drndarević, M., Jevtić, M., Djordjević, G. |
Industrijski robot za uzimanje otpresaka sa prese i njihovo ređanje na tanjir za sinterovanje |
Zbornik radova XIX Jupiter konferencije - XV Jugoslovenski simpozijum NU - Roboti - FTS, Prohor Pčinjski | Juni |
1993 | st. 119-126 | (M63) | National conference |
1012) |
Jevtić, M., Prvulović, M., Cvetković, S. |
Upravljacka jedinica troosnog kretanja ostvarenog step motorima |
Zbornik radova XIX JUPITER konferencije - XV NU - Roboti- FTS, Prohor Pčinjski | Juni |
1993 | st. 45-52 | (M63) | National conference |
1013) |
Mrčarica, Ž. |
Novi hibridni simulator elektronskih kola i programska realizacija analognog dela simulatora |
Magistarska teza, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | Februar |
1993 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1014) |
Glozić, D. |
ASCOTA3 ADIL: Programski paket za automatsko projektovanje analognih integrisanih kola |
Magistarska teza, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | Februar |
1993 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1015) |
Milovanović, D. |
FASIM - simulator defekata |
- | |
1993 | - | (-) | Report |
1016) |
Aleksić, D., Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
ALECSIS2.0 - hibridni simulator |
- | |
1993 | - | (-) | Report |
1017) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V. |
ASCOTA3 ADIL - sistem za automatsko projektovanje analognih integrisanih kola |
- | |
1993 | - | (-) | Report |
1018) |
Aleksić, D., Litovski, V., Radenković, Z., Radenković, T. |
ISPGM - integrisani softverski paket za projektovanje polja gejtova na X Window platformi |
- | |
1993 | - | (-) | Report |
1019) |
Milenković, S. |
JECA - program za automatski razmeštaj celija na cipu GEM500 |
- | |
1993 | - | (-) | Report |
1020) |
Damnjanović, M. |
MINA - programski paket za trasiranje veza na gejtovskim poljima tipa GEMXXX |
- | |
1993 | - | (-) | Report |
1021) |
Aleksić, D., Milenković, S., Radenković, Z. |
STP - softverski paket za povezivanje GCOS i UNIX sistema |
- | |
1993 | - | (-) | Report |
1992 |
1022) |
Litovski, V., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J., Mrčarica, Ž., Milenković, S. |
MOS Transistor Modelling Using Neural Network |
Electronics Letters, Vol.28, No.18, Avgust, ISSN 0013- 5194 | |
1992 | pp. 1766-1768 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
1023) |
Djurić, B. |
Equiripple phase for IIR all-pass filters |
Electronics Letters, Vol. 28, No. 20, September | |
1992 | pp. 1860-1861 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
1024) |
Radenković, Z., Radenković, T., Stojilković, S., Litovski, V. |
A Knowledge - Based Layout Compaction Procedure |
Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, April, ISSN 0026- 2692 | |
1992 | pp. 121-132 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1025) |
Jevtić, M., Radenković, V., Živanović, D. |
An Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer Up to 25 MHz |
Facta Universitatis, Series Electronics and Energetics, Vol.5, No. 1., | |
1992 | pp. 83-90 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1026) |
Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Some Considerations of Short-Channel MOS Model Selection for an Analog Circuit Simulation Program |
Microsystem '92, Bratislava, Cehoslovacka | 17-19. November |
1992 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1027) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
ADIL: - Analog Design Instruction Language for More Flexible Simulation in Synthesis Process |
EUROSIM '92, Capri | 28.9-2.10 |
1992 | pp. 453-458 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1028) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Some characteristics of electrical conductivity in thermal krypton plasma with additon of 1(proc.) sodium |
Proc. of XIth European Sectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionizzed Gasses, St. Petersburg | |
1992 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1029) |
Litovski, V. |
Simulated intelligence and the design of electronic circuits |
37. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Ilmenau, Germany | 21-24.9 |
1992 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1030) |
Vukčević, B., Živanović, D., Jevtić, M., Radenković, V. |
PC Module for Generating Arbitrary Waveforms in Automatical Measurement System |
Automation 92, Budapest | February |
1992 | Proc. of Automation 92, pp.80-89 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1031) |
Litovski, V., Radenovic-Mrcarica, J., Mrčarica, Ž., Milenković, S., Zografski, Z. |
Modeliranje MOS tranzistora neuronskom mrežom |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 19-25 | (M63) | National conference |
1032) |
Maksimović, D., Mrčarica, Ž., Glozić, D., Petković, P., Litovski, V. |
Arhitektura programa i strukture podataka u hibridnom simulatoru |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 27-34 | (M63) | National conference |
1033) |
Randjelović, Z., Litovski, V. |
Primena greedy strategije pri povezivanju u switchbox-u |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 9-Mar | (M63) | National conference |
1034) |
Milovanović, D., Jevtić, M., Stojanović, Z. |
Modeliranje defekata dva CMOS bilateralna prekidaca sa zajednickim izlazom |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 83-90 | (M63) | National conference |
1035) |
Stojanović, Z., Petković, P., Milovanović, D. |
Modeliranje transmisionog gejta u logickom simulatoru |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 51-57 | (M63) | National conference |
1036) |
Radenković, Z., Vasić, O. |
Integrisani softverski paket za projektovanje gejtovskih polja (ISPGM) na X Window platformi |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 18-Nov | (M63) | National conference |
1037) |
Damnjanović, M. |
Heuristički algoritmi i projektovanje veza integrisanih kola |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 43-50 | (M63) | National conference |
1038) |
Milenković, S. |
Ideja adaptivnog izbora tipova perturbacija u algoritmu simuliranog ocvršcavanja |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 67-74 | (M63) | National conference |
1039) |
Glozić, D. |
Mehanizam automatske selekcije u programu za projektovanje CMOS analognih kola ASCOTA3 DIL |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 59-68 | (M63) | National conference |
1040) |
Petković, P., Stojanović, Z. |
Primena analognih makromodela logickih kola u modeliranju D/A sprege kod hibridnog simulatora |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, II sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 75-82 | (M63) | National conference |
1041) |
Djurić, B. |
Fazni korektori filtara propusnika opsega ucestanosti |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, III-IV sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 59-66 | (M63) | National conference |
1042) |
Jevtić, M., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Generisanje modela MSD flip-flopa sa defektom |
Zbornik radova Prve Srpske Konferencije o Mikroelektronici i Optoelektronici, MIOPEL '92, I knjiga, Beograd | Oktobar |
1992 | | (M63) | National conference |
1043) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Randjelović, Z. |
Efikasni kanalni algoritam - ECRAN |
Zbornik radova Prve Srpske Konferencije za Mikroelektroniku i Optoelektroniku, MIOPEL '92, I knjiga, Beograd | 20-21.10 |
1992 | | (M63) | National conference |
1044) |
Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Some Considerations of Short-Channel MOS Model Selection for a Circuit Simulation Program |
Zbornik radova Prve Srpske Konferencije o Mikroelektronici i Optoelektronici, MIOPEL '92, I knjiga, Beograd | Oktobar |
1992 | | (M63) | National conference |
1045) |
Bajić, N., Dokić, B., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Generisanje modela defekata CMOS trostatickog invertora |
Zbornik radova Prve Srpske Konferencije o Mikroelektronici i Optoelektronici, MIOPEL '92, I knjiga, Beograd | Oktobar |
1992 | | (M63) | National conference |
1046) |
Djordjević, G., Radenković, T., Tošić, M. |
Heuristicko planiranje izvršenja zadataka u multiprocesorskom sistemu na osnovu grafova |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, III-IV sveska, Kopaonik | 28.9-1.10 |
1992 | pp. 273-280 | (M63) | National conference |
1047) |
Jevtić, M., Cvetković, S., Prvulović, M. |
Sistem za upravljanje koordinatnom bušilicom baziran na PC-u |
Zbornik radova XXXVI Konferencije ETAN-a, Kopaonik | Septembar |
1992 | Svska VIII, st. 3-10 | (M63) | National conference |
1048) |
Radenković, T. |
Znanjem podržan sistem za kompakciju topologije |
Magistarska teza, Elektronski fakultet, Nic | Decembar |
1992 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1049) |
Litovski, V., Pantić, S. |
The Verilog Hardware Description Language, Donald E. Thomas and Philip Moorby |
Microelectronics Journal, Vol.23, No.4, Book review, July | |
1992 | pp. 316-317 | (-) | Book publ. abroad |
1050) |
Litovski, V., Pantić, S. |
Hardware Design and Simulation in VAL/VHDL, L.M.Augustin, D.C.Luckham, B.A.Gennart, Y.Huk and A.G.Stanculescu |
Microelectronics Journal, Vol.23, No.4, Book review, July | |
1992 | p. 316 | (-) | Book publ. abroad |
1051) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Milenković, S., Milovanović, D., Mrčarica, Ž., Petković, P., Randjelović, Z. |
Praktikum laboratorijskih vežbanja iz elktronike I |
Nauka, Beograd | |
1992 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1052) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Milovanović, D., Petković, P. |
CADEC2: Simulacija i projektovanje topologije integrisanih kola |
Nauka, Beograd | |
1992 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1991 |
1053) |
Jevtić, M., Weber, W., Djordjević, B. |
A Database for Integrated Design of Microcomputer Based Systems |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol.4, No.1. | |
1991 | pp. 13-27 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
1054) |
Milovanović, D., Litovski, V. |
Fault Models of CMOS Transmission Gate |
International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 71, No. 4, May, ISSN 0020-7217 | |
1991 | pp. 675-683 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1055) |
Blagojević, V., Djurić, S., Gledhill, G., Hamilton, A., Mihajlović, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S. |
FIR Optical Properties of Single Crystal Y(3)Al(5)O(12) (YAG) |
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, Vol. 163, ISSN 0370-1972 | |
1991 | pp. K123-K128 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1056) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Bayford, R. |
ASCOTA3 - A New Automatic Hierarchical CMOS OPAMP Synthesizer |
Facta Universitatis, series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol. 4, No. 1 | |
1991 | pp. 81-105 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
1057) |
Damnjanović, M., Radenković, Z. |
Routing for gate-arrays in an integrated design software environment |
Facta Universitatis, Series Electronics and energetics, Vol.4, No.1 | |
1991 | pp. 67-80 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
1058) |
Litovski, V. |
New results in integrated software development for gate-array design |
Proc. of the 3rd MidEuropean Custom Circuit Conference, (Pozvano uvodno predavanje), Sopron, Hungary | 21-24 April |
1991 | pp. 69-83 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
1059) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
New CMOS transmission Gate fault models and fault simulation |
Proc of the Int. Conf. on Concurrent Engineering and Electronic Design Automation, CEEDA '91, Poole, UK | March |
1991 | pp. 393-395 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1060) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Output Resistance of CMOS Logic Cells |
Proc. of the 3rd Mideuropian CCC 1991, Sopron, Hungary | April |
1991 | pp. 237-244 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1061) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S. |
Analytical Approach to the Placement Problem in Gate-Arrays |
IEEE COMPEURO '91, Bologna, Italy | May |
1991 | pp. 800-804 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1062) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Collision Frequencies in Termal Plasma with Argon and Sodium |
Proc. of XXth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Pisa | |
1991 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1063) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of the Electron Mobility in Plasmas in the Mixture Argon and Sodium |
Proc. of XVIIth International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Brizbane, Australia | 10-16 July |
1991 | p. 667 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1064) |
Litovski, V. |
Logička simulacija |
u monografiji Projektovanje VLSI, I deo, Nauka, Beograd | |
1991 | pp. 106-181 | (M41) | Monograph |
1065) |
Litovski, V., Radenković, Z., Radenković, T. |
Integrisani softverski paket za projektovanje gejtovskih matrica (ISPGM) |
u monografiji Projektovanje VLSI, I deo, Nauka, Beograd | |
1991 | pp. 411-481 | (M41) | Monograph |
1066) |
Petković, P. |
Elektricna analiza integrisanih kola velikog stepena složenosti |
u monografiji Projektovanje VLSI, I deo, Nauka, Beograd | |
1991 | pp. 1-106 | (M41) | Monograph |
1067) |
Milenković, S. |
Algoritmi i metodi za automatski razmeštaj modula |
u monografiji Projektovanje VLSI, I deo, Nauka, Beograd | |
1991 | pp. 271-410 | (M41) | Monograph |
1068) |
Stojanović, Z. |
LOST - Softverski paket za logicku simulaciju |
u monografiji Projektovanje VLSI, I deo, Nauka, Beograd | |
1991 | pp. 183-270 | (M41) | Monograph |
1069) |
Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž., Petković, P. |
Izbor modela kratkokanalnog MOS tranzistora za simulaciju elektronskih kola |
Tehnika (Elektrotehnika), Vol. 15, No 5-6, Beograd | |
1991 | E1-E5 | (M52) | National journal |
1070) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V. |
ASCOTA2 - Program za automatsko projektovanje CMOS operacionih pojacavaca |
Tehnika (Elektrotehnika), Vol. 15, No 7-8, Beograd | |
1991 | E1-E7 | (M52) | National journal |
1071) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Fazni korektori filtara propusnika opsega ucestanosti |
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu, Serija: Fizika, II | |
1991 | pp. 71-78 | (M52) | National journal |
1072) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Modifikovani metod konkurentne simulacije defekata |
Zbornik radova XXXV Jugoslovenske Konferencije ETAN-a, Ohrid | Jun |
1991 | pp. 195-202 | (M63) | National conference |
1073) |
Djordjević, Sl., Radenković, T. |
Crtanje hijerarhijski uredjenog grafa |
XV Simpozijum o informacionim tehnologijama, Sarajevo | Mart |
1991 | 149.1-149.7 | (M63) | National conference |
1074) |
Vukčević, B., Jevtić, M., Radenković, V., Živanović, D. |
Sintezator proizvoljnih talasnih oblika do 25 MHz |
Zbornik radova XXXV Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Ohrid | |
1991 | Sveska II, st. 73-80 | (M63) | National conference |
1075) |
Damnjanović, M. |
Novi algoritmi za projektovanje veza u integrisanim kolima tipa GEM |
Doktorska disertacija, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1991 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
1076) |
Milovanović, D. |
Modeliranje i simulacija defekata u CMOS integrisanim kolima modifikovanom konkurentnom metodom |
Doktorska disertacija, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1991 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
1077) |
Radenković, Z. |
Integrisani softverski paket za projektovanje gejtovskih matrica (ISPGM) |
Magistarska teza, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | Jun |
1991 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1078) |
Litovski, V. |
The VHDL Handbook, Coehlo D.R. |
Journal of Semicustom IC's, Vol. 8, No. 3, Book Review, March | |
1991 | p. 53 | (-) | Book publ. abroad |
1079) |
Litovski, V. |
VHDL: Hardware Description and Design, Lipsett R., Schaefer C. and Ussery C. |
Journal of Semicustom IC's, Vol. 8, No. 3, Book Review, March | |
1991 | p. 53 | (-) | Book publ. abroad |
1080) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Elektronika I, Prvi deo |
Nauka, Beograd | |
1991 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1990 |
1081) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B., Petković, R. |
Chebyshev phase networks for pulse compressing and stretching |
IEE Proc. Part-G, Circuits, Devices and System, Vol.137, No. 6, December | |
1990 | pp. 424-426 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
1082) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of electical conductivity in high - pressure plasmas formed in xenon with sodium as additive |
Physica Scripta, Vol. 41, ISSN 0031-8949 | |
1990 | pp. 265-268 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1083) |
Gmitrović, M., Litovski, V. |
Interconnect modelling and simulation in VLSI |
Proc. of the VII Int. Conf. on Microelectronics, MICROELECTRONICS '90, Minsk USSR | 16-19 October |
1990 | pp. 21-22 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1084) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
Global and detailed automatic routing in a gate-array |
Proc. of the 35. Int. Wiss. Kolloquium, Ilmenau DDR | 22-26 October |
1990 | pp. 25-28 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1085) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Influence of sodium on electrical conductivity in krypton plasma |
Proc. of Xth European Sectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Orleans | |
1990 | pp. 53-54 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1086) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of electrical conductivity of krypton plasma with sodium as additive |
Contributed Papers, SPIG '90, Dubrovnik | |
1990 | pp. 346-347 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1087) |
Glozić, D. |
ASCOTA1 -A CAD tool for automatic CMOS OP-AMP design |
Proc. of International Students Microelectronic Conference, Zagreb | 21-24.5 |
1990 | pp. 25-28 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1088) |
Blagojević, N., Djordjević, Sl., Kajan, E., Radenković, T. |
Towords Computer Graphics for Strategic CIM |
Automatika, Vol.31, No.1-2/1990., (Automatika recenzija radova sa konf. The 4-th Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics), Dubrovnik | |
1990 | pp. 19-24 | (M52) | National journal |
1089) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Sinteza filtara za kompresiju impulsa zasnovana na rešavanju linearnih jednacina |
Tehnika-Elektrotehnika, No.1-2 | |
1990 | pp. 80-82 | (M52) | National journal |
1090) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Sinteza filtara sa cebiševljevom aproksimacijom faze |
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu, Serija: Fizika, I, Niš | |
1990 | pp. 91-104 | (M52) | National journal |
1091) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Parametri neidealnosti u plazmi argona sa dodatkom natrijuma |
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu, (Serija Fizika), 1(1990), Niš | |
1990 | pp. 27-31 | (M52) | National journal |
1092) |
Jevtić, M., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Modeliranje defekata u sekvencijalnim kolima |
Zbornik radova XXXIV Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, ETAN '90, Zagreb | Juni |
1990 | pp. 137-144 | (M63) | National conference |
1093) |
Glozić, D., Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Novi model izlazne otpornosti CMOS logickih operatora |
Zbornik radova XXXIV Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, ETAN '90, Zagreb | 4-8 Juni |
1990 | pp. 27-34 | (M63) | National conference |
1094) |
Milenković, S. |
Analiticki algoritam za razmeštaj celija u gejtovskim matricama |
Zbornik radova XXXIV Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, ETAN '90, Zagreb | jun |
1990 | pp. 145-152 | (M63) | National conference |
1095) |
Radenković, Z., Radenković, T. |
Simbolicki kompaktor topologije |
Zbornik radova XXXIV Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, ETAN '90, Zagreb | Jun |
1990 | pp. 129-136 | (M63) | National conference |
1096) |
Damnjanović, M., Radenković, Z. |
Jedan algoritam Lee-ovog tipa za projektovanje veza u gejtovskim matricama GEMxxx |
Zbornik radova XXXIV Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, ETAN '90, Zagreb | Jun |
1990 | pp. 153-160 | (M63) | National conference |
1097) |
Igić, D., Janić, B., Pantić, S., Petrović, B., Stojanović, G. |
Elektricna i logicka karakterizacija celija u ASIC-u |
Zbornik radova 14. simpozijuma o informacionim tehnologijama, Sarajevo | 26-30.3 |
1990 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1098) |
Vukčević, B., Radenković, V., Jevtić, M. |
Aktuelni aspekti programske podrske u sintezi talasnih oblika korišćenjem PC mikroračunara |
Zbornik radovaXXXIV Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Zagreb | Juni |
1990 | Sveska II,st. 169-176 | (M63) | National conference |
1099) |
Vukčević, B., Jevtić, M., Radenković, V. |
Jedno rešenje savremenog generatora talasnih oblika |
Zbornik radova XIV Jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o merenjima i mernoj opremi JUKEM 90, Sarajevo | Oktobar |
1990 | Knjiga III, st. 763-768 | (M63) | National conference |
1100) |
Petković, P. |
Makromodeliranje i makroanaliza CMOS LSI elektronskih kola |
Doktorska disertacija, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1990 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
1101) |
Milenković, S. |
Analiticki algoritam za automatski razmeštaj celija u integrisanim kolima tipa GEM |
Magistarska teza, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1990 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1102) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Elektronika I, Drugi deo |
Naucna Knjiga, Beograd | |
1990 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1989 |
1103) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
A Survey of Routing Algorithms in Custom IC Design |
Journal of Semicustom ICs (incorporated in Microelectronics Journal*), Vol. 7, No.2, December, ISSN 0026-2692* | |
1989 | pp. 10-19 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1104) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S., Živković, Lj. |
The determination of effective cross-section in plasma |
Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol.1 | |
1989 | pp. 71-83 | (M24) | Internat.journ.promoted by authorities |
1105) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
Routing Algorithms in Custom IC Design |
Proc. of the 2nd Hungarian Custom Circuits Conference, CCC 89., (Pozvano uvodno predavanje), Szeged | 10-12 Maj |
1989 | pp. 83-111 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
1106) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Time Domain Black-box Modelling of CMOS Structures and Analog Timing Simulation |
3rd Annual European Computer Conference ,COMPEURO 89, Hamburg | May |
1989 | 5.142-5.143 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1107) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Some results of the Debye radius corections in kryption plasma |
Contributed papers SPIG'88, Sarajevo | |
1989 | pp. 381-384 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1108) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of the electric conductivity in plasma formed by thermal ionization in the mixtures of xenon and sodium at high pressures |
Proc. of XIXth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Belgrade | |
1989 | pp. 170-171 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1109) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Data transmission networks with small intersymbol interference |
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symoposium on Networks Systems and Signal Processing, ISYNT '89, Zagreb, Yugoslavia | June 27-29 |
1989 | pp. 238-240 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1110) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Minimum phase sensitivity filters appropriate for active realization |
Proceedings of the Sixth Internationl Symoposium on Networks Systems and Signal Processing, ISYNT '89, Zagreb, Yugoslavia | June 27-29 |
1989 | pp. 117-120 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1111) |
Glozić, D. |
Karakterizacija i optimizacija QMOS operacionog pojacavaca na programu SPICE 2G |
Naucni podmladak, Vol. 21, No 1-2, Decembar | |
1989 | pp. 18-Jul | (M52) | National journal |
1112) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Filtri minimalne fazne osetljivosti sa višestrukim polovima i cebiševljevim slabljenjem u nepropusnom opsegu |
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu, Serija: Fizika i hemija, II, Niš | |
1989 | pp. 41-47 | (M52) | National journal |
1113) |
Radović, O., Randjelović, Z. |
Programski paket za generisanje veza u gejtovskim matricama |
Naucni podmladak, Vol. XXI, No. 1-2, Niš | |
1989 | pp. 19-28 | (M52) | National journal |
1114) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Kolizione ucestanosti elektrona u plazmi ksenona sa dodatkom cezijuma |
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu, (Serija Fizika i Hemija), 2 | |
1989 | pp. 65-71 | (M52) | National journal |
1115) |
Janicijević, I., Janković, T., Litovski, V., Radenković, T. |
SED: an interactive symbolic gate-array editor |
XVII Yugoslav conference on microelectronics, MIEL 89, Niš | 9-11 Maj |
1989 | pp. 577-582 | (M63) | National conference |
1116) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Modeliranje izlazne otpornosti CMOS logickih operatora |
III tematski simpozijum za ETAI, ETAI 89, Ohrid | 25-27 Septembar |
1989 | pp. 29-38 | (M63) | National conference |
1117) |
Litovski, V., Stojanović, A. |
Automatizacija projektovanja niskofrekventnih SC-filtara |
III tematski simpozijum za ETAI, ETAI 89, Ohrid | 25-27 Septembar |
1989 | pp. 92-100 | (M63) | National conference |
1118) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Nikolić, J. |
Konverzija logicke u topološku šemu integrisanog kola pomocu programa COSILA |
III tematski simpozijum za ETAI, ETAI 89, Ohrid | 25-27 Septembar |
1989 | pp. 150-159 | (M63) | National conference |
1119) |
Janković, T., Litovski, V., Radenković, T. |
Integrisani softverski paket za projektovanje gejtovske matrice (ISPGM) |
III tematski simpozijum za ETAI, ETAI 89, Ohrid | 25-27 Septembar |
1989 | pp. 62-71 | (M63) | National conference |
1120) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Petković, P. |
Model generation of faulty logic circuits |
XVII Yugoslav conference on microelectronics, MIEL 89, Niš, Yugoslavija | 9-11 Maj |
1989 | pp. 545-550 | (M63) | National conference |
1121) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Mrčarica, Ž. |
Programski paket za generisanje veza na integrisanom kolu |
III tematski simpozijum za ETAI, ETAI 89, Ohrid | 25-27 Septembar |
1989 | pp. 72-81 | (M63) | National conference |
1122) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Uticaj elektron-atomskih kolizionih ucestanosti na elektricnu provodnost u plazmi argona sa dodatkom natrijuma |
Zbornik radova XXV Jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o elektronskim sastavnim delovima i materijalima (SD-89), Maribor | |
1989 | pp. 171-177 | (M63) | National conference |
1123) |
Igić, D., Milenković, S., Pantić, S. |
Projektovanje GEM integrisanih kola |
Zbornik radova treceg tematskog simpozijuma za ETAI, ETAI '89, Ohrid | septembar |
1989 | pp. 111-120 | (M63) | National conference |
1124) |
Djordjević, Sl., Radenković, T. |
Generator ekranskih formiza personalne racunare |
Zbornik radova XXXIII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Novi Sad | Jun |
1989 | VIII.151-158 | (M63) | National conference |
1125) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Sinteza mreža za kompresiju linearnih jednacina |
Zbornik radova XXXIII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Novi Sad | Juni |
1989 | III/51-58 | (M63) | National conference |
1126) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Sinteza filtara minimalne osetljivosti amplitudske karaktristike |
Zbornik radova XXXIII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Novi Sad | Juni |
1989 | III/59-66 | (M63) | National conference |
1127) |
Djurić, B. |
Jedan metod sinteze filtara za ekspanziju impulsa sa cebiševljevom fazom |
III Naucno-strucni simpozijum, ETAI'89, Ohrid | 26-27.9 |
1989 | E-17/143-149 | (M63) | National conference |
1128) |
Jevtić, M., Vukčević, B. |
Programirljivi generator proizvoljnih talasnih oblika |
Zbornik radova XXXIII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Novi Sad | Juni |
1989 | Sveska II, st. 41-48 | (M63) | National conference |
1129) |
Jevtić, M., Djordjević, B. |
Konvertor temperature u vremenski interval |
Zbornik radova XXXIII Jugosovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Novi Sad | Juni |
1989 | pp. 175-181 | (M63) | National conference |
1130) |
Radenković, V., Vukčević, B., Jevtić, M. |
Sinteza proizvoljnih talasnih oblika generatorskim modulom za PC - mikroračunar |
Zbornik radova III Tematskog simpozijuma ETAI \'89, Knjiga II, Ohrid | Septembar |
1989 | st. 544-553 | (M63) | National conference |
1131) |
Stojanović, Z. |
LOST - Logicki simulator |
Magistarska teza, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1989 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1132) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Milovanović, R. |
Softverski paket za automatsko povezivanje na GEM 500 |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1, Decembar | |
1989 | - | (-) | Report |
1133) |
Janković, T., Litovski, V., Radenković, T. |
Integrisani programski paket za projektovanje gejtovskih matrica |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP8634-1, Decembar | -- |
1989 | - | (-) | Report |
1134) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Paunović, S., Petković, P., Stanojević, S. |
Makromodeli složenih logickih funkcija iz biblioteke celija GEM 500 |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1, Decembar | |
1989 | - | (-) | Report |
1135) |
Djurdjanović, O., Litovski, V., Milenković, S. |
Softverski paket za automatski razmeštaj celija na cipu GEM 500 |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1, Decembar | |
1989 | - | (-) | Report |
1136) |
Damnjanović, M. |
Softverski paket za automatsko povezivanje na GEM500 |
Elektronski fakultet, (Umnoženo kao deo izveštaja za projekat Poluprovodnicka mikroelektronika i optoelektronika), Niš | |
1989 | - | (-) | Report |
1137) |
Radenković, Z. |
Softver za automatsko generisanje projektne dokumentacije za GEM 500 |
Elektronski fakultet, (Umnoženo kao deo izveštaja za projkat Poluprovodnicka mikroelktronika i optoelektronika), Niš | |
1989 | - | (-) | Report |
1138) |
Radenković, Z. |
Simbolicki editor topologije za GEM 500 |
Elektronski fakultet, (Umnoženo kao deo izveštaja RZNS za projekt Poluprovodnicka mikroelektronika i optoelektronika), Niš | |
1989 | - | (-) | Report |
1139) |
Gmitrović, M., Kocić, A., Litovski, V., Radović, O., Randjelović, Z. |
Softverski paket za modeliranje veza na GEM500 |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1, Novembar | |
1989 | - | (-) | Report |
1140) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Elektronika I, prvi deo |
Naucna knjiga, Beograd | |
1989 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1141) |
Litovski, V. |
CADEC1: Analiza i optimizacija elektronskih kola |
Naucna knjiga, Beograd | |
1989 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1988 |
1142) |
Litovski, V. |
An integrated system for gate-array design |
Proc. of the Int. Simposium: Hybrid and semiconductor technology, gate-arrays and semiconductor lasers, Sozopol | May |
1988 | pp. 25-67 | (M31) | Invited lect. internat conference |
1143) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Petković, P. |
Analiza MOS integrisanih kola upotrebom programa MOST II |
Elektronika (nauka i praksa), Vol.8, No 1/2, Jun | |
1988 | pp. 14-Mar | (M52) | National journal |
1144) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
Jedno rešenje povezivanja u gejtovskoj matrici GEM 21 |
Elektrotehnika (Tehnika), Vol. 37, No. 3 | |
1988 | pp. 337-340 (E1-E4) | (M52) | National journal |
1145) |
Ilić, S., Litovski, V. |
Simulacija tiristorskog invertora u kolu za generisanje visokog napona u rentgenskim uredjajima |
Elektrotehnika (Tehnika), Vol. 37, No. 2 | |
1988 | pp. 221-227 (E13-E19) | (M52) | National journal |
1146) |
Janicijević, I., Janković, T., Litovski, V., Radenković, T. |
Experiences with GKS-equivalent software development for 16-bit machines, (štampano u Zborniku - Automatika-Appendix posle recenzije radova sa Konferencije: The Third Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics |
Automatika, Vol. 29, No. 1-2, Dubrovnik | 22-24 June |
1988 | A.357-A.362 | (M52) | National journal |
1147) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Filtri minimalne fazne osetljivosti sa višestrukim polovima |
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakluteta, Univerziteta u Nišu, Serija Fizika i Hemija, I, Niš | |
1988 | pp. 79-91 | (M52) | National journal |
1148) |
Dimitrijević, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S. |
Opticke osobine celestita u dalekom infracrvnom delu spektra |
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu (Serija Fizika i Hemija), 1 | |
1988 | pp. 53-58 | (M52) | National journal |
1149) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Sastav plazme u smeši argona i cezijuma |
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu (Serija Fizika i Hemija), 1 | |
1988 | pp. 93-99 | (M52) | National journal |
1150) |
Djordjević, Sl., Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Analiza bipolarnih i MOS kola programom MOST |
Zbornik radova XVI Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici, MIEL 88, Tom I, Zagreb | Maj |
1988 | pp. 303-310 | (M63) | National conference |
1151) |
Litovski, V., Stojanović, Z. |
Algoritam kontrole toka vremena u logickom simulatoru LOST |
Zbornik radova XVI Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici, MIEL 88, Tom I, Zagreb | Maj |
1988 | pp. 271-278 | (M63) | National conference |
1152) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S. |
Pregled algoritama za inicijalni razmeštaj celija u integrisanom kolu tipa GEM |
Zbornik radova XXXII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Sarajevo | 6-10 Jun |
1988 | x.123-x.130 | (M63) | National conference |
1153) |
Litovski, V. |
Automatizacija projektovanja integrisanih kola |
u MIPRO'88 Mikroelektronicki sklopovi-principi rada i projektiranja, pod redakcijom prof. Petra Biljanovica., Rijeka | Maj |
1988 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1154) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Transportne osobine u plazmi smeše ksenona i natrijuma na visokim pritiscima |
Zbornik radova XXXII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Sarajevo | Juni |
1988 | X.203-X.210 | (M63) | National conference |
1155) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Transportne osobine plazme u smeši ksenona, argona i cezijuma |
Zbornik radova XXIV Jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o elektronskim sastavnim delovima i materijalima (SD-88), Nova Gorica | |
1988 | pp. 131-137 | (M63) | National conference |
1156) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Zavisnost transportnih karakteristika plazme kriptona od pritiska |
Zbornik radova XXIV Jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o elektronskim sastavnim delovima i materijalima (SD-88), Nova Gorica | |
1988 | pp. 349-356 | (M63) | National conference |
1157) |
Janicijević, I., Janković, T., Radenković, T. |
Program za interaktivni razmeštaj celija i trasiranje veza u gejtovskoj matrici GEM 21 |
MIPRO'88, Rijeka | Maj |
1988 | 6.21-6.26 | (M63) | National conference |
1158) |
Radenković, T. |
Interaktivna grafika u projektovanju elektronskih kola |
Multimedijalni program Korak u 21. vek, Novi Sad | Maj/Jun |
1988 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1159) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Filtri s mini-max karakteristikom osetljivosti faze |
Zbornik radova XXXII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Sarajevo | Juni |
1988 | III/149-156 | (M63) | National conference |
1160) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Sinteza faznih korektora zasnovana na rešavanju linearnih jedancina |
Zbornik radova XXXII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Sarajevo | Juni |
1988 | III/141-148 | (M63) | National conference |
1161) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Milovanović, R. |
Softverski paket za automatsko povezivanje na GEM 250 |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1 | |
1988 | - | (-) | Report |
1162) |
Litovski, V., Maksimović, D., Paunović, S., Petković, P., Stanojević, S. |
Makromodeli složenih logickih funkcija iz biblioteke celija GEM 250 |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1, Decembar | |
1988 | - | (-) | Report |
1163) |
Gmitrović, M., Kocić, A., Litovski, V., Radović, O., Randjelović, Z. |
Softverski paket za modeliranje veza na GEM 250 |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1, Decembar | |
1988 | - | (-) | Report |
1164) |
Djurić, B., Janković, T., Radenković, T. |
Simbolicki editor topologije za GEM250 |
Elektronski fakultet, (Umnoženo kao deo izveštaja RZNS za projekt Poluprovodnicka mikroelektronika i optoelektronika), Niš | |
1988 | - | (-) | Report |
1165) |
Arandelović, M., Janković, T., Milicević, M. |
Softver za automatsko generisanje projektne dokumentacije za GEM250 |
Elektronski fakultet, (Umnoženo kao deo izveštaja RZNS za projekt Poluprovodnicka mikroelektronika i optoelektronika), Niš | |
1988 | - | (-) | Report |
1166) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Uvod u elektroniku, II deo |
ponovljeno nepromenjeno izdanje, Univerzitet u Nišu | |
1988 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1987 |
1167) |
Milić, B., Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Transport Properties and Weak Non-ideality in Xenon and Argon Plasmas of Intermediate Degree Ionization |
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (merged with The European Physical Journal*) (merged with The European Physical Journal*), B37, No.12, ISSN 1292-8941* | |
1987 | pp. 1238-1247 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1168) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Macromodeling and macroanalysis of CMOS LSI electronic circuits |
Proc. of the Conference on VLSI and Computers, COMPEURO 87, Hamburg | May |
1987 | pp. 512-513 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1169) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Stojanović, Z. |
LOSTIN - A computer program for communication with a gate level logic simulator |
Proc. of the 32 Int. Wiss. Kollog. der TH Ilmenau, October | |
1987 | pp. 215-218 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1170) |
Litovski, V. |
LIFT racunarski program za analizu linearnih elektronskih kola |
Elektrotehnicki vestnik, Vol. 53, No. 4-5, Avgust-Decembar | |
1987 | pp. 287-293 | (M52) | National journal |
1171) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Milicević, M. |
Generisanje inicijalnog razmeštaja u gejtovskoj matrici GEM21 |
Elektrotehnika - Tehnika, God. 36, Br. 10 | |
1987 | pp. 957-960 | (M52) | National journal |
1172) |
Djordjević, Sl., Litovski, V. |
Modeliranje i programska realizacija saturacione oblasti bipolarnog tranzistora |
Zbornik radova XV Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici, MIEL-87, Banja Luka | Maj |
1987 | pp. 269-276 | (M63) | National conference |
1173) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Razvoj makromodela CMOS logickih operatora u vremenskom domenu |
Zbornik radova XV Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici MIEL-87, Banja Luka | Maj |
1987 | pp. 55-62 | (M63) | National conference |
1174) |
Djordjević, Sl., Litovski, V. |
Modeliranje i programska realizacija modela bipolarnog tranzistora |
Zbornik radova XXXI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, ETAN 87, Bled | Juni |
1987 | x.19-x.26 | (M63) | National conference |
1175) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
Uticaj redosleda trasiranja veza na konacnu topologiju kanala u gejtovskoj matrici GEM 21 |
Zbornik radova XXXI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a,ETAN 87, Bled | Juni |
1987 | x.35-x.42 | (M63) | National conference |
1176) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Stojanović, Z. |
Mogucnosti programa ulaznog jezika LOSTIN za logicki simulator LOST |
Zbornik radova XV Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici MIEL 87, Banja Luka | Maj |
1987 | pp. 507-512 | (M63) | National conference |
1177) |
Kocić, A., Litovski, V., Milicević, M., Vacić, Z. |
Koncepcija razvoja softvera za projektovanje integrisanih kola tipa GEM |
Zbornik radova simpozijuma Projektiranje i proizvodnja podržani racunalom (PPPR), Zagreb | Oktobar |
1987 | pp. 435-440 | (M63) | National conference |
1178) |
Golubović, A., Kermendi, F., Stojilković, S., Vujatović, S. |
Sinteza, strukturne i neke opticke osobine PtSb(2) |
Zbornik radova XXXI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Bled | Juni |
1987 | XI.203-XI.209 | (M63) | National conference |
1179) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Elektricna provodnost ksenona i argona na visokim pritiscima |
Zbornik radova XXXI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Bled | Juni |
1987 | X.171-X.176 | (M63) | National conference |
1180) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Pokretljivost elektrona u plazmi argona |
Zbornik radova XXXI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Bled | Juni |
1987 | X.177-X.183 | (M63) | National conference |
1181) |
Živković, Lj., Dimitrijević, P., Rašić, D., Stojilković, S. |
Vibracioni spektri bornog stakla dobijenog depozicijom iz BN na silicijum |
Zbornik radova XXIII Jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o elektronskim sastavnim delovima i materijalima, (SD-87), Topolšica - Titovo Velenje | |
1987 | pp. 261-266 | (M63) | National conference |
1182) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Odredjivanje nekih karakteristika plazme argona sa dodatkom natrijuma |
Zbornik radova XXIII Jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o elektronskim sastavnim delovima i materijalima (SD-87), Topolšica -Titovo Velenje | |
1987 | pp. 305-309 | (M63) | National conference |
1183) |
Janicijević, I., Janković, T., Radenković, T. |
Graficki programski paket ekvivalentan GKS-u |
MIPRO 87, Rijeka | maj |
1987 | 5.1-5.5 | (M63) | National conference |
1184) |
Božić, G., Simonović, V., Stojanović, Z., Švedek, T. |
ASIC na bazi logickog niza GEM-21-fizicko projektiranje, simulacija i testiranje |
XV Jugoslovensko savetovanje o mikroelektronici MIEL 87, Banja Luka | maj |
1987 | pp. 17-24 | (M63) | National conference |
1185) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Filtri sa minimalnom faznom osetljivošcu |
Zbornik radova XXXI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Bled | Juni |
1987 | III/53-60 | (M63) | National conference |
1186) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Mreže za digitalni prenos podataka s malom interferencijom simbola |
Zbornik radova XXXI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Bled | Juni |
1987 | III/639-645 | (M63) | National conference |
1187) |
Mladenović, D., Jevtić, M. |
Akvizicija podataka iz opasnih zona distribuiranim mikroračunarskim sistemom |
XI bosanskohercegovački simpozijum iz informatike "Jahorina 87", Zbornik radova, Sarajevo | |
1987 | pp. 183.1-183.8 | (M63) | National conference |
1188) |
Kocić, M., Jevtić, M. |
Automatski testni sistem zasnovan na IEEE-488 |
Zbornik radova XXXI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Bled | Juni |
1987 | Sveska II, str. 103-110 | (M63) | National conference |
1189) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D., Stojanović, Z. |
Softverski paket za povezivanje logickog simulatora sa programima za automatsko generisanje topologije |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1, 17 Decembar | |
1987 | - | (-) | Report |
1190) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Milicević, M. |
Softverski paket za automatski razmeštaj celija na cipu GEM 250 |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1, 17 Decembar | |
1987 | - | (-) | Report |
1191) |
Litovski, V., Milicević, M. |
Softverski paket za generisanje PG trake |
Usvojila mešovita komisija TOC, VTI i VP 8634-1, 17 Septembar | |
1987 | - | (-) | Report |
1192) |
Damnjanović, M. |
Softverski paket za povezivanje logickog simulatora sa programima za automatsko generisanje topologije |
Elektronski fakultet, (Umnoženo kao deo izveštaja za istraživacki projekt Poluprovodnicka mikroelektronika i optoelektronika), Niš | |
1987 | - | (-) | Report |
1193) |
Stojanović, Z. |
Softverski paket za povezivanje logickog simulatora sa programima za automatsko generisanje topologije |
Elektronski fakultet (Umnoženo kao deo izveštaja projekta Poluprovodnička mikroelektronika i optoelektronika, usvojilo Naučno veće EF, Niš | |
1987 | - | (-) | Report |
1986 |
1194) |
Dimitrijević, P., Kostić, R., Nikolić, P., Sekulić, M., Stojilković, S. |
Optical properties of barite in the infrared and farinfrared ranges |
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (merged with The European Physical Journal*), B36, No.9 | |
1986 | pp. 1036-1073 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1195) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S., Živković, Lj. |
Xenon Plasma With Caesium As Additive |
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (merged with The European Physical Journal*), B36, No. 12., ISSN 1292-8941. | |
1986 | pp. 1366-1374 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1196) |
Litovski, V., Pantić, S. |
LANA: fortran subroutine for MOS-transistor-model implementation in circuit-analysis program |
Proc. of the 7th European conference on Electrotechnics, EUROCON 86, Pariz | 21-23. april |
1986 | pp. 436-441 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1197) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Electron mobility and conductivity in argon and xenon plasmas |
Contributed papers SPIG '86, Šibenik | |
1986 | pp. 447-450 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1198) |
Jevtić, M., Mladenović, D. |
A Hierarchical Acquisition System for the Minning Industry |
8th International Conference on Process Control in Minning, Cavtat | |
1986 | pp. 147-158 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1199) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Evaluation of the composition of xenon-argon plasma with hydrogen as additive |
FIZIKA, A Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, National Committee of IUPAP (Yugoslavia)18, (2) | |
1986 | pp. 215-220 | (M52) | National journal |
1200) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S. |
Kolo za trostepenu regulaciju boje tona |
Naucni podmladak, Vol. XVIII, No. 1-2, Univerzitet u Nišu | |
1986 | - | (M52) | National journal |
1201) |
Litovski, V., Stojanović, Z. |
Modeliranje kašnjenja logickih operatora pri razlicitim nivoima logicke simulacije |
Zbornik radova XXX Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Herceg Novi | 2-6. jun |
1986 | II.123-II.130 | (M63) | National conference |
1202) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Makroanaliza vrlo složenih CMOS kola |
Zbornik radova VIII Medjunarodnog simpozija Kompjuter na sveucilištu, Cavtat | 12-15. maj |
1986 | 2.15-1 - 2.15-8 | (M63) | National conference |
1203) |
Kocić, A., Litovski, V. |
Korišcenje programa za analizu linearnih kola u nastavi |
Zbornik radova VIII Medjunarodnog simpozija Kompjutor na sveucilištu, Cavtat | 12-15. maj |
1986 | 1A.02-1 - 1A.02-5 | (M63) | National conference |
1204) |
Rašić, D., Stojilković, S., Živković, Lj. |
Uticaj termickog tretmana na vibracione spektre fosforosilikatnog stakla |
Zbornik radova XXX Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Herceg Novi | Juni |
1986 | pp. 151-158 | (M63) | National conference |
1205) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Transportne osobine plazme u smeši argona i natrijuma |
Zbornik radova XXX Jugoslovesnske konferencije ETAN-a, Herceg Novi | Juni |
1986 | X.91-X.97 | (M63) | National conference |
1206) |
Aleksić, G., Kostić, R., Pavlović, M., Stojilković, S., Vujatović, S. |
Strukturne, transportne i neke opticke osobine PbTe dopiranog sa Pt |
Zbornik radova XXX Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Herceg Novi | Juni |
1986 | pp. 381-388 | (M63) | National conference |
1207) |
Mladenović, D., Jevtić, M. |
Realizacija centralnog mikroračunara u distribuiranom multiprocesorskom sistemu |
Zbornik radova II Konferencije SAUM, Beograd | |
1986 | st. 395-376 | (M63) | National conference |
1208) |
Jevtić, M., Mladenović, D. |
Distribuirani mikroračunarski sistem za kontrolu bezbednosti podzemne eksploatacije |
Zbornik radova II Konferencije SAUM, Beograd | |
1986 | st. 395-404 | (M63) | National conference |
1209) |
Petković, P. |
Simulacija jednosmernih režima u složenim digitalnim CMOS kolima |
Magistarski rad, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1986 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1210) |
Litovski, V., Radenković, Z., Radenković, T. |
SIMGKS - softverski paket koji simulira GKS |
- | |
1986 | - | (-) | Report |
1211) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Milovanović, D., Stojanović, Z. |
LIFT II - program za analizu linearnih elektronskih kola sa grafickim izlazom |
Grupa autora, Elektronski fakultet, (Umnoženo kao deo izveštaja RZNS za projekt Poluprovodnicka mikroelektronika i optoelektronika), Niš | |
1986 | - | (-) | Report |
1212) |
Litovski, V., Milenković, S., Petković, P., Stojanović, Z. |
MOST II - program za analizu linernih kola sa grafickim izlazom |
Elektronski fakultet, (umnoženo kao deo izveštaja RZNS za projekt Poluprovodnicka mikroelektronika i optoelektronika), Niš | |
1986 | - | (-) | Report |
1985 |
1213) |
Jevtić, M., Stojčev, M. |
Alphanumerical Symbols Shading in TV |
Electronic Engineering | December |
1985 | pp. 31-32 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1214) |
Stojilković, S., Živković, Lj. |
The influence of densification on the vibration spectra of PSG film |
VI World round Table Conference on Sintering, Herceg Novi | |
1985 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1215) |
Litovski, V., Stojanović, Z. |
Modeli celija u logickom simulatoru LOST |
Zbornik radova XIII Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici MIEL 85, Ljubljana | 8-10. maj |
1985 | pp. 115-122 | (M63) | National conference |
1216) |
Litovski, V., Pantić, S. |
Programska realizacija elektricnog modela MOS tranzistora u oblasti zakocenja |
Zbornik radova XIII Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici, MIEL 85, Ljubljana | 8-10. maj |
1985 | pp. 283-290 | (M63) | National conference |
1217) |
Litovski, V., Stojanović, Z. |
Logička simulacija upotrebom programa LOST |
XXIX Jugoslovenska konferencija ETAN-a, sveska 2 ,Proglašen za najbolji rad u Komisiji za elektroniku i dodeljena nagrada Branko Rakovic, Niš | 3-7. Jun |
1985 | pp. 21-28 | (M63) | National conference |
1218) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
Jedno rešenje problema povezivanja u kanalu gejtovske matrice GEM 21 |
Zbornik radova XXIX Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Niš | 3-7. Jun |
1985 | VIII.211-VIII.218 | (M63) | National conference |
1219) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Ka simulaciji elektronskih kola visokog stepena integracije |
Zbornik radova II Tematske konferencije za ETAI, ETAI 85, Ohrid | 17-19. oktobar |
1985 | pp. 8-Jan | (M63) | National conference |
1220) |
Litovski, V. |
O stanju opreme i programske podrške za projektovanje mikroelektronskih kola u SR Srbiji |
Zbornik radova savetovanja Stanje programske i aparaturne opreme za projektovanje elektronskih kola, Maribor | 26. novembar |
1985 | pp. 59-62 | (M63) | National conference |
1221) |
Milovanović, D., Stojanović, V. |
Uticaj radne tacke na parametre funkcionalnog modela tranzistora |
Zbornik radova XXIX Jugoslovenske Konferencije ETAN-a, Niš | Jun |
1985 | III.35-III.41 | (M63) | National conference |
1222) |
Blagojević, V., Mihajlović, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S., Vujatović, S. |
Dobijanje monokristalnog jedinjenja Bi(2)Se(3) i njegove transportne i opticke osobine u infracrvenom delu spektra |
Zbornik radova XXIX Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Niš | Juni |
1985 | XI.51-XI.56 | (M63) | National conference |
1223) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Neke transportne osobine plazme u smeši ksenona i cezijuma |
Zbornik radova XXI Jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o elektronskim sastavnim delovima i materijalima (SD-85), Ljubljana | |
1985 | pp. 141-144 | (M63) | National conference |
1224) |
Jevtić, M. |
Podržavanje projektovanja mikroračunarskih sistema specifične namene |
Zbornik radova XXIX Jugoslovenske konferrencije ETAN-a, Niš | Juni |
1985 | Sv. II, st. 113-120 | (M63) | National conference |
1225) |
Jevtić, M., Stojčev, M., Djordjević, B. |
Primena mikroračunarskih sistema u zaštiti |
IV Naučni skup "Čovek i radna sredina", Zbornik radova, Niš | |
1985 | st. 267-278 | (M63) | National conference |
1226) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Rezultati istraživanja na projektovanju CMOS IK 1981-1985 |
Grupa autora, Elektronski fakultet, (Umnoženo kao deo izveštaja za istraživacki projekt Mikroelektronske komponente), Niš | |
1985 | - | (-) | Report |
1227) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
LIFT-program za analizu linearnih elektronskih kola |
Elektronski fakultet, (Usvojilo Naucno vece Instituta EF, 1984, Preradjeno izdanje štampano 1986), Niš | |
1985 | - | (-) | Report |
1984 |
1228) |
Djurić, B. |
Chebyshev phase approximation |
Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 72, No. 4, April | |
1984 | pp. 535-537 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
1229) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Time domain temperature dependence simulation of MOS electronic circuits |
Proc. of the 6th International conference on computers in design engineering, CAD84, Brighton | April |
1984 | pp. 61-66 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1230) |
Milovanović, D., Stojanović, V. |
Uber den entwurf einer breitbandigen funktionsersatzschaltung fur tranzistoren |
29. Int.Wiss.Koll. Th, Ilmenau DDR | |
1984 | pp. 99-102 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1231) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Some transport characteristics of xenon plasma with sodium as additive |
Contributed Papers SPIG '84, šibenik | |
1984 | pp. 428-431 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1232) |
Litovski, V., Milicević, M. |
Algoritam za razbijanje ortogonalnih likova na pravougaonike |
Zbornik radova XII Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici, MIEL 84, Niš | 7-9. maj |
1984 | pp. 203-208 | (M63) | National conference |
1233) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Elektricna karakterizacija celija u gejtovskoj matrici GEM 21 |
Zbornik radova XII Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici, MIEL 84, Niš | 7-9. maj |
1984 | pp. 209-214 | (M63) | National conference |
1234) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Upotreba modifikovane metode cvorova za simulaciju SC kola u frekventnom i vremenskom domenu |
Zbornik radova XXVIII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Split | 4-8 Jun |
1984 | V.109-V.116 | (M63) | National conference |
1235) |
Milovanović, D., Stojanović, V. |
Modeliranje bipolarnih mikrotalasnih tranzistora racionalnim funkcijama |
Zbornik radova XXVIII Jugoslovenske Konferencije ETAN-a, Split | Jun |
1984 | V.3-V.9 | (M63) | National conference |
1236) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Monotoni filtri sa mini-max karakteristikom osetljivosti |
Zbornik radova XXVIII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Split | Juni |
1984 | V/141-148 | (M63) | National conference |
1237) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Elektricna provodnost plazme u smeši ksenona i cezijuma |
Zbornik radova XX Jugoslovesnskog simpozijuma o elektronskim sastavnim delovima i materijalima (SD-84), Ljubljana | |
1984 | pp. 71-77 | (M63) | National conference |
1238) |
Jevtić, M., Djordjević, B. |
Novi mikroračunarski sistem za testiranje železničkih signalno-sigurnosnih relejnih uređaja |
Zbornik radova XXVIII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Split | |
1984 | Sveska 2, 19-26 | (M63) | National conference |
1239) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
MOST-program za simulaciju elektronskih kola sa MOS tranzistorima |
Elektronski fakultet, (Usvojilo Naucno vece Instituta EF, 1984, Preradjeno izdanje štampano 1986) | |
1984 | - | (-) | Report |
1983 |
1240) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
New solution for the ideal filter approximation problem |
IEE Proceedings, Pt. G. , Vol. 130, No. 4, August, ISSN 0956-3768 | |
1983 | pp. 161-163 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1241) |
Pavlović, T., Stojilković, S., Živković, Lj. |
The optical properties of some polycistalline alumina oxsides |
Glass and Ceramics (Formerly Science of Ceramics), Vol. 12, ISSN: 0361-7610 | |
1983 | pp. 721-728 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1242) |
Djurić, B., Petković, R. |
Synthesis of filters with arbitrary number of infinity attenuation frequencys |
Proceedings of the European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 83, Stuttgart, FR Germany | September |
1983 | pp. 62-64 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1243) |
Mihajlović, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S., Zlatić, V. |
Opticke osobine itrijum-aluminijum granata (YAG) |
Naucno-tehnicki pregled VTI, XXXIII, No. 10 | |
1983 | pp. 18-21 | (M52) | National journal |
1244) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P., Ristić, S. |
Simulacija temperaturske zavisnosti elektricnih karakteristika kola sa MOS tranzistorima |
Zbornik radova XXVII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Struga | 6-10. Jun |
1983 | II.43-II.48 | (M63) | National conference |
1245) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
Povezivanje celija u integrisanom kolu |
Zbornik radova XI Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici MIEL 83, Zagreb | april |
1983 | pp. 47-54 | (M63) | National conference |
1246) |
Djurdjanović, O., Djurić, B. |
Monotoni filtri sa srednjom kvadratnom greškom osetljivosti |
Zbornik radova XXVII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Struga | Juni |
1983 | II/175-182 | (M63) | National conference |
1247) |
Djurić, B., Petković, R. |
Generalizacija analize selektivnih monotonih filtara |
Zbornik radova XXVII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Struga | Juni |
1983 | II/167-174 | (M63) | National conference |
1248) |
Chambrlain, J., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S., Vujatović, S., Zlatić, V. |
Dobijanje i fotoprovodne osobine CdIn(2)Te(4) |
Zbornik radova XXVII Jugoslovenke konferencije ETAN-a, Struga | Juni |
1983 | V.11-V.17 | (M63) | National conference |
1249) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Slabo neidealna plazma u smeši ksenona i natrijuma |
Zbornik radova XXVII Jugoslovenke konferencije ETAN-a, Struga | Juni |
1983 | V.391-V.397 | (M63) | National conference |
1250) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Ispitivanje uticaja alkalnih metala na koncentraciju elektrona u plazmi ksenona |
Zbornik radova XIX Jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o elektronskim sastavnim delovima i materijalima (SD-83), Ljubljana | |
1983 | pp. 87-91 | (M63) | National conference |
1251) |
Stojčev, M., Jevtić, M. |
Novo rešenje za generisanje senčenih alfanumeričkih i garfičkih simbola |
Zbornik radova XXVII Jugoslovenska konferencija ETAN-a, Struga | |
1983 | sv. IV, st. 505-511 | (M63) | National conference |
1252) |
Radenković, V., Stojčev, M., Jevtić, M. |
Uloga mikororačunara na relaciji čovek-mašina-automatizacija |
Naučni skup "Sistem čovek-mašina", Bela Palanka | Oktobar |
1983 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1253) |
Stojčev, M., Radenković, V., Jevtić, M. |
Uloga mikroračunara na relaciji čovek-mašina-automatizacija |
- | |
1983 | st. 19-22 | (M63) | National conference |
1254) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Uvod u elektroniku, II deo |
Univerzitet u Nišu | |
1983 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1255) |
Litovski, V., Pavlović, V., Petković, P., Radmanović, M. |
Praktikum labaratorijskih vežbanja iz fizickih osnova elektronike |
Univerzitet u Nišu | |
1983 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1982 |
1256) |
Ristić, M., Stojilković, S., Živković, Lj. |
The contribution to the study of anihilation of defects by electrical resistiviy measurements |
Science of Sintering, 14, No. 2 | |
1982 | pp. 57-60 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1257) |
Litovski, V. |
Transient simulation in circuits with MOS transistors |
Proc. of the 27. Intern. Wiss. Koll. TH, Ilmenau | |
1982 | pp. 237-240 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1258) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Fazni korektori u elektricnim filtrima neminimalne faze |
Tehnika (Elektrotehnika), Vol. 31, No. 6 | |
1982 | pp. 1025-1028 | (M52) | National journal |
1259) |
Litovski, V., Stanojević, S. |
Simbolicka analiza elektricnih kola |
Tehnika (Elektrotehnika), Vol. 31, No. 12. | |
1982 | pp. 1895-1989 | (M52) | National journal |
1260) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
Realizacija jednog algoritma za projektovanje veza u integrisanim kolima |
Automatika, Vol. 23, No.1-2. | |
1982 | pp. 47-53 | (M52) | National journal |
1261) |
Djordjević, Sl., Litovski, V., Pantić, S., Petković, P., Stojanović, Z. |
MOST-program za simulaciju prelaznih režima u kolima sa MOS tranzistorima |
Zbornik radova XXVI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Subotica | 7-11.jun |
1982 | I.19-I.26 | (M63) | National conference |
1262) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V., Milicević, M. |
Projektovanje integrisanih kola: problem layout-a |
Zbornik radova X Jugoslovenskog savetovanja o mikroelektronici, MIEL 82, Banja Luka | 12-16. april |
1982 | pp. 85-116 | (M63) | National conference |
1263) |
Djurić, B. |
Mini-max aproksimacija linearne faze |
Zbornik radova XXVI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Subotica | Juni |
1982 | I/155-161 | (M63) | National conference |
1264) |
Djurić, B., Živaljević, C. |
Fizicki ostvarljive prenosne funkcije za duobinarni prenos |
XVI Jugoslovenski simpozijum o telekomunikacijama YUTEL 82, Ljubljana | 5-6.10 |
1982 | E/4 1-5 | (M63) | National conference |
1265) |
Mihajlović, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S., Zlatić, V. |
Opticki fononi iritijum-aluminijum granata (YAG) kristala |
VIII Jug. simpozijuim fizike kond. mater., Porec | |
1982 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1266) |
Grbić, R., Nikolić, P., Pavlović, M., Stojilković, S., Vujatović, S. |
Postupak dobijanja, transportne i opticke osobine HgTe(0.8)-CdTe(0.2) |
Zbornik radova XXVI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Subotica | Juni |
1982 | pp. 49-56 | (M63) | National conference |
1267) |
Novaković, N., Stojilković, S. |
Ravnotežni sastav plazme u smeši ksenona i argona sa dodatkom vodonika |
Zbornik radova XXVI Jugoslovesnske konferencije ETAN-a, Subotica | Juni |
1982 | I.489-I.496 | (M63) | National conference |
1268) |
Krstić, D., Jevtić, M. |
Novi metod sinteze širokopojasnih kvadraturnih mreža sa linearnom faznom karakteristikom |
Zbornik radova XXVI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Subotica | |
1982 | Sveska I, st.163-169 | (M63) | National conference |
1269) |
Jevtić, M., Stojčev, M. |
Novi videodisplej sistem sa dinamičkim definisanjem simbola |
Zbornik radova XXVI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Subotica | |
1982 | sv I, st. 27-33 | (M63) | National conference |
1270) |
Damnjanović, M. |
Programska realizacija jednog algoritma za projektovanje veza u integrisanim kolima |
Magistarski rad, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1982 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1271) |
Damnjanović, M., Litovski, V. |
Projektovanje CMOS LSI kola IV |
Grupa autora, Studija, Elektronski fakultet, Usvojilo Naucno vece Instituta EF, 1982) | |
1982 | - | (-) | Report |
1981 |
1272) |
Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S. |
Far infrared optical properties of single crystal CdGa(2)Te(4) |
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, Vol. 14, ISSN 0022-3719 | |
1981 | pp. L551-L555 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1273) |
Djurić, B., Gmitrović, M., Petković, R. |
A new class of monotonic selective filters with maximum slope out of the passband |
Proceedings of the European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 81, Hague, Netherlands | August |
1981 | pp. 693-695 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1274) |
Litovski, V., Stanković, T. |
Simulacija prelaznih režima u elektricnim kolima sa magnetima sa pokretnom kotvom |
Elektronika (Nauka i praksa), Vol.1, Br. 1 | |
1981 | pp. 16-21 | (M52) | National journal |
1275) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Jedan metod sinteze prenosnih funkcija filtara za prenos govora i impulsa |
Zbornik radova XXV Jugoslovenske Konferencije ETAN-a, Mostar | Juni |
1981 | I.165-I.171 | (M63) | National conference |
1276) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Algoritam za kontrolu koraka pri numerickoj integraciji jednacina elektronskih kola |
III Znanstveni skup Numericke metode u tehnici, Stubicke Toplice | 23-24.11 |
1981 | pp. 599-607 | (M63) | National conference |
1277) |
Djordjević, Sl., Jovanović, S., Petković, P. |
Odredjivanje parametara baze tranzistora snage nedestruktivnim putem |
Zbornik radova XXV jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Mostar | Juni |
1981 | I.433-I.440 | (M63) | National conference |
1278) |
Djurić, B., Petković, R. |
Jedan algoritam za sintezu selektivnih filtara |
Simpozijum iz informatike Jahorina 81, Jahorina | Mart |
1981 | 365/1-8 | (M63) | National conference |
1279) |
Djurić, B., Živaljević, C. |
Nove klase filtara za prenos podataka |
Zbornik radova XXV Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Mostar | Jun |
1981 | I/173-180 | (M63) | National conference |
1280) |
Djurić, B., Živaljević, C. |
Jedan numericki postupak sinteze sistema za prenos digitalnih signala |
XV Jugoslovenski medjunarodni simpozijum iz informatike INFORMATICA 81, Ljubljana | 5-6.10 |
1981 | pp. 6-207/1-2 | (M63) | National conference |
1281) |
Jevtić, M., Krstić, D. |
Nove prenosne funkcije impulsnih filtara sa Laguerr-ovim polinomima |
Zbornik radova XXV Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Mostar | |
1981 | Sv.1, st. 149-156 | (M63) | National conference |
1282) |
Litovski, V., Stanković, T., Vacić, Z. |
Jedno rešenje automatskog upravljanja i kontrole sistema sa decentralizovanim pogonom |
Zbornik radova I naucno-strucnog skupa Specificni problem projektovanja i izrade finomehanickih uredjaja, Mašinski fakultet, Niš | septembar |
1981 | - | (M64) | National conf.(part. |
1283) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Uvod u elektroniku I deo |
Institut za naucno-tehnicku dokumentaciju Zaštite na radu, Niš | |
1981 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1284) |
Litovski, V. |
Projektovanje elektronskih kola pomocu racunara |
Univerzitet u Nišu | |
1981 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1285) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Zbirka zadataka iz projektovanja elektronskih kola |
drugo dopunjeno izdanje, Univerzitet u Nišu | |
1981 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1980 |
1286) |
Dimitrijević, P., Mihajlović, P., Nikolić, P., Sekulić, M., Stojilković, S. |
Optical properties of the orthorhombic mineral barite |
FIZIKA, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 12, Suppl. 1, ISSN: 0044-4510 | |
1980 | pp. 169-173 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1287) |
Dimitrijević, P., Mihajlović, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S. |
Far infrared transmission properties for single crystals of GeS |
Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Vol. XX, ISSN 1062-0125 | |
1980 | pp. 21-24 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1288) |
Stojanović, V., Jevtić, M. |
Design of filters with prescribed time response and Chebyshev stopband attenuation |
International Journal of Electronics Volume 49, Issue 6, doi:10.1080/0020721800 | |
1980 | pp. 447-463 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1289) |
Litovski, V., Mitić, P. |
Sinteza prenosnih funkcija selektivnih filtara propusnika opsega s linearnom faznom karakteristikom |
Tehnika (Elektrotehnika), br. 1 | |
1980 | E1-E6 | (M52) | National journal |
1290) |
Jevtić, M., Litovski, V., Pantić, S. |
Uticaj nesavršenosti operacionih pojacivaca na karakteristike niskopropusnih filtara |
Tehnika (Elektrotehnika), br. 10 | |
1980 | E7-E12 | (M52) | National journal |
1291) |
Litovski, V., Radović, R. |
Neka iskustva u modeliranju i simulaciji kardiovaskularnog sistema |
Simpozijum Biomedicinska elektronika, Skoplje | april |
1980 | pp. 60-85 | (M63) | National conference |
1292) |
Litovski, V., Simonović, V. |
Simulacija prelaznih režima u kolima sa MOS tranzistorima |
MIEL 80, Simpozijum o mikroelektronici, Niška Banja | april |
1980 | pp. 215-221 | (M63) | National conference |
1293) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Razvoj softvera za simulaciju elektronskih kola sa MOS tranzistorima |
II Znanstveni skup Numericke metode u tehnici, Stubicke Toplice | 20-21. novembar |
1980 | pp. 145-155 | (M63) | National conference |
1294) |
Dimitrijević, P., Mihajlović, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S. |
Opticke osobine ortorobmicnog sulfatnog minerala barita |
VII Jug. simpozijum fizike kond. mater., Ohrid | |
1980 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1295) |
Milovanović, D. |
Novi metodi sinteze neminimalno-faznih filtarskih funkcija |
Magistarski rad, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | Decembar |
1980 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1296) |
Litovski, V. |
Projektovanje C/MOS LSI kola III |
Grupa autora, Studija, Elektronski fakultet, Usvojilo Naucno vece Instituta EF 1980, Niš | |
1980 | - | (-) | Report |
1979 |
1297) |
Litovski, V. |
Synthesis of monotonic passband sharp cutoff filters with constant group delay response |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol. CAS-26, No. 8, ISSN 1549-8328 | |
1979 | pp. 597-602 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
1298) |
Litovski, V. |
Computer and electronic simulation of ring waterwork systems |
24. Intern.Wiss.Koll.TH, Ilmenau | |
1979 | pp. 133-136 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1299) |
Mihajlović, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S. |
Optical properties of semiconducting CdGa(2)Te(4) |
Second international school of syntetis materials for electronic, Warszawa | |
1979 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1300) |
Dimitrijević, P., Mihajlović, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S. |
Far-infrared transmission properites of single crystal type IV-VI |
Proceeding of the IV Yug.-Ger. meeting sci and development, (Ed. by I.Stamenkovic and M.Mitkov, Institut Boris Kidric Beograd), Arandjlovac | October |
1979 | pp. 287-291 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1301) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Karakteristike niskofrekventnih monotonih filtara za linijske skretnice |
Zbornik radova Saobracajnog fakulteta, br. 4 | |
1979 | pp. 49-93 | (M52) | National journal |
1302) |
Litovski, V., Petković, P. |
Jedan metod simulacije elektronskih kola sa MOS tranzistorima |
MIEL 79, Simpozijum o mikroelektronici, Beograd | |
1979 | pp. 77-83 | (M63) | National conference |
1303) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Jedan metod sinteze prenosnih funkcija za prenos podataka |
Zbornik radova XXIII Konferencije ETAN-a, Maribor | Juni |
1979 | I.177-I.182 | (M63) | National conference |
1304) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Jedna nova metoda sinteze filtara sa linearno opadajucim grupnim kašnjenjem |
XXIII Konferencija ETAN-a, Maribor | Juni |
1979 | I.169-I.176 | (M63) | National conference |
1305) |
Dimitrijević, P., Nikolić, P., Stojilković, S. |
Opticke osobine poluprovodnickog jedinjenja CdGa(2)Te(4) |
Zbornik radova XXIII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Maribor | Juni |
1979 | I.567-I.573 | (M63) | National conference |
1306) |
Jevtić, M., Stojanović, V. |
Osetljivost aktivnih RC filtara u vremenskom domenu |
Zbornik radova XXIII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Maribor | |
1979 | sv.1, st. 223-230 | (M63) | National conference |
1307) |
Stojilković, S. |
Opticke osobine nekih kadijumovih poluprovodnickih jedinjenja tipa A(II)B(III2)C(VI4) |
Doktorska disertacija, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1979 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
1308) |
Litovski, V. |
Projektovanje C/MOS LSI kola II |
Grupa autora, Studija, Elektronski fakultet, Usvojilo Naucno vece Instituta EF, 1979, Niš | |
1979 | - | (-) | Report |
1978 |
1309) |
Dimitrijević, P., Nikolić, P., Popović, Z., Stojilković, S. |
Analysis of ionic bonds in semiconducting A(I)B(III)C(VI2) compounds |
FIZIKA, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 10, Suppl. 2, ISSN 0044-4510 | |
1978 | pp. 98-101 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1310) |
Dimitrijević, P., Nikolić, P., Rakić, M., Stojilković, S., Vujatović, S. |
Production crystallographic and optical properties of A(II)B(III2)C(VI4) semiconducting materials |
FIZIKA, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 10, Supp. 2, ISSN 0044-4510 | |
1978 | pp. 362-366 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1311) |
Litovski, V. |
Lowpass filter design using complex transmission zeros |
23. Intern.Wiss.Koll.TH, Ilmenau | |
1978 | pp. 29-32 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1312) |
Litovski, V., Petrović, G. |
Sinteza filtarske celije drugog reda sa proizvoljnim rasporedom nula prenosa |
Tehnika (Elektrotehnika), br.7-8 | |
1978 | E1-E3 | (M52) | National journal |
1313) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Sinteza neminimalno-faznih filtarskih funkcija s suboptimalnom karakteristikom grupnog kašnjenja |
Zbornik radova XXII Konferencije ETAN-a, Zadar | Juni |
1978 | I.289-I.296 | (M63) | National conference |
1314) |
Nikolić, Z., Ristić, M., Stojilković, S. |
Jedan nov nacin prikazivanja zavisnosti specificne elektricne otpornosti poroznih materijala od pritiska presovanja i temperature odgrevanja |
Zbornik radova XXII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Zadar | Juni |
1978 | pp. 187-194 | (M63) | National conference |
1315) |
Nikolić, Lj., Nikolić, Z., Stojilković, S. |
Uticaj pritiska presovanja na sinterovanje Al(2)O(3) gela |
Zbornik radova XXII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Zadar | Juni |
1978 | pp. 195-201 | (M63) | National conference |
1316) |
Jevtić, M., Stojanović, V. |
Sukcesivna aproksimacija vremenske i frekventne karakteristike niskofrekventnih filtara |
Zbornik radova XXII Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Zadar | |
1978 | sv.1, st.305-312 | (M63) | National conference |
1317) |
Litovski, V. |
Projektovanje C/MOS LSI kola I |
Grupa autora, Studija, Elektronski fakultet, Usvojilo Naucno vece Instituta EF, 1978, Niš | |
1978 | - | (-) | Report |
1318) |
Litovski, V. |
Zbirka zadataka iz projektovanja elektronskih kola |
Naucni podmladak, Niš | |
1978 | - | (-) | Educat. publication |
1977 |
1319) |
Ristić, M., Stojilković, S. |
A contribution to study of recovery process of disperse CdO |
Fourth international round table conference on sintering, Dubrovnik | |
1977 | - | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1320) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
O jednoj novoj klasi selektivnih filara sa linearnom faznom karakteristikom |
XXI Konferencija ETAN-a, Banja Luka | Jun |
1977 | I.243-I.249 | (M63) | National conference |
1321) |
Litovski, V., Milovanović, D. |
Selektivni polinomski filtri sa linearnom faznom karakteristikom |
Zbornik radova XXI Konferencije ETAN-a, Banja Luka | Juni |
1977 | I.251-I.257 | (M63) | National conference |
1322) |
Ristić, M., Stojilković, S. |
Elektricna otpornost i Holov koeficijent disperznog presovanog CdO |
Zbornik radova XXI Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Banja Luka | Juni |
1977 | I.507-I.515 | (M63) | National conference |
1323) |
Nikolić, Z., Ristić, M., Stojilković, S. |
Procesi presovanja i njihova matematicko-fizicka formulacija |
Zbornik radova XII Jugoslovenskog simpozijuma o elektronskim sastavnim delovima i materijalima (SD-77), Ljubljana | |
1977 | pp. 192-198 | (M63) | National conference |
1324) |
Litovski, V. |
Selektivni filtri s monotonom amplitudskom karakteristikom i konstantnim grupnim kašnjenjem u propusnom opsegu |
Doktorska disertacija, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1977 | - | (M71) | PhD thesis |
1325) |
Stojilković, S. |
Uticaj pritiska presovanja na elektricnu otpornost CdO |
Magistarski rad, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1977 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1976 |
1326) |
Litovski, V. |
Gaussov filtar sa modifikovanom karakteristicnom funcijom |
XX Konferencija ETAN-a, saopštenje, Opatija | |
1976 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1327) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V., Radmanović, M., Stojanović, V. |
Realizacija uskopojasnog aktivnog filtra sa specijalnim zahtevima u prelaznoj zoni YUTEL 76 |
Simpozijum o telekomunikacijama, Ljubljana | |
1976 | C/VII--1-C/VII-7 | (M63) | National conference |
1328) |
Jevtić, M., Djurić, B. |
Jedan metod sinteze impulsnih filtara sa konačnim nulama prenosa |
Zbornik radova XX Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Opatija | |
1976 | str. 382 | (M63) | National conference |
1975 |
1329) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Automatsko projektovanje generalnog fitra |
XIX Konferencija ETAN-a, Ohrid | Juni |
1975 | pp. 129-138 | (M63) | National conference |
1330) |
Jevtić, M., Djurić, B. |
Kvazi Čebiševljeva aproksimacija karakteristike grupnog kašnjenja |
Zbornik radova XIX Jugoslovenske konferencije ETAN-a, Ohrid | |
1975 | pp. 169-178 | (M63) | National conference |
1974 |
1331) |
Raković, B., Litovski, V. |
Monotonic Passband Low-Pass Filter With Chebyshev Stopband Attenuation |
IEEE Transactions On Audio Speech And Language Processing, (Formerly IEEE Trans.on Acoustics, speech,and signal processing), Vol. ASSP-22, ISSN 1558-7916 | |
1974 | pp. 39-44 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1332) |
Litovski, V., Raković, B. |
Attenuation characteristics and element values of least-squares monotonic passband filters with an arbitrary number of transmission zeros |
Publikacije elektrotehnickog fakulteta, Serija ETA | |
1974 | pp. 67-101 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1333) |
Litovski, V., Lazović, S. |
Design of general stopband lowpass filters with equiripple passband response |
Publikacije elektrotehnickog fakulteta, Serija ETA | |
1974 | pp. 45-52 | (M22) | Eminent internat. journal |
1334) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V., Radmanović, M. |
Automatsko projektovanje niskopropusnih lestvicastih filtara sa zadatim karakteristikama |
XVIII Konferencija ETAN-a, Ulcinj | Juni |
1974 | pp. 290-297 | (M63) | National conference |
1335) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V., Radmanović, M. |
Algoritam za automatsku sintezu prelaznih Thomson-Butterworth-ovih filtara |
XVIII Konferencija ETAN-a, saopštenje, Ulcinj | |
1974 | - | (M63) | National conference |
1336) |
Litovski, V. |
Novi metodi sinteze selektivnih filtara s monotonom karakteristikom u propusnom opsegu |
Magistarska teza, Elektronski fakultet, Niš | |
1974 | - | (M72) | MSc thesis |
1973 |
1337) |
Raković, B., Litovski, V. |
Least-squares monotonic lowpass filters with sharp cutoff |
Electronic Letters, Vol.9, No. 4, ISSN 0013-5194 | |
1973 | pp. 75-76 | (M21) | Lead.internat.journal |
1971 |
1338) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
A new method of band-pass allpass network synthesis for compression |
II International Symposium on Network Theory, Herceg-Novi | |
1971 | pp. 275-284 | (M33) | Internat.conf.(full) |
1339) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Jedna nova metoda sinteze prenosne funkcije za kompresiju impulsa |
XVI Konferencija ETAN-a, Velenje | Juni |
1971 | pp. 373-381 | (M63) | National conference |
1970 |
1340) |
Litovski, V. |
Filtri sa maksimalno zaravnjenom karakteristikom grupnog kašnjenja i jedna nova klasa filtara sa dobrim grupnim kašnjenjem |
Naučni podmladak, Vol. 2 | |
1970 | pp. 115-126 | (M52) | National journal |
1341) |
Litovski, V. |
Granicno monotona amplitudna karakteristika sa konacim nulama prenosa i maksimalnim nagibom na granici propusnog opsega |
Tehnika (Elektrotehnika), br. 2 | |
1970 | E1-E3 | (M52) | National journal |
1342) |
Lazović, S., Litovski, V. |
Ka problemu aproksimacije konstantnog grupnog kašnjenja |
XIV Konferencija ETAN-a, Sarajevo | Juni |
1970 | pp. 25-35 | (M63) | National conference |